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SACS-COC Fifth-Year Interim Report

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1 SACS-COC Fifth-Year Interim Report
Extended Cabinet Meeting November 19, 2014

2 SACS-COC Accreditation Timeline
: Compliance Certification/Self-Study : 10-year Reaffirmation, Monitoring Report : : : :5th-Year Notice : 5th-Year Interim Report; QEP Impact : : : : Compliance Certification/Self-Study : 10-year Reaffirmation

3 SACS-COC Accreditation Timeline
: Compliance Certification/Self-Study : 10-year Reaffirmation, Monitoring Report : : : : : 5th-Year Interim Report; QEP Impact : : : : Compliance Certification/Self-Study : 10-year Reaffirmation Compliance: 17 Standards QEP Implementation Outcomes Assessment Compliance:101 Standards New QEP Outcomes Assessment

4 Parts of the Fifth-Year Interim Report
Compliance Certification/Self-Study Selected standards (17) Policies QEP Impact Report (The WRITE Way to Success) Initial Goals and Outcomes of the QEP Discussion of changes, with rationale Impact on student learning or learning environment Achievement of Goals Unanticipated outcomes An institutional reflection What has the institution learned?

5 Compliance Certification Standards
1. Faculty 2. Student Support Services -Promote student learning and development -Advising, counseling, career services, OSLE 3. Qualified Administrative and Academic Officers 4. Institutional Effectiveness: Academic Programs (SLOs) 5. Admissions Policies 6. Academic Program Coordination -Qualified faculty; Development and review of curriculum 7. Title IV Program Responsibilities; Submission of Financial Statements 8. Physical Facilities 9. Student Achievement

6 Compliance Certification Standards
10. Program Curriculum -Aligned with institutional goals and degrees awarded 11. Publication of Policies (Academic calendar, grades, refunds) 12. Program Length 13. Student Complaints 14. Recruitment Materials 15. New FR: Distance and Correspondence Education (Ident., privacy, fees) 16. New FR: Definition of Credit Hours 17. New FR: Policy Compliance (Other accred. agencies, complaints, Distance Ed)

7 Status of Compliance Non-Compliant Compliant Partially Compliant

8 Didn’t we just go through this?...Why aren’t we still in compliance?
We didn’t institutionalize practices and procedures used to demonstrate compliance. We didn’t develop and/or publish policies accessible to those affected by the policies. Some procedures were unsustainable. (Too costly, difficult to maintain, etc.) There is limited continuity due to lack of knowledge about standards. There are always on-going substantive changes.

9 Recent Update from SACS-COC
Reminder about the seriousness of the Fifth- Year Interim Report Give the same effort as the 10-year review Institutions can still lose their accreditation

10 Compliance Certification: Plan for Compliance
Conduct Compliance Audit Data Collection/Analysis Policy and Procedures Audit Revisions to Policy and Procedures Implement Policies and Procedures Collect evidence to support compliance Provide Resources Increase Communications Convene a Fifth-Year Implementation/Writing Team

11 QEP Impact Report: Plan for Compliant Structured, Detailed Reporting
Achievement of Goals and Objectives Modifications Resources Annual implementation timelines Increased communication with campus Writing Team

12 Our Role Resources Be informed, empowered, proactive
SACS-COC Standards Announcements and updates Substantive changes Fifth-Year Report resources QEP resources

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