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Performance Appraisal and Management at CERN

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Appraisal and Management at CERN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Appraisal and Management at CERN
This presentation concerns mainly Staff Members, as it deals with the processes and procedures at CERN for the appraisal and management of staff performance/careers. However, some aspects also valid for Fellows and is extremely important aspect of career at CERN, so is good information to have even if does not directly affect each of you. (yet) HR Induction

2 Probation Period Milestones
Induction day I Induction interview Induction day II Mid probation review End of probation review 11 months 5 months 6 weeks HRA gives advice for performance management for staff members Induction interview – interview during first 6 weeks. Interview also with HRA during first 6 weeks for introduction. Mid-probation – 5 months End-probation – 11 months Reference : Administrative Circular 2 and 26

3 Induction Interview Define work objectives for the first 12 months
Discussion on development needs Chance for feedback / dialogue Mandatory for Staff and Fellows Interview takes place with supervisor during first 6 weeks; usually HRA will also be in contact for a first meeting. Definition of work objectives, which can be modified as necessary according to service’s needs/changing priorities etc. Chance to have feedback on what is expected during the first few months and what development may be needed (e.g. technical training, on-the-job learning etc.). Usually at the time of selection, the supervisor has identified the needs for development to adjust to the post requirements.

4 Mid / End Probation Review
Monitor and evaluate results of work objectives, progress etc. Chance for feedback / dialogue Check / finetune development needs Performance appraisal over 6 months / over the year (what has been achieved and how it has been achieved) End of probation period review Confirmation of appointment Extension of probation period End of contract Mid-probation – monitor and evaluate results of work objectives, progress achieved, possible modifications to objectives End-probation – evaluation of objectives achieved over the whole first year, appraisal of performance (?), can lead to 3 scenarii… Chance to have feedback on work done and to check on right track, as well as check development needs (fine-tuning of what was set/decided at Induction Interview). Evaluation of global performance, which acts as basis for advancement/promotion discussions by (departmental) management. Also important to give opportunity to improve poor performance / address weak points if necessary.

5 Changes from 1st September
Career Structure (from career paths/bands/ECE to grades) Salary grid (from 21 bands to 10 grades) From fixed steps to individual salaries From awards in steps to increases in percentage of midpoint New career structure and salary grid will come into effect on 1st September 2016.

