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Analysis and interpretation of results

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2 Analysis and interpretation of results
- Relationship between analytical results - Measurement uncertainty basic principles - Method Performance characteristics - Compliance criteria - Handling of “negative” results - Recovery factors - TEFs and TEQs (dioxins and PCBs) - Processing factors

3 Content Introduction on analysis Reporting analytical results
Interpretation of results: Compliant/Non-compliant Interpretation of results: Key issues Dioxins and PCBs: TEFs and TEQs Processing factors for contaminants

4 Analysis - Regulation 882/04
Whereas 17 Laboratories involved in the analysis of official samples should work in accordance with internationally approved procedures or criteria based performance standards and use methods of analysis that have as far as possible been validated. Article 11 – comma 2 Validation of methods of analysis may take place within a single laboratory according to an internationally accepted protocol.

5 (Confirmatory and Reference methods)
Full evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled Method Validation (Confirmatory and Reference methods) Validation includes: Specification of the method (scope, principle of the method, field of application, range of contamination) Determination of the performance characteristics of the methods such as precision (R, trueness, LOD/LOQ, uncertainty Verification that the requirements can be fulfilled by using the method Validation report

6 Performance characteristics

7 Why is it necessary to validate your methods?
For guaranteeing reliability of results Better agreement between analysts/laboratories/ countries Requested by accreditation standards (ISO/IEC 17025) Assurance that results will be fit for purpose

8 When should methods be validated?
When it is necessary to verify that method’s performance parameters are adequate for use for a particular analytical problem and compliant to Commission rules as, for example: New method developed for a particular problem Established method revised to incorporate improvements or extended to a new problem When quality control indicates an established method is changing with time Established method used in a different laboratory, or with different analysts or different instrumentation To demonstrate the equivalence between two methods, e.g. a new method and a standard

9 Analysis REGULATION (EC) No 882/2004, Annex III:
Methods of analysis should be characterised by the following criteria: (a) accuracy; (b) applicability (matrix and concentration range); (c) limit of detection; (d) limit of determination; (e) precision; (f) repeatability; (g) reproducibility;

10 Analysis (h) recovery; (i) selectivity; (j) sensitivity;
(k) linearity; (l) measurement uncertainty; (m) other criteria that may be selected as required.

11 Reporting analytical results

12 How to interpret your analytical results?
The analytical result must be related to the edible part of a food commodity Weight ratio whole product/edible part In some cases the result must be related to the dry matter An accredited analytical method shall have to be available by the lab The result will be compliant with the law according to the use of the product Direct human consumption Subjected to further sorting processing or physical treatment such as roasting, cleaning etc.

13 Regulation EC/401/2006 ANNEX II

14 How to report analytical results?
X ± U REGULATION 589/2014 UB Analytical result Mean of duplicate analysis Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Common criteria for all the sampling regulations. For dioxins and PCBs, moreover, X has to be expressed as the upperbound analytical result and has to be the mean of duplicate analysis (confirmatory). We’re going to see what the UB means along this presentation. e.g. tin (in canned pineapple) = 210 mg/kg±21 mg/kg Measurement uncertainty is 10 %

15 How to report analytical results?
The analytical result (X) must be reported corrected or uncorrected for recovery. The manner of reporting and the level of recovery must be reported. If an extraction step is applied, the analytical result (X) must always be corrected The analytical result corrected for recovery shall be used for controlling compliance Bullet point 2 comes from Reg.333/2007

16 Measurement Uncertainty - Definitions
“A parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand” ISO, International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology; Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 1993.

