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Why another peer group? Our Mission:..…discovering, developing and implementing MSP industry best practices methods for the benefit of the service provider.

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Presentation on theme: "Why another peer group? Our Mission:..…discovering, developing and implementing MSP industry best practices methods for the benefit of the service provider."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why another peer group? Our Mission:..…discovering, developing and implementing MSP industry best practices methods for the benefit of the service provider and the service recipient.

3 What do we want to accomplish? o Collaboration o Problem Solving o Vendor Management o Group Purchasing o Employee Sharing o Support o Objective Benchmarking

4 How will we accomplish these things? o Monthly Meetings (Face To Face 2X Year) o Peer Projects o Reviews o Building Vendor Relationships o Utilizing Outside Sources to Provide Key Information and Metrics Each Group Will Be Limited To 10 Total Members

5 What are the group requirements for membership? o Similar Business Applications (ConnectWise, Labtech, QuickBooks)**** o Complete New Company Survey o Sign NDA’s o Actively Participate and Share with other Peers o Membership Fee $195 month or $2200 annually **** Other Options in the works such as Kaseya and AutoTask

6 Why do we have to pay a membership fee? o Vested Interest o Support Events o Financial Benchmarking via Service Leadership The annual prepayment option provides a discount on the yearly fees of 6%

7 July 8, 2009 Confidential

8 o Leading provider of benchmarking services to the IT industry o Hundreds of Solution Provider subscribers enter their financial results quarterly o Results categorized by Predominant Business Model (PBM) and then stack ranked by EBITDA% (top 25% = Best in Class) o More information: Why Service Leadership?

9 Benefits of Benchmarking to MSP Centrifuge Members o Best Practices learning and sharing; faster progress o Less trial and error solutions; reduced risk o Confidential relationships with non-competing, similar companies o Actionable advice and education from peers o Enhanced focus on the your most important initiatives o Objective comparison to Best-in-Class performers  How well are your people and your management team performing?  Are you engaging in the best actions to increase value?

10 Each quarter, you’ll be benchmarked Against your own, previous quarters Against your group’s performance Against Solution Provider industry average Against Best in Class performers within your Predominant Business Model Objective Benchmarking

11 Quarterly Process o Notice sent to that survey is open for most recent quarter (5 th of month following quarter’s end) o Enter most recent quarter’s data o Complete survey by 18 th of the month following the quarter’s end

12 Exclusive S-L benchmarking system called The IT Company Optimizer™ Purpose-built for benchmarking Solution Providers Data entered into secure (SSL) website, feeding a custom MS SQL Server business intelligence database Confidential quarterly report books Distributed to you electronically; when printed, 45-86 pages (depending on group size), bound, color, 11x17

13 Table of Contents of a Typical Quarter’s Report Book* * Details may vary

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15 MSP Centrifuge Benefit Recap o Collaboration among peers o Problem Solving of day to day issues o Vendor Management for Application Add-ons o Volume Group Purchasing o Employee Sharing between peers o Support from Peers o Objective Benchmarking from the Leader in MSP benchmarking

16 This is just what I have been looking for, Now What? o Complete the Apply Now process via our website to begin your journey. o Complete and submit the NDA’s for both ATF and Service Leadership and the Authorization to Charge to finish the sign up process

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