6 Current Salary Grid AA A B C D E F G AAb AAc Ab Ac Ba Bb Bc Ca Cb Cc Da Db Dc Ea Eb Ec Fa Fb Fc Ga Gb Step = 50 70 73 79 93 112 167 220 231 3750 4714 5191 5904 5396 6128 6978 5794 6599 7522 6732 7673 8950 7980 9128 10665 12212 13275 15148 16180 16959 1 3800 4764 5261 5974 5469 6201 7051 5873 6678 7601 6825 7766 9043 8092 9240 10777 12379 13442 15315 16400 17190 2 3850 4814 5331 6044 5542 6274 7124 5952 6757 7680 6918 7859 9136 8204 9352 10889 12546 13609 15482 16620 17421 3 3900 4864 5401 6114 5615 6347 7197 6031 6836 7759 7011 7952 9229 8316 9464 11001 12713 13776 15649 16840 17652 4 3950 4914 5471 6184 5688 6420 7270 6110 6915 7838 7104 8045 9322 8428 9576 11113 12880 13943 15816 17060 17883 5 4000 4964 5541 6254 5761 6493 7343 6189 6994 7917 8138 9415 8540 9688 11225 13047 14110 15983 17280 18114 6 4050 5014 5611 6324 5834 6566 7416 6268 7073 7996 7290 8231 9508 8652 9800 11337 13214 14277 16150 17500 18345 7 4100 5064 5681 6394 5907 6639 7489 7152 8075 7383 8324 9601 8764 9912 11449 13381 14444 16317 17720 18576 8 4150 5114 5751 6464 5980 6712 7562 6426 7231 8154 7476 8417 9694 8876 10024 11561 13548 14611 16484 17940 18807 9 4200 5164 5821 6534 6053 6785 7635 6505 7310 8233 7569 8510 9787 8988 10136 11673 13715 14778 16651 18160 19038 10 4250 5214 5891 6604 6126 6858 7708 6584 7389 8312 7662 8603 9880 9100 10248 11785 13882 14945 16818 18380 19269 11 4300 5264 5961 6674 6931 7781 7468 8391 8696 9973 10360 11897 14049 15112 16985 18600 19500 12 4350 5314 6744 7004 7854 7547 8470 8789 10066 10472 12009 14216 15279 17152 18820 19731 13 4400 5364 6101 6814 7077 7927 7626 8549 8882 10159 10584 12121 14383 15446 17319 19040 19962 14 4450 5414 6171 6884 7150 8000 7705 8628 8975 10252 10696 12233 14550 15613 17486 20193 15 4500 6954 7223 8073 7784 8707 9068 10345 10808 12345 14717 15780 17653 20424 16 4550 7024 7296 8146 7863 8786 9161 10438 10920 12457 15947 17820 17 4600 7094 7369 8219 7942 8865 9254 10531 11032 12569 16114 17987 18 4650 7164 7442 8292 8021 8944 9347 10624 11144 12681 16281 19 4700 7234 7515 8100 9023 9440 10717 11256 12793 16448 20 7304 7588 8179 9102 9533 10810 11368 12905 16615 21 7661 8258 9181 9626 10903 11480 13017 22 8337 9260 9719 10996 11592 13129 23 8416 9339 9812 11089 11704 13241 24 8495 9418 9905 11182 11816 13353 25 8574 9497 9998 11275 11928 13465 26 8653 10091 12040 13577 27 8732 9655 10184 11461 12152 13689 28 11554 12264 13801 29 11647 13913 p6 7243 30 11740 14025 31 14137 32 14249 Remind them of the career structure for STAFF. They have all been recruited in one CP and a band depending on the CP the job was open in and their level of experience relevant to the job.

7 Salary Grid: 1st September 2016
New Salary Grid Salary Grid: 1st September 2016 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Min 3858 4592 5464 6503 7738 8513 10130 12055 14346 17072 Midpoint 4630 5510 6557 7803 9286 10215 12156 14466 17215 20486 Max 5402 6428 7650 9104 10834 11918 14182 16877 20084 23900 83.333% 3858 4592 5464 6503 7738 8513 10130 12055 14346 17072 84.000% 3889 4628 5508 6555 7800 8581 10211 12151 14461 17208 85.000% 3936 4684 5573 6633 7893 8683 10333 12296 14633 17413 86.000% 3982 4739 5639 6711 7986 8785 10454 12441 14805 17618 87.000% 4028 4794 5705 6789 8079 8887 10576 12585 14977 17823 88.000% 4074 4849 5770 6867 8172 8989 10697 12730 15149 18028 89.000% 4121 4904 5836 6945 8265 9091 10819 12875 15321 18233 90.000% 4167 4959 5901 7023 8357 9194 10940 13019 15494 18437 91.000% 4213 5014 5967 7101 8450 9296 11062 13164 15666 18642 92.000% 4260 5069 6032 7179 8543 9398 11184 13309 15838 18847 93.000% 4306 5124 6098 7257 8636 9500 11305 13453 16010 19052 94.000% 4352 5179 6164 7335 8729 9602 11427 13598 16182 19257 95.000% 4399 5235 6229 7413 8822 9704 11548 13743 16354 19462 96.000% 4445 5290 6295 7491 8915 9806 11670 13887 16526 19667 97.000% 4491 5345 6360 7569 9007 9909 11791 14032 16699 19871 98.000% 4537 5400 6426 7647 9100 10011 11913 14177 16871 20076 99.000% 4584 5455 6491 7725 9193 10113 12034 14321 17043 20281 % 4630 5510 6557 7803 9286 10215 12156 14466 17215 20486 % 4676 5565 6623 7881 9379 10317 12278 14611 17387 20691 % 4723 5620 6688 7959 9472 10419 12399 14755 17559 20896 % 4769 5675 6754 8037 9565 10521 12521 14900 17731 21101 % 4815 5730 6819 8115 9657 10624 12642 15045 17904 21305 % 4862 5786 6885 8193 9750 10726 12764 15189 18076 21510 % 4908 5841 6950 8271 9843 10828 12885 15334 18248 21715 % 4954 5896 7016 8349 9936 10930 13007 15479 18420 21920 % 5000 5951 7082 8427 10029 11032 13128 15623 18592 22125 % 5047 6006 7147 8505 10122 11134 13250 15768 18764 22330 % 5093 6061 7213 8583 11237 13372 15913 18937 22535 % 5139 6116 7278 8661 10307 11339 13493 16057 19109 22739 % 5186 6171 7344 8739 10400 11441 13615 16202 19281 22944 % 5232 6226 7409 8817 10493 11543 13736 16347 19453 23149 % 5278 6281 7475 8895 10586 11645 13858 16491 19625 23354 % 5325 6337 7541 8973 10679 11747 13979 16636 19797 23559 % 5371 6392 7606 9051 10772 11849 14101 16781 19969 23764 % 5402 6428 7650 9104 10834 11918 14182 16877 20084 23900 Salary grid in place as from 1 September 2016