17 Measurement Uncertainty
There is concern that some laboratories under-estimate the size of their uncertainties and report unrealistically small uncertainties to their customers. For chemical analyses, it would not be unreasonable to expect that the (expanded) uncertainties reported by laboratories would be of the following orders: 1000 mg/kg +/- 11 % 100 mg/kg +/- 16 % 10 mg/kg +/- 22 % 1 mg/kg +/- 32 % <0,1 mg/kg +/- 44 % Reference document: Report on the relationship between analytical results, Measurement uncertainty, recovery factors and the provisions of EU food and feed legislation, with particular reference to Community legislation concerning Contaminants in food and Undesirable substances in feed

18 Uncertainty – Definitions
Expanded uncertainty [U] quantity defining an interval about a result of a measurement that may be expected to encompass a large fraction of the distribution of values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. The combined uncertainty represents the uncertainty value with a confidence level of 68% To have a confidence level of 95% (commonly accepted) a coverage factor of 2 is applied (k=2) when a large number of measurement are considered. However, k can be derived from tables of the t Student values. U = 2*uc

19 How to assess the uncertainty?
Three approaches II° approach Use reproducibility data from inter- laboratory studies SR as the best measure of maximum variability. Uc will be equal to 2SR (top-down approach) III° approach Horwitz approach (Horwitz- Tompson equation) RSDHR = 2 (1-0.5logC); бHR=Xm* RSDHR/100 0,5 бHR ≤ sr ≤ 0,66 бHR I° approach Classic metrological approach (bottom up, ref: GUM, CEI ENV ; EURACHEM, EA 4/02) Add up to repeatability measurement all other sources of uncertainty • volumetric flask corrections (calibration, temperature); • pipette volume corrections (calibration, temperature); • reference material content uncertainty; • concentration of calibrant uncertainty; • signal measurement uncertainty; • time measurement uncertainty; • extraction variability (volume, temperature, and solubility effects); • reaction or separation variability; • effect of interferences which may or may not be present. etc.)

20 Expression of the analytical results
Number of significant figures taken into account when reporting results and interpreting them in relation to legal limits In particular: Same units as the ML (μg/kg, mg/kg) the number of significant figures to be included in the reported result must be the same as reported in the legislation ( 0,01 mg/kg is not the same of 10 μg/kg!!) the interpretation of an analytical result in relation to a statutory limit (Uncertainty measurement, intended use of the product) Report on the relationship between analytical results, measurement uncertainty, recovery factors and the provisions of EU food and feed legislation, with particular reference to community legislation concerning - contaminants in food (Council Reg (EEC) no 315/93 of 8 February 1993 laying down Community procedures for contaminants in food) - undesirable substances in feed (Directive 2002/32/EC of the EU Parliament and of the council of 7 may 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed)

21 Example The analyst must decide what is the best approach
Legal limit of aflatoxin B1 in complementary feeds as set by the Regulation 574/2011: 0,01 mg/kg If your analytical result is 24 μg/kg (0,024 mg/kg), how to consider it? The result must be reported as 0,02 mg/kg (not compliant). But considering the uncertainty measurement, in two out of three cases the final result is compliant, in the third one is non compliant 44% uc= 0,01 (Horwitz approach) 20% uc= 0,005 Uext=2x0,005 = 0,01 (Metrological approach) 15% uc= 0,004 Uext=2x0,004=0,008 [0,024-0,008=0,016 ] 0,02 (NC) The analyst must decide what is the best approach

22 Interpretation of results: Compliant/Non-compliant

23 Compliant / Non-Compliant
Measurement Uncertainty Measured Value Limit Different Samples analysed by one Laboratory

24 Compliant / Non-Compliant
Measured Value Limit Same Sample analysed by different Laboratories

25 Compliant / Non-Compliant
This situation could happen due to different possible methods available for calculating the measurement uncertainty. Also due to more or less experienced laboratories. Compliant Non-Compliant Measured Value Limit Solved for pesticides by setting a fixed measurement uncertainty of 50% every laboratory has to reach. For Dioxins there is a core working group at the EU-RL thinking about a possible solution.

