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Football – Morgan Cotter Cheerleading – Karol Parks Volleyball – Randy Cline Girls Soccer – Nate Andrews Boys Soccer – Terry Smith Cross Country – Luke.

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2 Football – Morgan Cotter Cheerleading – Karol Parks Volleyball – Randy Cline Girls Soccer – Nate Andrews Boys Soccer – Terry Smith Cross Country – Luke Sundermeier Girls Tennis – Bill Romine Girls Golf – Juliet Litzel Boys Golf – Jon Wing

3  Participation in interscholastic athletics programs: Helps prepare you for the next level of your life as a responsible adult and productive citizen. Interscholastic athletics programs are not designed to prepare you for the next level of sports. Why Interscholastic Athletics & OHSAA Beliefs

4  The educational components of participation in interscholastic athletics programs make it unique.  This is unlike many other non-school organizations that promote free player movement, the athletic development of the individual and provide a showcase for those individuals.  While “winning” is nice, it is not our primary goal and should not be valued above teaching our students the skills necessary for becoming a positive productive citizen. Why Interscholastic Athletics & OHSAA Beliefs


6 50% less likely to use. Children of parents who talk to their teens about alcohol and drugs are 50% less likely to use. Dr. Justin Kreuger Marysville Family Practice

7  Before the season’s first practice, you must have had a physical examination within the past year AND an OHSAA form must be on file at the school.  A complete physical packet includes the following ◦ - OHSAA Physical form – pgs 1-4, signed and dated ◦ - OHSAA Physical form – pgs 5 & 6, signed and dated ◦ - Code of Conduct, signed and dated ◦ - Harassment & Hazing Policy form, signed and dated ◦ - Dept of Health Concussion sheet, signed and dated ◦ - Emergency Medical Form, must be completed each new school year, regardless of when physical was given Your Health & Safety

8  Darren Clancy, MS, AT  Brittany Urbania, MS, AT  AT Room Hours: Fall ◦ Practices: After School starting 2:30ppm until approx. 7pm ◦ Coverage for all home scrimmages or games ◦ Travel with varsity football  Physicians ◦ Dr. Tim Lynch: Sports Medicine Orthopedic, Memorial Orthopedics  Ability to see athletes sooner, fast track plan of care ◦ Dr. Dave Applegate: Football

9  Injury Clinic ◦ At the Memorial City Gate Medical Center Building ◦ Currently still 2:00pm – 4:00pm, check for updates  Physical Therapy ◦ We partner with Memorial Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine to complete rehab at the school in conjunction with sessions at the PT Clinic  ImPACT Testing ◦ Neurocognitive Baseline Concussion testing ◦ Used to determine if athlete is back to baseline brain function post concussion ◦ Will be completed around practice schedule & coordinated with coaches  Concussion Protocol  Outlined in Parent Packet  Follow ODE suggested 5 day Return to Participation (RTP) protocol  Must be seen by a physician prior to beginning the RTP protocol

10  Injuries ◦ Maintain open communication between parents & AT ◦ Let AT know of any injury occurring while on the road ◦ Coaches & AT will have communication daily  Contacting Us ◦ Contact info is in the parent packet ◦ Business Cards available ◦ Athletic Training Room Number (will be checked daily starting at 2:00pm)  Office: 937-578-6338 ◦ Darren Clancy, MS, AT  Cell: 614-806-4906 ◦ Brittany Urbania, MS, AT  Cell: 440-781-8733

11  It is EXTREMELY important for everyone involved in school sports to recognize the potential dangers associated with concussions and review their responsibilities in protecting student-athletes.  Concussions are NOT just a problem in football... concussions can happen in just about any sport!  A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal function of the brain. “Dings” and “bell ringers” are SERIOUS brain injuries and you do NOT have to have loss of consciousness for it to be considered serious. Young athletes are at increased risk for serious problems. Concussions

12 Upcoming Meeting Dates September 6 October 4 November 8 December 6 Meetings are at 6:30pm in the Commons MONARCH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION President: Tim Merrick Goal: To promote interscholastic sports in the MEVSD through supplemental financial support to benefit all who participate in interscholastic sports.


14  Eligibility rules exist to help maintain competitive balance in school sports and to promote the purpose of education-based athletics.  As a student-athlete, YOU are responsible for your compliance.  Besides OHSAA regulations, your school also has the authority to establish additional academic standards and codes of conduct. General OHSAA Eligibility Standards

15  In order to maintain eligibility, you must be officially enrolled in an OHSAA member school, or participating in accordance with state law, AND you must have both parents living in Ohio (or the parent with custody, due to divorce or having never been married, lives in Ohio).  You will not be eligible if you are competing under a false name or have provided your school with an incorrect home address.  You will not be eligible if you have been recruited to attend this school. General OHSAA Eligibility Standards

16  All incoming ninth graders must have received passing grades in a minimum of five of the subjects in which they received grades in the immediately preceding grading period.  To maintain eligibility, high school students must have received passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or the equivalent, in the immediately preceding grading period. OHSAA Scholarship Standards

17  Students taking College Credit Plus must comply with OHSAA scholarship standards.  All students participating via state law that permits home educated, non-public, community and STEM school students to participate at public schools must also comply with OHSAA scholarship standards.  Semester and yearly grades have no effect on OHSAA eligibility. OHSAA Scholarship Standards

18  Block Scheduling  Report Card/Final grades issued using proficiency grading.  Grades for determining athletic eligibility & scholar athlete status will be given by teachers at the end of each marking period.  Grades issued/revised after the final day of the marking period can not be used to change academic eligibility.  With only having four classes, you cannot receive an F in any class.

