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Piret Kalmus Loo Secondary School 2011

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1 Piret Kalmus Loo Secondary School 2011
Film review Piret Kalmus Loo Secondary School 2011

2 Reviews Formal/semi-formal
A review is a short analysis and evaluation of a book, film, play,concert or work of art informing people about its strenghts and weaknesses.

3 Reviews include: An introduction (background information)
A main body (main points of the plot and general comments) Conclusion (personal opinion, recommendation)

4 The introduction gives facts and backround information: title
the name of the director main characters names of actors type

5 The main body (2 paragraphs)
brings out the main points of the plot: description of the main features of the subject (e.g. plot) general comments: turning point of the film opinion (e.g. acting, musical style,character development, the message

6 Conclusion does the summing up All supported by reasons!!!
personal opinion recommendation All supported by reasons!!!

7 Useful language: Background The film is set in...
The film tells the story of.... The film is directed by... The film is based on... It is a comedy/horror film/science fiction/historical film/fantasy film/love story

8 Main points of the plot:
The plot focuses on... The story begins/ concerns/ is about... The plot has an unexpected twist.... The film reaches a dramatic climax... The plot is (absolutely) thrilling/ (rather) boring.

9 General comments and opinion:
It is rather confusing/ long/ slow/ boring. The cast is excellent/ weak/ awful/ unconvincing. It has dragic/ surprising/ dramatic end. Rich/ dull sound

10 Recommendations: Don’t miss it! It is well worth seeing.
It will change the way you see... I wouldn’t recommend it because... I highly/ thoroughly/ strongly recommend it. It’s bound to be a box-office hit. Wait until it comes out on video. It’s a must!

11 Materials used: B. Obee, V. Evans “Upstream” SB B2+
Express Publishing 2007 M.Hanschmidt, H.Kaskel, M.Kask, M.Kaus, M.Davies, A.-M. Mäkelä, L.Nikkanen, T.Sutela, L.Säteri, P.Vuorinen “In Touch” 5 TEA Kirjastus 2010

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