DIOXINS & PCBs The result of a single analysis: The result of a duplicate analysis: “SCREENING METHODS” < ML COMPLIANCE: lot accepted “CONFIRMATORY METHODS” As regards dioxins (PCDD/PCDF) and dioxin-like PCBs The lot is accepted, if the result of a single analysis —  performed by a screening method with a false-compliant rate below 5 % indicates that the level does not exceed the respective maximum level of PCDD/Fs and the sum of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs as laid down in Regu­ lation (EC) No 1881/2006, —  performed by a confirmatory method does not exceed the respective maximum level of PCDD/Fs and the sum of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 taking into account the measurement uncertainty NON-COMPLIANCE: lot rejected “CONFIRMATORY METHODS” > ML

27 How to handle “negative” results?
Need to express the compliance for total aflatoxins in a pistachio sample for direct human consumption. Legislative basis: Regulation 165/2010/UE Legal Limit for AfB1: 8.0 μg/kg; Legal Limit for total AFs : 10.0 μg/kg AfB1: 9.9 μg/kg; (uAfB1 = 1,0); 2. (uAfB1 = 2,2) AfB2: 4.0 μg/kg (uAfB2 = 0,4); 2. (uAfB1 = 0,9) AfG1: <LoQ (LoQ= 0,5 μg/kg) = negative (uAfG1 = -) AfG2: <LoQ (LoQ= 0,5 μg/kg) = negative (uAfG2 = -) How to express the final result for TOT Afs = Measurement uncertainty LOWER BOUND APPROACH 13,9 μg/kg Uexp TOT AF = 2 x √(uAfB1)2 + (uAfB2)2 Uexp TOT AF =2 x √(1,0)2 + (0,4)2 = 2x √1.2 = 2,2 Uexp TOT AF =2 x √(2,2)2 + (0,9)2 = 2x √5.7 = 4,8 [NC] [C] 13,9 ± 2,2 μg/kg 13,9 ± 4,8 μg/kg 1. 2.

28 Interpretation of results: Key issues

29 Content Introduction on analysis Reporting analytical results
Interpretation of results: Compliant/Non-compliant Interpretation of results: Key issues Dioxins and PCBs: TEFs and TEQs Processing factors for contaminants

30 How to interpret your analytical results?
The analytical result must be related to the edible part of a food commodity Weight ratio whole product/edible part In some cases the result must be related to the dry matter An accredited analytical method shall have to be available by the lab The result will be compliant with the law according to the use of the product Direct human consumption Subjected to further sorting processing or physical treatment such as roasting, cleaning etc.

31 Cd in crustaceans Example: Edible part
Regulation 1881/2006, Art. 1: The maximum levels specified in the Annex shall apply to the edible part of the foodstuffs Cd in crustaceans In the past, point of the Annex to R. 1881/2006 did not include the Edible Crab (“buey de mar”). Therefore, there was a problem with the interpretation of this description between labs: one lab used to analyse the whole content while the other removed the brown/orange part (which contains the highest amount of Cd). The Cd analytical result was really different and the same edible crab was compliant/non compliant depending on the lab criteria. It caused disturbances on the internal market (EU). Today is point of the Annex. …problem with the interpretation in the lab!

32 EDIBLE PART Cd in crustaceans “WHITE MEAT” “BROWN MEAT” Appendage Body
(crab, spider crab, edible crab…) Head (shrimps, prawns, lobsters…) “WHITE MEAT” Appendage CULTURAL ISSUE. “Edible part” is the whole content for some countries of the south of Europe (cultural habit). But for the rest of Europe the edible part is the white part. How would you manage this issue? We tried to harmonise the criteria and thought of setting up an ML for the whole content, but…

33 ML for crustaceans (whole content)
Low efficacy High cost After an exposure assessment, the possibility of setting up an ML was weighted. But the Cd content in the brown part is so high that setting up an ML for the whole content of crustaceans would have meant to destroy roughly half of the crustaceans market within the EU. And the habit (the high consumer of crustaceans with the whole part) would have been kept anyway.

34 Cadmium in crustaceans
EXPOSURE Cd levels in crustaceans Consumption of crustaceans Therefore, in order to reduce exposure to Cd in this vulnerable group (high consumers), we decided to advice them to reduce consumption.

