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Views and visions from the appliance industry Wilfried Linke 27. February 2014 Technical Affairs Director.

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1 Views and visions from the appliance industry Wilfried Linke 27. February 2014 Technical Affairs Director

2 Who we are? The Association of the European Heating Industry (EHI) represents and promotes the common interests of 40 market leading companies and 14 national associations in the European thermal comfort sector which produce advanced technologies for heating in buildings and for the commercial and industrial sector –space heaters (boilers, electric and fuel driven heat pumps, micro-cogeneration), –heating controls and components, –pumps for recirculation and sanitary hot water preparation –heat storage –heat emitters (radiators, surface heating and cooling systems), –renewable energy systems (solar thermal, geothermal, biomass), –burners, steam boilers, and other applications in the commercial and industrial sector The industry has total sales of more than 20 billion € and employs 120.000 people

3 EHI History Founded on 11 th June 2002 in Brussels Merger of former European associations which had been founded in the 1960s CEB – European Burner Committee EBA – European Boiler Association (floor-standing) Afeci – Association of European manufacturers of instantaneous gas water heaters and wall-hung boilers Scope of the work: EHI deals with the needs of the heating market from the point of view of industry. The scope includes: the European regulatory framework, its implementation, and global aspects relating to the industry.

4 EHI members

5 EHI member associations Utility Networks HHIC ICOM HWA MARC

6 Share of the final energy demand within the EU Quelle: „Green Paper on Energy Efficiency or Doing More with Less (March 2006)“ Building sector 40,4% Room heating & sanitary hot water preparation 85% Electricity 15% Industry 28,3% Traffic 31,3%

7 Market estimation Excerpt out of :

8 Gas Appliance Energy related Product ErP Electromagnetic Comparability EMC Low Voltage Directive LVD (Construction Prod. Regulation CPR) Product Safety Directive PS Waste Electrical/Electronic Equipment WEEE Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances RoHs Renewable Energy Sources Direc. RES Gas Appliance Directive GAD Gas Directive GD Biogas from renewable sources Biogas LNG LPG H 2 Pressure Equipment Directive PED EU Legislation impacting GA Machinery Directive MD Industrial Emission Directive IED Small&medium sized cobustion appliances Fuels Efficiency/Environment Safety EU-regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances Reach

9 Field of operation 11,11,21,51,41,81,71,61,3 Overheating NOx < 56 mg/kWh (ErP) Eta limit Practice limit Wobbe index to increase CO Eta NOx Blowing of the flames Air ration to increase CO, NOx and Efficiency Air ration and Wobbe index have a significant Influence to the achievement of the climate targets Dependency of the Gas/air- ratio and WI

10 Self adapting systems on the market since 2000 a continuous, self calibrating combustion control assures - without any intervention - a hygienically perfect – with low CO emissions – and efficient combustion by unsteady conditions such as: –some fluctuations of the WI –the composition of the fuel –(small) fluctuations of the gas pressure –(small) fluctuations of the combustion air –blockage of the chimney –soiling of the heat exchanger

11 Description of the existing systems Combustion control via –Ionisation current because of the direct dependence of ionisation current and the excess air ratio –CO-sensor monitoring the flue gas, deviations from the optimal duty point λ will be corrected that the CO-emissions are minimal, ƞ maximal –Excess air ratio –λ- controlling the combustion by measuring the residual oxygen in the flue gas Note: latter system only for bigger boiler systems

12 Application areas These systems are able to balancing changings of the operating conditions in certain limits, such as –the gas pressure –changes of the flue resistance –fluctuating caloric value of the gas but –an intervention in the gas-/air ratio (O 2 -control) or for a disturbance feed forward at gas quality fluctuations has to be failsafe The balance between equipment availability and safety will be the future challange

13 Segmentation of household gas appliances in Europe Self adapting combustion systems are still irrelevant for the stock Installed self adapting gas appliances ~750.000 units (~ 0,4%)

14 Advantage acc. the chimney sweep ordinance (B-KÜO) and 1. BImSchV in DE Operation mode Combustion air from the installation room Room sealed condensing yes no Verification and measuring periods for gas appliances

15 Thank you very much for your attention Wilfried Linke Technical Affairs Director

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