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Updates on projects 472, 470, 443, 462, 442, 471, 480, 483, 484 Tim Abbott Changes since 9 July are in blue.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates on projects 472, 470, 443, 462, 442, 471, 480, 483, 484 Tim Abbott Changes since 9 July are in blue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates on projects 472, 470, 443, 462, 442, 471, 480, 483, 484 Tim Abbott Changes since 9 July are in blue

2 #472 JIRA Still growing… Note: this JIRA will not compete with existing JIRAs, but will largely incorporate them and allow for graceful future growth. Accommodate external work?

3 JIRA needs We are already using most of our JIRA seats and will need more if we are to allow for needed aliases. An unpriced 250 seat license appeared on the Atlassian web page, so we waited, but it has done now, so The best route is still to upgrade our existing licenses to 500 seats: Also need to claim ~1 month of Petri’s time. Schedule is largely as Petri is able to make progress. Propose: rename project #472 “Blanco JIRA” to “CTIO JIRA”. JIRA$3,000 JEMH$800 Email parser$125 TheScheduler$175 Timesheet reports and gadgets $75 Total$4,175

4 #470 Blanco M1 active optics upgrade All controllers and manifolds were completed and installed in August. We have ~3 spares, and will have 7 soon. Performance (via telemetry) is excellent

5 AURA OC Tucson, 9/2014 (SH) Blanco Improvements in FY14 Old Versus New MAMAC Performance Commanded force corrects 300nm of astigmatism corresponding to 0.1 arcsec of FWHM image broadening –New MAMACS have resolution to follow this command, old did not 5

6 #470 Blanco M1 active optics upgrade This weekend, we will obtain DONUT mapping data. The data will be reduced in collaboration with Aaron Roodman to produce a new LUT and test the results. Some cleanup is required – A “button box” for local control – Intelligent control of air on/off via load cell telemetry (which needs to be integrated). We are also exploring options for a web query form on the telemetry that all interested parties can understand (like SISPI). This will require some of Edison’s time (~2mw). Prototype is here:

7 #443 Blanco TCS upgrade Right now, the highest visibility item is non-sidereal tracking. – Scope is currently limited to unguided DECam imaging. F8 will require work on the guider – On Wednesday August 20, the telescope was driven from -5.5 to 5.5 arc seconds per second in steps of 0.5 arc seconds per second, first in hour angle and then in declination. Both the position demand and the velocity feed forward demand in the CRIO-P unit were used to drive telescope. Now that Michael is back from vacation, analysis will proceed. – If all is well and no new servo filter design is required, this is likely to be a coding project and will require ~1 month of a software engineer’s time. Rolo says he can work on this and the SOAR TCS in parallel. – If servo tuning is required, we will have to explore the extent to which we want to provide this facility.

8 #462 Blanco aluminizing chamber Patricio visited Kitt Peak to investigate their system. Testing/training is being organized with Gale, who is being contracted as a consultant. Demonstration of CO2 blast cleaning (of chamber/components) by two vendors is being organized. At present, the project is being manned by several people already on staff (RA, PS, ND, +EP, RT, AM, MM) Pato’s documentation: We still need to identify an engineer to lead this. – Plan for realuminizing Blanco M1 in 2016 – We require someone to get started on preparations in 2015A.

9 #442 DECam-CTIO Covers installed, we can close this project… #471 Cass cage cart upgrade No movement, not required until 2016 barring emergencies. #480 Blanco Mirror Lift Upgrade Patricio visited Kitt Peak to investigate what they have done. Not required until 2016 barring emergencies PS’ documentation: Discussion to be scheduled

10 #483 f8 Handler (electronics) A manual workaround for the M5 axis (c/w up/down) has been effected A new Galil has been ordered (the first one turned out to be the wrong model). New software will be written to avoid the currently dangerous implementation in which the motors are always active and vulnerable to stray noise. Everything is usable, with the usual caveats, for the October f8 run. #484 f8 Handler (mechanics) A conceptual design has been produced – bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=768 bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=768 Work suspended until after the October engineering time while all relevant personnel are busy with other f8 work.

11 #??? - Dome shutter upgrade Following his investigations regarding Kitt Peak’s work on their dome shutter drive, Patricio is investigating the need for us to do the same. He has also had contact with AAT regarding theirs. – Documentation is here: bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=779 bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=779 Not ready for project number yet.

12 ACTR projects Close #434 SAM? Close #442 DECam-CTIO? Close #481 SOAR ADC upgrade?

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