35 Cd in crustaceans: Solution
DGSANCO Information Note (2011): “Consumption of brown crab meat” M6 (2011) Regulation 420/2011: clarification of the part to be analysed (white part) for international trade (the same ML was kept). Taking into account the different interpretations with regard to the portion of crabs to be analysed for comparison with the maximum level for cadmium, it should therefore be clarified that the maximum level set for cadmium in crustaceans in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 applies to muscle meat from appendages (legs and claws) and abdomen. For crabs and crab-like crustaceans, the maximum level applies to the appendages only. This definition excludes other parts of crustaceans, such as the cephalothorax of crabs and inedible parts (shell, tail). The cephalothorax comprises the digestive organs (hepatopanchreas) which are known to contain high levels of cadmium. As in some Member States consumers may eat parts of the cephalothorax on a regular basis, consumer advice at a Member State level to limit consumption of these parts may be appropriate to reduce exposure to cadmium. An Information Note on this issue was made available on the website of the DGSANCO. CONCLUSION: Different risk management measures depending on the case: MLs for the whole population vs Consumer Advice for specific groups

36 Dioxins and PCBs: TEFs and TEQs

37 Dioxins and PCBs: TEFs and TEQs
REGULATION 1881/2006 What does it mean?

38 Toxic Equivalent Factors (TEF)
2,3,7,8-TCDD HUMAN CARCINOGEN (GROUP 1, IARC) 210 PCDD/F congeners (75 dioxins, 135 Furans) … thereof 17 toxic substances 209 PCB congeners ………………………………………………. thereof 12 toxic substances 29 substances with different toxicity ->need of one value to describe the toxicity of a contaminated sample 2,3,7,8-TCDD is considered to be one the most dangerous compounds that pollute our enviroment. The most toxin dioxin. TEF=1 for this compound. Model of Toxic Equivalent (TEQ)-(Calculated by multiplication of each congener concentration with the Toxic Equivalency Factor and summation) TEF= 1 WHO (IPCS, List 1998; 2005)

39 dioxins and furans (pg/g)
TEF 1 dioxins and furans (pg/g) Congeners TEF LOD LOQ Recovery (%) Results TEQ Methods EPA 1613 2,3,7,8 - TCDD 0,003 0,007 50 0,0097 Detection HRGC/HRMS 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDD 0,005 0,012 45 0,0352 Unit pg/g 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDD 0,1 0,009 0,025 53 0,0119 0,0012 Accredited 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDD 0,0108 0,0011 Uncertainty (%) RSD 4,3% 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDD n.p. <LOQ 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDD 0,01 47 0,0406 0,0004 OCDD 0,0001 0,024 0,063 42 0,1793 0,00002 2,3,7,8 - TCDF 0,004 0,010 49 0,2505 0,0251 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDF 0,05 0,018 0,0372 0,0019 2,3,4,7,8 - PeCDF 0,5 46 0,0787 0,0394 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDF 0,006 0,015 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDF 0,013 51 0,0082 0,0008 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDF 0,008 0,022 Total TEQ-PCDD/PCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8 - HxCDF 0,016 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDF Upperbound 0,118 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 - HpCDF 0,021 Mediumbound 0,116 OCDF 0,029 0,077 Lowerbound 0,115 Seabass Model of Toxic Equivalent (TEQ)-(Calculated by multiplication of each congener concentration with the Toxic Equivalency Factor and summation) Here is the TEF list from The new one from 2005 is in the consolidated version of R. 1881/2006. To explain UB and LB use the example of a RULER: instrument to measure length (cm>mm>µm). Upper-bound concentrations; upper-bound concentrations are calculated on the assumption that all values of the different congeners below the limit of quantification are equal to the limit of quantification. Lower-bound concentrations; lower-bound concentrations are calculated on the assumption that all values of the different congeners below the limit of quantification are equal to zero The lot complies with the specification if the analytical result does not exceed the maximum level of non-dioxin- like PCBs laid down by Directive 2002/32/EC, taking into account the measurement uncertainty. The lot does not comply with the specification if the upper-bound analytical result confirmed by duplicate analysis exceeds the maximum level laid down by Directive 2012/277/EC, taking into account the measurement uncertainty.

