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Geocentric Model Earth centered solar system Old model – disproven.

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Presentation on theme: "Geocentric Model Earth centered solar system Old model – disproven."— Presentation transcript:


2 Geocentric Model Earth centered solar system Old model – disproven

3 Heliocentric Sun centered solar system Correct model Earth rotating on an axis and revolving around the sun

4 OMG I’ve seen Focault’s Pendulum Paris is the most romantic city!!!!

5 Wow what a Ceiling!!!

6 Pantheon France

7 Ohhhh Pendulum pendulum

8 Evidence for Heliocentric model Focault’s Pendulum Free swinging pendulum “appears” to change direction without interference The apparent change occurs because the floor under it is moving (Earth is rotating)

9 Coriolis Effect Deflection of winds and oceans due to the Earths rotation. Earth is spinning West to East therefore in the north the currents are deflected to the right. Southern hemisphere they are deflected to the left

10 Ocean Current Map *****Use your Reference table Turn to page 4 of your reference table Faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Earth Rotation Earth spins on an axis (that is tilted 23.5 degrees) Spins once per day (360 degrees per 24 hrs) 15 degrees per hour Rotates west to East So the sun appear to rise in the East and sets in the west servingsky/motion1.htm servingsky/motion1.htm

12 Effects of Earths Rotation Provides evidence of Rotation 1. Focault’s Pendulum 2. Coriolis Effect Effects of Rotation that do not prove Earth is rotating 1.Star Trails – Stars leave streaks in the sky (15 degrees per hour) 2.Change of day and night


14 Star Trails All stars in the north appear to rotate around polaris (north star) To measure the length of time the film exposed Measure the angle of the arc of the trail


16 Facing North

17 Facing West

18 Facing East

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