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Nia E Gwyndaf Rheolwr Digwyddiadau a Gweithgareddau Events and Activities Manager Cyfathrebu, Marchnata a Materion Cyhoeddus/ Communications, Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Nia E Gwyndaf Rheolwr Digwyddiadau a Gweithgareddau Events and Activities Manager Cyfathrebu, Marchnata a Materion Cyhoeddus/ Communications, Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nia E Gwyndaf Rheolwr Digwyddiadau a Gweithgareddau Events and Activities Manager Cyfathrebu, Marchnata a Materion Cyhoeddus/ Communications, Marketing & Public Affairs Llysgenhadon - 2016 - Ambassadors Diwrnodau Ymweld - Visiting Days

2 Cyn i chi fynd… Before you go.. Arwyddwch y ffurflen fel y gallaf roi gwybod i’ch adran eich bod wedi mynychu. Please sign the form and I’ll let your department know you’ve attended.

3 Pwrpas a Dyddiadau Diwrnodau Ymweld Canllaw gan eich adran Rhaglenni Adrannol Eich dyletswyddau Llety Canllawiau ar dywys taith o amgylch y campws Taliad Purpose & Dates of Visiting Days Briefing with your department Departmental Programmes Your Duties Accommodation Guidelines on Conducting a Campus Tour Payment

4 Beth yw Diwrnodau Ymweld? Ar ôl gwneud cais; Adrannau yn trefnu’r diwrnodau eu hunain; Ymgeiswyr yn cael gwahoddiad ; Telir costau tuag at teithio, bwyd a llety What are Visiting Days? Post Application; Departments organise their own days; Applicants are invited; Contribution towards cost of travelling, food & accommodation

5 Pryd? 10/02/16 (dydd Mercher) 17/02/16 (dydd Mercher) 24/02/16 (dydd Mercher) 5/03/16 (dydd Sadwrn) 19/03/16 (dydd Sadwrn) 23/03/16 (dydd Mercher) When? 10/02/16 (Wednesday) 17/02/16 (Wednesday) 24/02/16 (Wednesday) 5/03/16 (Saturday) 19/03/16 (Saturday) 23/03/16 (Wednesday)


7 Bydd eich adran yn: Trefnu cyfarfod i egluro rhaglen yr adran ar gyfer y Diwrnod Ymweld; Egluro strwythyr y sesiynau a’r sgyrsiau ayyb; Egluro eich dyletswyddau; : Your Department will: Organise a meeting with you to brief you on the department’s programme for the day; Explain general format of sessions and talks etc.; Outline your duties;

8 Bydd eich adran yn: Amlinellu amser cyrraedd yr ymwelwyr; Rhoi gwybod i chi faint o bobl i ddisgwyl; Egluro os oes cyfweliadau yn cael eu cynnal; Rhoi gwybod os oes gan ymwelwyr anghenion ychwanegol. Your Department will: Outline the time of arrival for visitors Inform you of the numbers expected; Explain if interviews are taking place; Inform you of any visitors with additional needs.

9 Enghreifftiau o Raglenni Adrannol Examples of Departmental Programmes

10 Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear Geography & Earth Sciences 12.30pm to 1.30pm: Registration & opportunity to talk to staff/ambassadors and look around the displays & stands in the concourse 1.30pm - 1.45pm: Welcome & Introduction to DGES 1.45pm – 2.15pm: Degree Scheme Talks Parents/ Guardians: opportunity for Q & A with senior staff 3.00pm-3.30pm: Departmental & Campus tours 4.00pm: Refreshments

11 Saesneg ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol English & Creative Writing 10.00am -1.45pm:Arrival and registration. 10.00am -12.30pm:Individual Consultation with Departmental Staff (appointments pre-arranged). 2.00pm: General Welcome by Head of Department, followed by a Question and Answer session. 2.450m:A Sample Lecture. 3.00pm:Presentation by members of the English & Creative Writing Society. 3.05pm:Poetry Reading. 3.15pm-4.30pm: Individual Consultation with Departmental Staff (appointments pre-arranged) & Campus Tours.

12 Hanes History 1.30am: Welcome and refreshments with members of the History & Welsh History Department 1.40pm:Welcome Talk: Discovering History at Aberystwyth 2.10pm:Group 1: Applicant: Informal discussion with academic staff Group 1: Parent Talk Group 2: Campus Tour 2.50pm:Head to Head- 2 academic staff have head to head discussion debating specific period of history 3.30pm:Groups swap- repeat of 2.10pm 4.10pm:Tea & Coffee

13 Seicoleg Psychology Amser/Time 9.30amtea and coffee available in the department (P5) 10.00– 10.40am Welcome Talk & Sample Lecture 10.40 – 11.00amCoffee 11.00am – 1.30pm Campus Tour (staff & Ambassadors) Departmental tour Sample Seminar Bus Tour 12.30pm Q&A session parents with Nigel applicants with Ambassadors 1.30pmInterviews for those applicants who have requested them

14 Dyletswyddau: Chi yw wyneb Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Bydd gennych ddylanwad mawr ar yr ymgeiswyr a’u rhienu. Rhannwch gymaint o wybodaeth â phosib a byddwch yn gyfeillgar! Bydd eich dyletswyddau yn ddibynol ar ragen eich adran, ond mae’n debyg y bydd gofyn i chi: Duties: You are the face of Aberystwyth University. You will have huge influence on applicants and their parents. Please be as friendly and informative as possible! Your duties will vary depending on your departments programme but you may be asked to:

15 Helpu staff baratoi ar gyfer y diwrnod e.e. gosod arwyddion ayyb.; Sefyll wrth safle bws y campws i gwrdd a’r bws sy’n dod o’r orsaf drên; Bod yng nghyntedd yr adran i gwrdd a chroesawu ymwelwyr a’u helpu gyda chyfarwyddiadau i ystafelloedd / lloriau ayyb; Help staff prepare for the day e.g. put up signs etc.; Stand at the campus bus stop to meet buses arriving from the railway station; Be available in the foyer of your department to meet and greet visitors and help direct them to the room/floor etc.;

16 Sgwrsio gyda ymgeiswyr a’u rhieni/cyfeillion; Helpu gyda te a choffi; Mynd ag ymwelwyr ar daith o amgylch yr adran; Mynd ag ymwelwyr ar daith o amgylch y campws; … Chat to applicants and their parents; Help with tea and coffee; Take visitors on tours of the department; Take visitors on campus tours; …

17 Llety Accommodation

18 9.00am-5.00pm (Taith olaf yn gadel am 4.30pm/Last tour leaves at 4.30pm) Penbryn Fferm Penglais & Pentre Jane Morgan Teithau Llety Accommodation Tours


20 11.00 am Medrus (24/02/16 – Students’ Union) 11.30am Medrus (24/02/16 – Students’ Union) 1.15 pmA12, Hugh Owen 4.20 pmA12, Hugh Owen Sgyrsiau Llety Accommodation Talks

21 Mrs Eleri Thomas Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Preswyl Head of Residential Services Llety Accommodation

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