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Your Topic Here Your name Mr. Cook Senior Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Topic Here Your name Mr. Cook Senior Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Topic Here Your name Mr. Cook Senior Project

2 Opener/Attention Grabber You can add the following to grab your board members’ attention: –SHORT film clip relevant to your topic –Statistics –Story –Quotation

3 Overview of Paper With the exception of your thesis statement, all of your words should be short phrases consisting of no more than 6 words. NO COMPLETE SENTENCES

4 Thesis Statement Write your thesis here

5 Main Idea 1 Give your first main point/idea Give some specific examples explaining your first point/idea

6 Main Idea 2 Give your second main point/idea Give some specific examples explaining your second point/idea **if you have relevant data concerning this point, you may insert the chart, graph, graphic here**

7 Main Idea 3 Give your third main point/idea Give some specific examples explaining your third point/idea **if you have relevant data concerning this point, you may insert the chart, graph, graphic here**

8 Counterargument Pose the counterargument idea Refute the idea with the points you bring up.

9 Connection to Fieldwork Explain your fieldwork EXPLAIN HOW THIS CONNECTS (remember, some of you had a really hard time with your fieldwork and the relevancy, so you need to make sure your judges know the reasons behind your fieldwork if there isn’t an obvious connection)

10 Fieldwork Write your mentor’s name What did you do for your fieldwork? Where you volunteered Include one or more pictures

11 Fieldwork continued When did you start your fieldwork When did you complete your fieldwork Include some more pictures (Add a slide here if you want) Total number of hours completed for fieldwork

12 Wider Audience What did you do for your wider audience? How did it go? Do you have any evidence?

13 Frustrations (regarding fieldwork) This is not a whine session. Be honest about your hardships, but don’t complain.

14 Solutions Give your solutions to your fieldwork frustrations How did you overcome any frustrations Who helped?

15 Learning Stretch This is VERY important The judges NEED to see a TRUE learning stretch. –Do not write that you learned not to procrastinate, give up, etc. Those are obvious. –Give a a true learning stretch. –INSTEAD: explain how this has made you GROW as a person, student, and how this experience has changed you.

16 Future with your topic How do you plan to continue with your topic? Or, do you not plan on pursuing anything with your topic after high school? Explain your rational

17 Final thoughts Final thoughts about the experience Closing remarks Things you would do differently

18 Thank you

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