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CSU School of Nursing students and staff presented careers in nursing to Heritage Middle School students in their classrooms and to further pique student.

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3 CSU School of Nursing students and staff presented careers in nursing to Heritage Middle School students in their classrooms and to further pique student interest, provided group demonstrations on vital signs and other basic clinical skills in the gymnasium.

4 CSU School of Nursing Staff and students support Heritage Middle School’s (East Cleveland, Ohio) annual Career Day Left to right: students Jessica King and Napoleon Karr, Undergraduate Program Director Bimpe Adedipe, Student Nikolina Paulic, Clinical Experience Coordinator Raquel Rodriguez, Professor David Foley, and Advisor Mr. Alex Holt.

5 The purpose of the Heritage Middle School Career Day is to empower students to consider various careers and inspire them to dream about future success.

6 Group Demonstration and Discussion CSU School of Nursing Clinical Experience Coordinator (seated second from left) leads a discussion on a clinical scenario as presented by students (standing left to right) Nikolina Paulic, Jessica King, and Napoleon Karr.

7 CSU School of Nursing Faculty, Staff, and Students CSU School of Nursing staff and students (left to right) Clinical Experience Coordinator Raquel Rodriguez, Professor David Foley, Advisor Alex Holt, and students Nikolina Paulic, Jessica King, and Napoleon Karr.

8 CSU School of Nursing Staff and Students CSU School of Nursing staff and students (left to right) Clinical Experience Coordinator Raquel Rodriguez, Undergraduate Programs Director Bimpe Adedipe, Advisor Alex Holt, and students Nikolina Paulic, Jessica King, and Napoleon Karr.

9 Classroom Discussions CSU School of Nursing Advisor Alex Holt and Undergraduate Programs Director Bimpe Adedipe present careers in nursing to a group of 7 th Grade Science students. It is noteworthy that nearly every student in the classes visited acknowledged they knew at least one nurse in their family or community.

10 CSU SON Clinical Experience Coordinator Raquel Rodriguez and three SON students presented basic vital signs and various clinical scenarios to three large groups of students in the gymnasium. Heritage students were then given the opportunity to practice taking vital signs and participate in group discussions. CSU SON Undergraduate Programs Director Bimpe Adedipe, Advisor Alex Holt, and Professor David Foley formed a second team who visited four classrooms to highlight nursing as a career. In all, over 150 students participated. Heritage Middle School has expressed interest in partnering with CSU for future events, including an additional proposed Career Day in September/October 2016.


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