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CRMepi and CRMtex Updates Achille Felicetti Francesca Murano Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "CRMepi and CRMtex Updates Achille Felicetti Francesca Murano Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRMepi and CRMtex Updates Achille Felicetti Francesca Murano Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

2 EPI1 Epigraph “Subclass of E25 Man-Made Feature intended to describe a particular feature created by humans in various ways and on various kinds of support with the declared purpose of conveying a specific message towards a given recipient or group of recipients” CRMepi old classes

3 EPI1 Epigraph “Subclass of E25 Man-Made Feature intended to describe a particular feature created by humans in various ways and on various kinds of support with the declared purpose of conveying a specific message towards a given recipient or group of recipients” TX1 Written Text “Subclass of E25 Man-Made Feature intended to describe a particular feature (i.e., ‘set of glyphs’) created (i.e., written) on various kinds of support, having semiotic significance and the declared purpose of conveying a specific message towards a given recipient or group of recipients” From CRMepi to CRMtex: generalising concepts

4 TX1 Written Text “Subclass of E25 Man-Made Feature intended to describe a particular feature …” “Epigraph”, “Engraving”: specific types of TX1 and TX2 CRMtex: from particular to general

5 Going in depth: investigating interrelationships between text and text parts Segmentation of ancient texts performed according with various typological/functional criteria Fragments, columns, sections, chapters, lines, words … Specific criteria for each discipline Subdivision of text according with investigations carried out on it Specific meaning for epigraphers, papyrologists, paleographists … No objective general criteria for text subdivision in ancient texts documentation Text parts: identity and type definition

6 TEI and EpiDoc syntax inextricably related Text subdivision and text parts TEI with a type="textpart” attribute + a subtype attribute naming the kind of subdivision ( "fragment", "column", "section”) Words, characters, spaces, punctuation TEI element for specific words in the text TEI (for gliph) element for non-standard or non-alphabetic characters or glyphs TEI Text conditions, gaps Damaged, erased, illegible or missing text parts TEI Text structure and EpiDoc

7 Editorial restoration of textual elements not present as features TEI element with specific EpiDoc customizations Abbreviations fully expanded: TEI and elements with specific EpiDoc customizations Corrections of erroneous characters Superfluous characters to be eliminated Editorial notes added to text description Relationships between physical feature conditions and editorial renderings to be investigated TEI, EpiDoc and editorial interventions

8 EAGLE Project: EpiDoc mapping to CIDOC CRM General conceptual mapping (CRM Information Carrier + Inscription) No subclasses and subproperties definition for text and text structure No general and predefined set of EpiDoc tags for text description Different EpiDoc schema (i.e. XSD + XSL) for each discipline Impossible to have a unique mapping for the whole TEI/ EpiDoc world Different ad hoc mappings for each text class or school (or scholar!) Specific mappings for each EpiDoc encoded archive CIDOC CRM and EpiDoc

9 CRMtex and text segments To approximate text parts description

10 ARIADNE Summer School in July 2016 iSicily: epigraphic archive of Sicilian inscriptions (EpiDoc) 3M Mapping Tool + RDFS encoding of CRMtex used EpiDoc to RDF transformation (partially) performed CRMtex new classes Verify coverage for related TEI/EpiDoc tags RDF encoding of free texts transcriptions XLink/XPointer to access the text portion CRMtex and EpiDoc

11 CRMarchaeo: preparation of scope notes for the new classes and properties To complete the definition of superproperties for all CRMarchaeo properties CRMtex: scope notes definition for the new classes and properties CRMtex: preparation of a draft description document for the new extension to be submitted to SIG CRMtex as candidate standard for the study of ancient texts Future Work

12 Thank you Achille Felicetti PIN, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

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