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High-Frequency Finance John Loizides UCL, London, 11 th June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "High-Frequency Finance John Loizides UCL, London, 11 th June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-Frequency Finance John Loizides UCL, London, 11 th June 2011

2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Reasons why High-Frequency 2 3. Building High Frequency Models 3 4. Market Microstructure 4 5. Order books 5 5. Efficient or Inefficient Markets? 6 5. Summary 7

3 1.Introduction

4 Introduction High-Frequency quantitative trading (black box trading) is driven by the speed in which one can send and receive data. Current benchmarks in FX are market updates of 100 ms or less. The diagram on the left illustrates how the amount of data grows with time. I.e. at shorter time scales you have many more updates, almost and exponential growth. The ability to be able to receive and process these data at the fastest speed are paramount. 13Charting

5 2. Reasons why high-frequency finance

6 Reasons why high-frequency finance Low risk, integrated high returns from small micro models. Provides liquidity to the market. Smoothes out market inefficiencies. ( reduces the gaps between market rates). Provides clients with better trade execution capabilities. 2[Section Title]

7 3. Building high frequency models

8 Building high frequency models Vast amounts of data are available (>100 GB bytes per day). Statistical models are build using various types of technology (FPGA’s, C/C++, C#, KDB+, Q, JAVA). There is no industry standard! Models vary in techniques ( trend models, mean-reversion, correlation, technical analysis (e.g. moving averages)). The ability to find real market indicators within the high frequency world with a respectable profit and loss profile is difficult, but very achievable with the correct mathematical and technological approach. 2[Section Title]

9 4. Market microstructure

10 Market Microstructure The graphs shows the last few days of market price activity. Notice the long term correlations between instruments. 13Charting Source: bloomberg

11 Market Microstructure The graph shows the intra- day price of EUR/USD. EUR/USD is a very liquid currency with tight spreads. Difficult to predict as is very heavily traded, often the driver for other currency pair movements. 13Charting Source: bloomberg

12 5. Order books

13 Financial data consists of all the orders placed or cancelled in the market. The order book is fundamental to investigate price formation mechanisms. 13Charting Order book

14 6. Efficient or Inefficient Markets?

15 Efficient or Inefficient Markets? In an efficient market hypothesis price changes cannot be forecast. The more efficient the market the more random the sequence of price changes. A widespread model of price that incorporates the efficiency of the markets is the Random walk Hypothesis. 2[Section Title]

16 7. Summary

17 Summary High-Frequency finance is a science, using the highest grade technology and some very smart algorithms. It is still a very new and small field but one of the most appealing to both hedge funds and banks. It is action packed and very rewarding. 2[Section Title]

18 Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by individual sales and/or trading personnel of Citigroup Global Markets Limited and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively “Citi”) and not by Citi's research department. It is not investment research or a research recommendation for the purposes of FSA rules, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. The provision of information is not based on your individual circumstances and should not be relied upon as an assessment of suitability for you of a particular product or transaction. Even if we possess information as to your objectives in relation to any transaction, series of transactions or trading strategy, this will not be deemed sufficient for any assessment of suitability for you of any transaction, series of transactions or trading strategy. This presentation is provided for information purposes and is intended for your use only. 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