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ALCOHOL DRUGS TOBACCO. Different types of addictions - Alcohol - Tobacco - Drugs.

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2 Different types of addictions - Alcohol - Tobacco - Drugs

3 ALCOHOL · Is a legal, sedative drug which changes the way we feel. · Alcohol as a drug doesn't contain any nutrients for the body. · The EU is considered the center of the global alcohol industry, acting as both the largest market and the major producer of alcoholic drinnks. · The fact that alcohol improves the drinkers mood in a short term is an important reason why many people drink.

4 TOBACCO · It's green,leafy plant that is grown in warm climates. After it's picked, it's dried, ground up, and used in different ways. · Nicotine is one of the chemicals in cigarettes and its smoke. It's the chemical that makes tobacco addictive or habit forming. · Cigarettes use causes premature death. On average, smokers die 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.


6 DRUGS · Drugs are substances that change a person's physical or mental state. Some, however are used (apart of with medical purpose) for recreational drugs. · Drug dependence may occur when a person continues to use drugs even though they cause them significant changes in their body and mental health.



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