40 Examples: Analysis of dioxins and PCBs
There are 3 analytical results on hypothetical samples (fish, egg and olive oil) Let’s discuss together their compliance with legislation

41 dioxins y furans (pg/g)
SAMPLE: Golden mullet (Liza aurata) DIOXINS Y FURANS dioxins y furans (pg/g) Congeners TEF LOQ Recovery (%) Results TEQ 2,3,7,8 - TCDD 1 0,005 70,20% 0,0209 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDD 0,009 100,40% <LOQ 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDD 0,1 69% 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDD 74,40% 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDD 100% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDD 0,01 0,021 63,60% 0,043 OCDD 0,0003 0,071 66,00% 1,0946 0,000009 2,3,7,8 - TCDF 0,022 65% 0,6275 0,00628 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDF 0,03 0,013 74,80% 0,061 0,00054 2,3,4,7,8 - PeCDF 0,3 0,004 78,30% 0,16 0,0144 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDF 68% 0,0133 0,00013 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDF 69,90% 0,0189 0,00019 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDF 65,80% EQT total-PCDD/PCDF (pg/g) 2,3,4,6,7,8 - HxCDF 64,80% 1,2732 0,1273 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDF 0,018 84,90% 0,0646 0,000006 UB 0,1619 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 - HpCDF 82,00% MB 0,1563 OCDF 0,0229 0, LB 0,1507 DL-PCBs PCBs no-orto (pg/g) PCB congeners EQT PCB-77 0,0001 80% 84,4912 0,0084 PCB-81 39% PCB-126 115% 21,557 2,1557 PCB-169 98% 80,083 2,4025 PCBs mono-orto (pg/g) PCB-105 90% 2031,81 0,6095 PCB-114 84% 147,9891 0,0444 PCB-118 83% 7854,25 2,3563 PCB-123 406,22 0,1219 Total TEQ-DL-PCB (pg/g) PCB-156 113% 3020,96 0,9063 PCB-157 107% 329,4594 0,0988 7,3773 PCB-167 1370,04 0,411 7,1335 PCB-189 92% 591,221 0,1774 6,8897 Non-compliant

42 dioxins y furans (pg/g)
SAMPLE: Hen egg Fat content (%) 8,5 Type of sampling: pg WHO-TEQ/g fat DIOXINS Y FURANS dioxins y furans (pg/g) Congeners TEF LOQ Recovery (%) Results EQT 2,3,7,8 - TCDD 1 0,179 78,80% <LOQ 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDD 0,223 36,80% 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDD 0,1 0,222 63% 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDD 0,208 66,40% 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDD 0,22 100% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDD 0,01 0,387 96,10% 0,5079 0,0051 OCDD 0,0003 0,548 83,60% 0,8439 2,3,7,8 - TCDF 0,186 61% 0,4741 0,0474 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDF 0,03 0,142 45,50% 0,1873 0,0056 2,3,4,7,8 - PeCDF 0,3 0,135 66,30% 0,2107 0,0632 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDF 0,215 77% 0,2728 0,0273 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDF 0,192 82,10% 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDF 0,336 68,70% EQT total-PCDD/PCDF 2,3,4,6,7,8 - HxCDF 0,207 73,30% 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDF 0,145 105,20% 0,1847 0,0018 UB 0,6938 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 - HpCDF 0,303 116,00% MB 0,4223 OCDF 0,467 LB 0,1507 DL-PCBs PCBs no-orto (pg/g) PCB congeners PCB-77 0,0001 0,447 40,40% 6,7983 0,0007 PCB-81 0,443  32,20% 0,4855 PCB-126 0,431 38,60% 0,8040 0,0804 PCB-169 0,294 39% PCBs mono-orto (pg/g) PCB-105 0,388 44,10% 36,6767 0,011 PCB-114 0,364 28,70% 2,3518 PCB-118 0,358 89% 102,3017 0,0307 PCB-123 0,367 38% 1,1063 Total TEQ-PCB PCB-156 0,401 43,50% 15,8862 0,0048 PCB-157 0,429 44% 2,8077 0,0008 0,1410 PCB-167 0,372 49,60% 6,8631 0,0021 0,1366 PCB-189 0,355 32,10% 2,0844 0,0006 0,1322 Comply If the analytical result from the lab was expressed in whole weight, we should convert the result to express it in fat (using the fat content reported).

