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Start of the Day  Work on any missing assignments you may have.  If you have not finished unwrapping your UV’s continue unwrapping them.  If you have.

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Presentation on theme: "Start of the Day  Work on any missing assignments you may have.  If you have not finished unwrapping your UV’s continue unwrapping them.  If you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start of the Day  Work on any missing assignments you may have.  If you have not finished unwrapping your UV’s continue unwrapping them.  If you have finished unwrapping your UV’s begin painting the UV’s be sure to mark the sides of the faces so that your UV Map is as clear as possible.

2 Start of the Day  Download the Chair.blend file from the Birmingham Website.  Open up your Texturing Notes  On a new page title it “Texturing Part 3a – Texture Painting”  Answer the following question:  What was the hardest part of unwrapping the UV’s for you?

3 Texturing Part 4a – Texture Painting

4 Standard  Career and Technical Education: Arts, Media and Entertainment: A2.1 Demonstrate skill in the manipulation of digital imagery in an industry-relevant application.

5 Learning Target  I will demonstrate my ability to manipulate faces and UV ’s by painting directly on my UV Map in order to mark the locations of faces on my 3-Dimensional model.

6 UV Unwrap  Now that you have unwrapped the UV’s you should have the faces of your object cleanly laid out as straight as possible.  However, how can we tell which UV’s correspond to what face?

7 2-D Texture Painting  We can paint the UV’s directly in the UV Image Editor.  If Texture View is On in the 3-D View Port you will see the colors painted on in real time as you paint on the UV’s.

8 Accessing 2-D Paint Mode  In the UV Image Editor set your UV Mode from View to Paint  Click “+ New” to create a new image.  Set the Generated Type to “Blank”  Tap “T” to get the UV Paint Tool.  You can use the side menu to choose the color and brush you want.  Once you have chosen your color you can begin to paint, either with the mouse or with your pen.

9 Export  Once you have marked your faces with the color you want you will then need to export the UV’s.  Make sure your UV Mode is set to View.  Select Image.  Click on Save As Image  Name the image and click Save Image  You will then be able to open it in Photoshop.

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