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WELCOME TO COSMETOLOGY 2 Mrs. Corry Miss Greil Our Mission We will find a way to teach each and every one of our students We will produce students that.

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2 WELCOME TO COSMETOLOGY 2 Mrs. Corry Miss Greil

3 Our Mission We will find a way to teach each and every one of our students We will produce students that will pass the State Board licensing exam

4 Miss Greil Former high school cosmetology student 10 years as a licensed stylist 8 years of salon management/ multi managing Training and growing student/stylist skills

5 Mrs. Corry Been in the Cosmetology industry over 35 years Teacher over 17 years Salon over 20 years Asst. Manager, Manager, Salon Educator

6 Drills Fire Drills Tornado Drills Lockdown Drills Earthquake Drills

7 Attendance Miss no more than 7 days per school year Salon Internships are available to qualifying students Curriculum requirements, in P&P

8 Tour Labs Bathroom/Break Dispensary Classroom

9 BASIC Salon Skills You will learn how to perform skills at the National Standard Level Not “specialize” Professionalism

10 What do I need? 2 Inch 3-Ring Binder, w/ approx. 20 dividers Purchase a kit- Optional School planner Paper, Pencil & pens

11 CLASS RITUALS Hand signs Clap once if you can hear me Chimes Flower pot

12 Fire Drills Walk out Door # 27, near ROTC, if in the Lab Walk out Door # 29 If in the classroom Meet at ticket house Roll call Green/Red sign

13 Dress Code PWC Dress Code is strictly enforced at WSHS Must wear smock when working in the Lab – Closed toed shoes Dress using common sense No B,B,B,B

14 Problems Talk to the student Contact parent Referral- Contact Parent Request a conference 3 referrals + out the door

15 Bathroom Breaks You will have time to go when you arrive, and during lunch Cos students will use the bathroom in the Cos Lab!!!!!

16 Lunch Even and Odd days- “E” Lunch- 12:11- 12:36 Everybody goes to Lunch, unless you have a “paying” client You will be “tardy” if you’re not in the classroom or lab when the bell rings

17 COS. 1 TEXTBOOK We will use the Milady Standard textbook (2004 edition) Assigned textbook Replacement cost- $ 97.00

18 COS. 2 TEXTBOOK We will use the Milady Standard textbook (2012 edition) and Salon Fundamentals – Pivot Point Replacement cost- $ 97.00

19 Frequently used Learning Strategies Anticipation Guide Learning Targets Vocabulary handouts/ Word walls Group Activities SMART games, activities and assessments

20 Rule #7 “Personal Day” at discretion of instructor All assignments caught up and turned in $5.00 for chemical services, $2.00 for scalp treatment, $1.00 for waxing/paraffin NO IOU’s

21 Cell Phones, Ipods, CD players The use of cell phones, is prohibited during class time unless it is allowed by teacher as class related The use of IPods, or any other electrical device is prohibited during class time NO EXCEPTIONS 1 st -Warning with referral If you refuse, security will be called & referral

22 Infection Control Assignments Everybody responsible for cleaning up Every student is assigned a daily task Posted in the labs Changes every week

23 Skills Write down what skills you completed every day!!! Perfect practice makes perfect performance Qualification for State Board

24 Transportation You must ride the bus to get here Liability/ safer Parking Everyone arrives at the same time Driving without permission could lead to expulsion from the program

25 Other Important Information Respect instructors, each other and furniture & equipment Music- Radio Class disruptions/ Problem procedure Profanity

26 POINTS STUDENT OF THE MONTH Points are accrued and recorded daily and added at the end of the month. Student with the most points wins picture, and gifts. Builds teamwork

27 STATE BOARD ID REQUIREMENTS Students must have a social security number OR a Virginia DMV issued identification card to apply to take the State Board exam..


29 SUMMARY Be here daily! Be prepared daily! Follow Class rules, safety rules, etc. Return signed Emergency cards Return signed Policies and procedures Kit money due 9/11/15 Keep calm and enjoy Cosmetology!!!

30 Day 2

31 Review from Day 1 Do you have $55.00 fees? Do you have your signed and dated Emergency form? Do you have your signed Policies and Procedure packet? What do you remember from Day 1? Kits are $125.00. Money due 9/11/15

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