43 dioxins y furans (pg/g)
MUESTRA: Olive oil DIOXINS Y FURANS dioxins y furans (pg/g) Congeners TEF LOQ Recovery (%) Results EQT 2,3,7,8 - TCDD 1 0,007 90 <LOQ 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDD 0,024 95 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDD 0,1 0,011 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDD 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDD n.p. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDD 0,01 0,055 72 OCDD 0,0003 0,188 55 0,3152 0,0001 2,3,7,8 - TCDF 0,058 87 3,0987 0,3099 1,2,3,7,8 - PeCDF 0,03 0,035 92 2,3,4,7,8 - PeCDF 0,3 0,135 89 1,4364 0,4309 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDF 0,012 94 0,0186 0,0019 1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDF 0,0134 0,0013 1,2,3,7,8,9 - HxCDF 85 EQT total-PCDD/PCDF (pg/g) 2,3,4,6,7,8 - HxCDF 83 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 - HpCDF 0,047 81 UB 0,7835 1,2,3,4,7,8,9 - HpCDF 69 MB 0,7638 OCDF 0,048 0,16 0,000048 LB 0,7441 DL-PCBs PCBs no-orto (pg/g) PCB congeners PCB-77 4,19 78 12,4288 0,0012 PCB-81 0,272 77 0,7646 0,0002 PCB-126 0,388 1,0904 0,109 PCB-169 0,245 75 PCBs mono-orto (pg/g) PCB-105 7,98 79 38,6288 0,0116 PCB-114 0,9 80 2,51 0,0008 PCB-118 32,6 94,5241 0,0284 PCB-123 0,65 1,327 0,0004 Total TEQ-PCB (pg/g) PCB-156 4,41 76 10,2109 0,0031 PCB-157 0,55 2,1391 0,0006 0,1653 PCB-167 1,97 7,1119 0,0021 0,1616 PCB-189 0,56 84 1,5889 0,0005 0,1579 Olive oil is 100% fat. NON-compliant for dioxins (UB), thus for the sum. CONCLUSION: It is important to understand the units and the calculations in order to assess compliance with MLs in legislation.

44 Processing factors for contaminants

45 MLs for Pb, Cd, Hg and inorganic Sn
Attention! REGULATION1881/2006 MLs for Pb, Cd, Hg and inorganic Sn This is a key issue for the aplication of MLs. Article 2: Processing factors

46 Article 2: Processing factors
MLs apply to the edible part of fresh/raw products For processed products Product Dried Diluted Processed Compound It shall be justified by the food business operator The specific concentration or dilution factors for the drying, dilution, processing and/or mixing operations concerned or for the dried, diluted, processed and/or compound foodstuffs concerned shall be provided and justified by the food business operator, when the competent authority carries out an official control. If the food business operator does not provide the necessary concentration or dilution factor or if the competent authority deems that factor inappropriate in view of the justification given, the authority shall itself define that factor, based on the available information and with the objective of maximum protection of human health. Make a comment on the list agreed on at a SCFCAH meeting in 2009 Possibility of applying PFs

47 Sample from the market Anchovy in brine: 0,8 ppm Cd Cadmium mg/kg
wet weight 3.2.15 Anchovy 0,25 Anchovy in brine: 0,8 ppm Cd You are a food inspector and take a sample of an anchovy in brine, is it compliant with legislation?

48 Sample from the market Fresh anchovy: 0,17 ppm Cd Cadmium mg/kg
wet weight 3.2.15 Anchovy 0,25 Fresh anchovy: 0,17 ppm Cd We, the national authorities of both countries, performed a study together with the FBO and we realised that fresh anchovy was compliant.

49 Anchovies in brine How to apply PFs? X 4,5
The Cd content in the anchovies is exactly the same, but due to the dehydration (because of salt), the Cd concentrates four and a half times (same Cd referred to less weight). CONCLUSION: Remember that MLs are applicable to the fresh/raw product, unless otherwise specified in the Annex to Regulation 1881/2006. X 4,5

50 CONCLUSIONS: The analytical result corrected for recovery shall be used for controlling compliance with MLs When performing official control we have to take into account key issues with respect to the application of the MLs in the legislation (edible part, intended use, TEQs for dioxins and PCBs, processing factors, etc.)


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