19  To attempt to regain OHSAA eligibility, summer school grades may NOT be used to substitute for failing grades received in the final grading period of the regular school year or for lack of enough courses taken the preceding grading period.  If you drop a course or change your schedule, it is critically important that you contact your principal or athletic administrator to see if this affects your eligibility.  The OHSAA has no minimum grade point (GPA) requirement, thus issues regarding eligibility when only the state- mandated GPA is of concern are strictly a local school district matter and not an OHSAA matter. OHSAA Scholarship Standards

20 MEVSD School Board policy Additional Academic Requirement Student-Athletes must maintain at least a 1.50 GPA each marking period. Please reference the new Student-Athlete Code of Conduct packet for information regarding appeals process for this policy.

21  No high school student will be eligible if he or she has been enrolled in high school for more than eight semesters.  No 7 th -8 th grade student will be eligible if he or she has been enrolled in 7 th -8 th grade for more than four semesters. OHSAA Semester Standards

22  High school students will be ineligible whenever they turn 20 years old.  Seventh- and eighth-grade students who turn 15 before August 1st are also ineligible for 7 th and 8 th grade sports but MAY BE eligible to participate in high school athletics. OHSAA Age Standards

23  You will be ineligible if you are competing on a non-school team in the same sport during your school team’s season (example: club soccer team during school’s soccer season).  Coaches and schools cannot require that you participate in an open gym/open facility OR in a conditioning or instructional program. Violations of this regulation will result in penalties. OHSAA Non-School Team & Out-of- Season Standards

24  There are certain restrictions regarding tryouts, practices and competitions with non-school teams before, during and after the school season.  There are also restrictions for instruction you can receive from school coaches outside of your season.  Before participating with a non-school team or receiving instruction outside the season from your school coaches, visit the OHSAA website ( to ensure all regulations are being OHSAA Non-School Team & Out-of- Season Standards

25  You could lose your amateur status and forfeit your eligibility if you compete for money or other monetary compensation OR capitalize on your athletic fame by receiving money, merchandise or services or by entering into an agreement with a professional team or agent. OHSAA Amateur Standards

26  Once eligibility has been established at a member high school and you transfer to another school, you will be ineligible for all contests until the first 50 percent of the maximum allowable regular season contests have been competed in any sport in which you participated during the previous 12 months.  There are some exceptions. OHSAA Transfer Standards

27  Should you have transferred to this school, you must ensure all required paperwork has been submitted to the OHSAA AND the state office has granted approval for eligibility.  Immediate eligibility will be granted only if one of the exceptions to the OHSAA transfer regulation has been met.  If you have transferred into this school after beginning 9 th grade in another district, please contact the athletic office. OHSAA Transfer Standards


29  That means you are expected to accept the responsibility and privilege of representing your school and community while participating in school sports. You are expected to: Treat opponents, coaches and officials with respect. Ensure that your actions do not incite fans or other participants or attempt to embarrass, ridicule or demean others. Respect The Game

30 We would kindly ask that all parents and spectators be the model of sportsmanship for our student-athletes. Our expectation is that no one involved with the game is derogatory towards our opponents, officials, coaches, student-athletes, or other spectators. Please remember that all involved in competition are/is someone’s child, parent, spouse or sibling. How would you want to be treated or have your family member treated?

31 Please allow your student to address concerns with a coach first. This is a learning opportunity for your child. Participation on an athletic team is your child’s experience. If a concern persists after the student has talked with a coach, the parent should address the concern with the coach before addressing a concern with athletic department or administration. If you have a concern to discuss with a coach, please schedule a meeting time. Before and after practices and games, coaches have duties to attend to and are not usually available for one on one conversations.

32  $200.00 per child per sport  Payable prior to first regular season competition  Pays for transportation & coaches salaries  Does not guarantee Playing Time or Playing Position  Caps for families - $600.00  Please let us know if you have multiple children  Free Lunch cap = $100.00/$300.00 per family

33  Website ◦ Weekly Announcement Posts ◦ Team Pages ◦ Links on front page of Athletics page  Twitter - @MEVSDAthletics  Schoology  Booster Club parent representative email distribution lists  Team Remind and Twitter accounts

34  Entrance to Stadium at bottom of hill  $125.00/paver  First cut off date – November 1  Ability to pay online with credit card so those not in the area can still purchase  Capital Projects

35  $4.00 Students  $6.00 Adults  Season Passes available after August 15.  Student-Athletes will receive a season pass upon payment of Pay to Participate fee.  Handout with pass prices located in the back.  Prior reserve seat letters have been sent out.

36  The OHSAA has had a tradition of excellence for over 100 years, with our ultimate purpose to promote lifetime values, good citizenship, academic success, ethics and fair play in safe and sporting environments.  For more information and additional resources, visit the OHSAA website ( and follow us on Twitter ( and Facebook (  Have a great season! Organization Helping Student- Athletes Achieve

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