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Laying a Foundation: Defining Arts Integration The Kennedy Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Laying a Foundation: Defining Arts Integration The Kennedy Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laying a Foundation: Defining Arts Integration The Kennedy Center

2 THE ARTS IN SCHOOLS 2 Arts as Curriculum Arts-Enhanced Curriculum Arts-Integrated Curriculum  4

3 33 PURPOSE To explore the defining characteristics of arts integration  4

4 4 4 Arts Integration i s… an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERSTANDING through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which CONNECTS an art form and another subject area and meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both. Tab 1 1-4 

5 Imagine Examine Perceive The Creative Process 7 Explore Experiment Develop Craft Create Reflect Assess Revise Share 

6 6 6 Robert Marzano The Art and Science of Teaching “One is struck by the superior findings reported for visual and dramatic instruction over verbal instruction in terms of the percentage of information recalled one year after the completion of the unit.”

7 7  7 CONNECTIONS Specific Arts Focus Specific Curriculum Area Specific Concern/ Need Specific Arts Focus OR 13

8 8 8 8 CONNECTIONS & EVOLVING OBJECTIVES What are some ideas for connecting an area of the curriculum and an art form? How did the approach to teaching in the example lesson result in deeper learning?

9 9  9 BALANCE OF INSTRUCTION 30 LESSON 1: Only Dance LESSON 2: Only Science

10 10  BALANCE OF INSTRUCTION 30 LESSON 3: More Dance Than Science LESSON 4: More Science Than Dance

11 11  BALANCE OF INSTRUCTION 30 LESSON 5: Dance and Science Balanced

12 12  TALK ABOUT IT 12 33-49

13 DEFINITION TAB 1 1-3 Arts Integration is… an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERSTANDING through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which CONNECTS an art form and another subject area and meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both. 

14 14 Imagine Examine Perceive The Creative Process Explore Experiment Develop Craft Create Reflect Assess Revise Share

15 15  CONNECTIONS 15 Specific Curriculum Area Specific Concern/ Need Specific Arts Focus OR 12 Specific Arts Focus

16 16 WHY ARTS INTEGRATION? 16 Diverse learners Research-based 21st century needs Motivates, engages and energizes learners


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