8 Mapping of current staff - What does it mean for me?
Da.0 (6732 CHF) Personal position below min Grade 5 (6732 CHF; % of midpoint) Normal advancement in Grade 5 Bb.5 (6493 CHF) There will be no change in salary The mapping is automatic, based on a mathematical algorithm. There is no change in salary linked to the mapping to the new grid. Grade 3 (6493 CHF; % midpoint) Staff members will be informed via an electronic letter sent by , which will also specify other information (e.g. Benchmark Job, salary and position in the Grade).

9 Annual Performance Review
Merit Appraisal: annual appraisal of performance. Includes periodic evaluation of functions and/or expertise. and Recognition Scheme: takes the form of career evolution and/or financial award MARS The performance review process at CERN is an annual exercise, which starts with an interview between the staff member and supervisor.

10 Performance management process
Dec-Feb Annual Interview PAST: -review results of work objectives -discuss competencies used -feedback -exchange of views FUTURE: -set work objectives -set development objectives Jan-Mar Written appraisal (EDH form) Electronic form (EDH) which represents an official record of what was discussed at the interview Mar-Apr Performance qualification decisions Department Head rates performance of staff members: Performance Qualification Insufficient Fair Strong Outstanding Suggested distribution range 0-1% 6-12% 57-63% 27-33% Salary increase (% of midpoint salary) - 0.35 % 1.35 % 2.35% Performance Payment 1.15 % 2.15% The interview is to address the previous year’s work: assess performance against agreed targets, Discuss the main competencies that were used to achieve the results feedback – information to staff on performance and progress (check on right track) and exchange of views b/t staff and supervisor – e.g. what resources/development needed, what went well/could have gone better etc. Also to discuss future: -set work objectives for following year and give direction -set development objectives (any type of learning activities that will help develop in the functions, take on more responsibilities, different projects, etc.) Form completed by staff member and supervisor to represent what was discussed at interview. Supervisor, SL and GL sign form. Staff member sees form and can make comments if so wishes. Form is official document and forms part of personal file. May be used in other HR processes including career and contract reviews. Discussions take place in dept. DH decides on performance qualification. Based on this, advancement and performance payment is proposed. Salary increase BOTH Annual lump-sum Payment (non- pensionable)

11 Where can I find out more?
HR Public Meeting – Tuesday 28 June, 15:00, Council Chamber MARS FAQ – Admin e-guide MARS Coordinators HRAs

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