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PLANT HORMONES. Chemical messenger that stimulates or suppresses the activity of cells Produced in one location of an organism and causes a response in.

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2 Chemical messenger that stimulates or suppresses the activity of cells Produced in one location of an organism and causes a response in another Hormones

3 Dramatic increase in size End seed dormancy, start germination. And promote rapid growth of seedlings. Big fruit, long stems Gibberellins

4 Causes ripening Naturally produced by the plant Ethylene

5 Stimulate cytokinesis ( last stage of cell division) Produced in growing roots, seed, and fruits Lateral growth- side branches Cytokinins

6 Lengthening of plant- apical meristem Stimulate growth of the primary stem-preventing growth of new branches. Controls some forms of tropism Auxins


8 Tropisms Tropisms are a plant’s response to conditions in the environment. The responses can be affected by gravity, light, touch, and seasonal changes.

9 TROPISMS –Gravitropism –Phototropism –Thigmotropism

10 Gravitropism -Up and down growth of a plant -Plant responding to gravity -Down ( +) – with gravity -Up (-)- against gravity

11 Phototropism A phototropic response is when a plant grows toward a source of light. Stems may bend toward a window or nearest source of light. This growth allows their leaves to capture the most sunlight for the process of photosynthesis.

12 Thigmotropism When plants respond to touch Climbing plants/vines

13 Thigmotropism Examples: –A plant that is touched regularly may be stunted in its growth- sometimes quite dramatically –Vines and climbing plants-tips wrap around objects Thigmotropism

14 Rapid Responses Some responses do not involve growth; they are not tropisms Examples: –Mimosa pudica: the “sensitive plant” –The Venus flytrap

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