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Visual Aids. Bantu migrations Kingdoms of West Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Aids. Bantu migrations Kingdoms of West Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Aids

2 Bantu migrations

3 Kingdoms of West Africa

4 Modern political map of west Africa

5 Indus River civilization ( Sind)

6 Aryan invasions

7 aryans

8 Aryan migration

9 Mauryan Empire ( 300 bce)

10 Ruins from Mohenjo daro

11 Roman Empire prior to division

12 Roman Empire circa 120 ce

13 Roman Empire with boundaries of modern nations

14 Asian Steppe

15 Silk Road


17 Grasslands of the steppe

18 Xiong-nu territory

19 Byzantine Empire at its peak

20 Byzantine Empire ( 814 ce)

21 Byzantium ( 1400 ce)

22 Byzantine Architecture

23 Byzantine Architecture will spread thoughout Eastern Europe ( Kiev below)

24 Byzantine mosaic / icon of Justinian

25 Justinian and Courtiers

26 Tribes circa 100 ce

27 Dar Al Islam ( 750 ce)

28 Map of Muslim communities

29 Slavic-speaking territories

30 Political map of Modern Eastern Europe

31 Bhagavad Gita

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