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#AIDS2016 Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in China Results from a National Survey of 18,000 Chinese College Students Chunyan Li.

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Presentation on theme: "#AIDS2016 Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in China Results from a National Survey of 18,000 Chinese College Students Chunyan Li."— Presentation transcript:

1 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in China Results from a National Survey of 18,000 Chinese College Students Chunyan Li M.B.B.S School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center, China

2 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference 227 million 1800 million (UN Population Division,2016) (UNFPA,2015) (National Bureau of Statistics, China,,2010) Chinese Youth Global Youth Cohort Young People 15~24 years old 12.6%

3 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference China’s EDUCATION STRATEGY 1963: Premier Zhou Enlai 1988:Guide On Mortality Education 1993: Basic Requirements on College Health Education 2011: HIV/AIDS Education 2015: Set up Reporting Mechanism of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in schools Sexual MORALITY SELF-ESTEEM DAMAGING Effects of Pre-marital sex Unintended PREGNANCY /ABORTION HIV/AIDS

4 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Where are we now ? (Peking University Institute of Population Research, 2011) (National Health and Family Planning Committee, Ministry of Education, 2015) Know that CONDOM is the best choice of protective tool against STDs. Know THE DEFINITION, TRANSMISSION AND TREATMENT of HIV/AIDS. DIDN’T TAKE ANY PROTECTION during last sex intercourse. 71.1% 20.3% 25.5% A climbing trend of HIV INFECTION among college students, especially among the MSM group.

5 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference About our Study Internet-based Questionnaire Multi-stage sampling Approach Variables: Social-demographic characteristics, behavioral risk factors and knowledge about sex and HIV/AIDS Statistics model: linear & logistic regression Privacy & Sensitive topic 130 colleges selected from E/M/W Questionnaire Links sent to focal-points Post on social network for voluntary participation

6 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference 1 About our Findings Demographic characteristics & sex education experience Sexual behaviors & reproductive health outcomes Risky factors and association analysis 2 3

7 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Our FINDINGS_1 Fig.1 Distribution of two genders Fig.2 Distribution of sexual orientations Total sample: 17,966 obs.

8 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Fig.4 Preference of SE forms by gender Only 50% !!! Females prefer a more private approach of SE. Our FINDINGS_1

9 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Our FINDINGS_2 KEY NUMBERS: 1/5 thought HIV could be transmitted by eating utensils. 35.1% reported experience of gender-based violence or sexual harassment ------ most likely to happen in intimate relations 27% open to pre-marital sex and 49% not sure 47.8% of the sex-experienced group had their sex debut < 18y 62.5% used condom during last sex intercourse 18.2% M & 25.7% F reported STD-related symptoms when interviewing ------only 43.4% went to a doctor for treatment 1/10 of the sex-experienced females reported unintended pregnancy 1/10 of the sex-experienced females reported abortion

10 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Our FINDINGS_2

11 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Our FINDINGS_3   POSITIVE EFFECTS Higher knowledge about SRH Grew up in the nuclear family Grew up in rural areas No use of tobacco Higher education level of parents NEGATIVE EFFECTS lower knowledge about SRH Grew up in one-parent family Grew up in urban areas Use of tobacco Lower education level of parents

12 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Our FINDINGS_3 Earlier sex education, more risky behavior ?? Something interesting...

13 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Thank my excellent team members and my advisor ! Dr. Kun Tang Yingxi ZhaoPing Hong Junjian GaoshanXiao LiangLihe Li

14 #AIDS2016 | @AIDS_conference Thanks! Q & A Welcome to stop by our poster exhibition for another relevant study : A Comparative Case Study of the Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions in China: Best Practices in Schools, Communities and Migrant Populations of 5 Geographically and Economically Defined Regions Time & Location: 12:30-14:30, JUL 21, @ Exhibition Area

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