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THE ILIAD BY HOMER Introduction to the Text. THE ILIAD: INTRODUCTION  “Iliad” is word that means “a poem about Ilium” (another name for Troy)  In the.

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1 THE ILIAD BY HOMER Introduction to the Text

2 THE ILIAD: INTRODUCTION  “Iliad” is word that means “a poem about Ilium” (another name for Troy)  In the fifth century, the Greek historian Herodotus referred to Homer’s work by that name (the Iliad), and it’s been called it ever since  Really the poem could be called the Achillead, since the primary focus is Achilles and his rage.  Originally the poem had 15,693 lines of hexameter verse  The poet is known as “Homer,” but little about his life is known

3 THE ILIAD: INTRODUCTION  First printed edition of Homer was in Florence in 1488; before that Homer’s work existed only in handwritten copies  Greek a difficult language to read; Petrarch tried to learn and gave up  Dante puts Homer in the first circle of Hell as a “Virtuous Heathen,” but had never read Homer’s work.

4 ILIAD: INTRODUCTION  Argument about when exactly Homer lived  Herodotus believed he lived in the 9 th century B.C.,  Other reports have him as far back as 12 th century B.C. (about 140 years after Trojan War).  General agreement: Homer was a blind poet  Universally acknowledged as a genius; Iliad and the Odyssey are epics of the finest order

5 THE TROJAN WAR  The Iliad takes place in the 10 th and final year of the Trojan War, which was the greatest conflict in Greek mythology  The war was fought between the Greeks and Trojans (with their allies), upon the city of Troy (Ilium), on Asia Minor (modern Turkey).  The war lasted for ten years and it has been traditionally dated from 1194 to 1184 BC.  The Trojan War influenced art, literature, music, and philosophy for generations to come.

6 BACKGROUND TO THE TROJAN WAR  The Gods Apollo and Poseidon construct the city of Troy for Laomedon.  For many years, Troy is ruled by King Priam (Laomedon’s son) and Queen Hecuba.  Troy famous for its massive walls, which prophecy said could never be breached.  Hecuba dreams while pregnant that she gave birth to a firebrand or flaming torch.  Cassandra, Priam’s daughter who has the gift of prophecy, interprets the dream: the new-born son (Paris), should be killed; otherwise he will lead to the destruction of Troy.

7 TROJAN WAR BACKGROUND  Paris is taken away to Mount Ida to be killed, but is rescued by shepherds and lived with them as such for several years.  One version says that Paris was “suckled by a bear” while living on Mount Ida.  Similar events take place on Mount Cithaeron involving a prophecy, a shepherd and a foundling take place in Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. 

8 TROJAN WAR BACKGROUND  Parallel Story: the marriage of the mortal Peleus and immortal nymph Thetis (it all connects, trust me)  Peleus marries the sea-nymph Thetis on Mount Ida, and all the Gods attend the ceremony.  Thetis and Peleus are the mother and father of the great Greek warrior, Achilles.  Hera, wife of Zeus, organizes a spectacular wedding, and all the gods and goddesses are invited (well, almost all).

9 TROJAN WAR: BACKGROUND  Eris, the goddess of discord and strife, was deliberately left off the invitation list.  Eris comes anyway, and at the ceremony throws out a golden apple with the inscription “for the fairest,” among the crowd.  Three Goddesses Contend for the apple and for the label of the “fairest”  Hera: Wife of Zeus, queen of the Gods  Athena: Goddess of wisdom, military strategy  Aphrodite: Goddess of beauty and of love

10 TROJAN WAR BACKGROUND: THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS  The three goddesses ask Zeus to choose, but he wisely refuses.  Instead, he enlists the aid of the shepherd boy, Paris, and appoints him the judge.  All three goddesses attempt to win Paris’ favor with gifts  Hera offers him worldly power so that he can be a ruler with unlimited riches.  Athena offers him the ability to be a great hero or general, endowed with wisdom.  Aphrodite offers him the love of the most beautiful women in the world.

11 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS  Paris chooses Aphrodite’s offer, and he awards her the Golden Apple.  She in return gives him the love of Helen of Sparta, the wife of the Greek commander Menelaus (Agamemnon’s brother).  Helen is reportedly the most beautiful woman who has ever lived; she is later and better know as Helen of Troy, as Paris’ “wife.”  Key ** Athena and Hera hate Paris and all of Troy from that moment on. Aphrodite will support the Trojans.  Paris has a wife on Mount Ida, Oenone, but he abandons her to pursue Helen.

12 HELEN OF SPARTA  Helen is the daughter Leda and Zeus, who took the form of a swan when he copulated with her.  Leda’s mortal husband, Tyndareus, became Helen’s legitimate “father.”  When it was time for Helen to marry, many kings and princes from around the world came to seek her hand or sent emissaries to do so on their behalf.  Many Greek commanders wanted to marry her, including Ajax, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, Diomedes, and Patroclus.

13 HELEN OF SPARTA  Tyndareus was afraid of choosing a husband for Helen among all the suitors (fearing bloodshed among the rejected rivals)  Odysseus proposes a pact: the suitors must swear an oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him.  All agree, and Menelaus is the chosen husband.  Menelaus becomes king of Sparta and lives for nine years with Helen there.  They have one daughter, Hermione.

14 THE SEDUCTION OF HELEN  Paris has by this time returned home to Troy, been recognized, and assumes his rightful place in the royal family.  He prepares for his journey to Sparta to win Helen, but is warned by Cassandra that his trip would cause the ruin of Troy; he goes anyway.  Paris travels to Sparta and is the guest of Menelaus there.  Helen of course falls in love with him, and the two elope while Menelaus is away at his grandfather’s funeral.  Helen leaves Hermione behind to start her new life in Troy as Paris’ “wife.”

15 BEGINNING OF THE TROJAN WAR  When he finds Helen gone, an enraged Menelaus calls on the former suitors of Helen to fulfill their oath.  Helen becomes “the face that launched a thousand ships,” as Christopher Marlowe famously says in the English Renaissance play Dr. Faustus.  The Trojan War becomes a quest for the Greeks to return Helen to Menelaus.  Key Theme**: Objectification of Women. The female as possession, trophy, for the male pursuer.  Agamemnon, the Greek commander, also wants to take Troy and its riches.

16  The politics of war  Public vs. Private agendas  Achilles:  --vs. The Trojans  --vs. Agamemnon  --vs. his own destiny ILIAD: KEY THEMES  Epic Conventions  Polytheistic Universe  Epic Conventions  Tragic Hero  Reputation and Shame  Homer’s style  Fate vs. Free will

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