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Servant - hired to be a personal attendant to somebody.

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1 Servant - hired to be a personal attendant to somebody


3 Matthew 3:1-12

4 Mom and Dad you just got to meet this friend of mine!







11 “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near”

12 Repent- You were born a card carrying member of the sin community. Denounce your former alliance and swear allegiance by giving your life to the Holy community.

13 Kingdom of Heaven is near- The rule and reign of Christ is at hand. Give your life and prepare it for Him. “I serve at the pleasure of the Commander in Chief of the universe.”

14 Prophet Isaiah said “A voice calling in the desert ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him’”

15 What areas of your life need straightened out? Relationships? Marriage? Family? Employment? Finances? Spiritual life?

16 Confessing- admit having done something wrong Leaving the Community of Sin

17 Baptize- a sign that the person has been accepted into the Christian faith Entering the Community of Holiness

18 “You Brood of Vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”

19 “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”

20 Baptize- a sign that the person has been accepted into the Christian faith Water – Public confession Holy Spirit- Seal of Righteousness, Power, and Conscience. Entering the Community of Holiness


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