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By: Vahram, Kaylie, Joshua, Suncere. In this presentation you will learn about Medicine, Mathematics, Sanskrit language, Metallurgy, and the Hindu and.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Vahram, Kaylie, Joshua, Suncere. In this presentation you will learn about Medicine, Mathematics, Sanskrit language, Metallurgy, and the Hindu and."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Vahram, Kaylie, Joshua, Suncere. In this presentation you will learn about Medicine, Mathematics, Sanskrit language, Metallurgy, and the Hindu and Buddhist temple arts. Also you guys will learn that Ancient Indians are very smart, because they created many things that help people a lot today and influence them today.

2 Metallurgy Metallurgy is the science of properties of metal. For example Ancient India has a iron pillar of Delhi which stands about 7m and 23 feet. It attracts people because for thousands of years it have not rust. India were very rich. One thing that Indians loved to do was trade gold with others because they were highly rich in metals. Ancient Indians mined Copper, Zinc, Gold, Iron, and Silver. Indians were very good with jewelry. Women loved jewelry so they had to have a minimum amount of jewelry. The jewelry was made by hand so the workers were very tired. The ancient indian jewelry was so unique with its designs. Indian jewelry was made out of high class metals, for example they made some jewelry out of gold. For some of the designs they had diamonds, pearls, rubies, and sapphires.

3 Videos about Metallurgy All you need to know about Ancient Indian Metallurgy

4 Ancient India’s Medicine's By: Kaylie Heshmati, Suncere Mclurkin Fact:Medicines were made out of plants and minerals. Fact:Besides the fact of curing people with medicines, indian doctors knew how to protect people against diseases. Fact: Besides Medicine Indian doctors would perform surgery like repaired broken bones. Fact:Inoculation is injecting a person with a small dose of virus to help him or her build up defence to a disease. Fact: Doctors used Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and space. https://ww com/watch ?v=CtPGK x8kPf4

5 Indian Medicine Test 1. What are the Medicine’s made out of ? 2.What did the Doctors use? 3.What does Inoculation mean? 4.Besides medicine what did Indian Doctors also do ?

6 Answer Key 1.Medicine’s were made out of plants and minerals. 2.Doctors used Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Space. 3.Inoculation means is injecting a person with small dose of virus of him/her build up defences to a disease. 4.Doctors would perform surgery.

7 Ancient Indian Mathematics As you might know Ancient Indians created their number 0, and that is very great, because without 0 there would not be mathematics, because 0 helps a lot for math, for example if people wanted to know what is 70 - 70 they would not know that it is 0. Also the first known use of numbers in India was in the time of the Harappans, about 3000 BC. https://www.yout v=pElvQdcaGXE

8 Questions about Mathematics. How did Indians create the number 0, and why did the Ancient Indians create the number 0. Did the 0 help or save people, or did it save math? Why? If there was not 0, what would happen? How does the number 0 help people today?

9 About Sanskrit Literature By:Suncere In ancient india there were two of the most famous sanskit texts called Mahabraham and Ramayana. Sanskrit was the main language of the Ancent Aryans. Sanskit was also the liturical language of hinduisum and buddahisum. Sanskrit as a language holds an important place in india along side sanskrit included 22 sacred used languages. And sanskrit means ‘’Refined,consecrated,and sanctified’’. zhzs

10 About Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that became an important work of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and philosophy. The earliest translations of this work from Sanskrit into English were made around 1795 CE by Sir Charles Wilkins. The name Bhagavad Gita means “the song of the Lord”.Sep 5, 2013. The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as simply the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Hindu traditionalists assert that the Gita came into existence in the third or fourth millennium BCE

11 About Hindus Hinduism's early history is the subject of much debate for a number of reasons.Firstly, in a strict sense there was no 'Hinduism' before modern times, although the sources of Hindu traditions are very ancient.Secondly, Hinduism is not a single religion but embraces many traditions.Thirdly, Hinduism has no definite starting point. The traditions which flow into Hinduism may go back several thousand years and some practitioners claim that the Hindu revelation is eternal.

12 About Buddhist art and temples. Whether as a monastic center, private devotional chapel, or popular urban nexus, the temple/convent has comprised a key religious environment in Japan and has had an enduring impact upon architecture and the visual arts.the architecture and art of selected sites dating from the 8th century onwards, including Hōryūji, Tōdaiji, the Byōdōin, Sanjūsangendō, and Daitokuji, and consider their religious histories and art histories.

13 Quiz !!!!!!!!!!!

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