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Menggambar Dengan Komputer Introduction to AutoCAD.

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Presentation on theme: "Menggambar Dengan Komputer Introduction to AutoCAD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Menggambar Dengan Komputer Introduction to AutoCAD

2 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Introduction  Whats is CAD? - Computer Aided Design and Draughting (sometimes knows CADD) - Generally, it is use of computers in design and drawing processes - CAD s being used widely in modern practice The ability of computer that enable engineers to produce, revise, store and transmit original drawings has made it very important

3 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Starting, Interface & File system Starting with AutoCAD 2006

4 Teknologi dan Rekayasa How to Start -Click icon [AutoCAD 2006] or select START menu [Start]>All program >Autodesk>AutoCAD 2006

5 Teknologi dan Rekayasa AutoCAD main Window Drawing area icons /toolbar WCS Pull dow menu Model & layout tab Command promt Coordiant status cursor

6 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Initialising (New Drawing)  Setting up drawing limit - To define the drawing area and limit the grid display - [menu] > Format > Drawing Limits… - In command box :

7 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Initialising (New Drawing)  Setting up drawing unit - [menu]>Format>Units… - Drawing Unit Window  Setting up grid and snap - To Activate Click On Button GRID - select setting

8 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Opening and Saving  To open exiting file - [menu]> file>Open or press CTRL + O Or click open icon  To save drawing - [menu]>file > save or press CTRL+S - or click Save icon Open drawing windowSave drawing window

9 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Printing  Can be done from model view or layout view (paper space)  From model view (Make sure in model Tab - [menu]>File>Plot or CTRL+P or click Plot icon Paper zise Printer device Printable area Scale of printout Plot area

10 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Basic stuff  How to Draw ? - Using mouse, point and click in drawing area - Type in coordinates in command prompt window  When using the mouse ? - Recommended to use snap and grid as guide - Set snap and grid spacing accordingly

11 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing straight line  3 methods to execute the command - By choosing [pd menu] > Draw > Line - By clicking [icon Line] - By typing in command prompt command : line (enter) or command: L ( enter)

12 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing straight line  Using coordinate points, 3 methods; - Absolute coordinate - Relative coordiante - Polar

13 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing straight line Polar relative coordinate

14 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing circle  To execute circle command - [pd menu]. Draw > Circle - [icon circle] - At command prompt command: circle (enter) or command : c (enter)

15 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing circle

16 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing circle  Methode to draw circles - center and radius - center and diameter - two points circle -Three points circle -Tan, tan radius -Tan, tan, tan

17 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing circle Center and diameter Center 2 point

18 Teknologi dan Rekayasa  3 point  Tan tan radius

19 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Arc To execute arc command - [pd menu] > draw > Arc - [icon arc] - A Shortcut Icon

20 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Arc 3 Points

21 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Arc Start, center, end Start, center, angle

22 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Arc  Start, end, angle

23 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Erasing / deleting

24 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Copy entity

25 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Moving entity  Using [ pd menu] > modify>move  Similar to copy entit

26 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Scale / Resize

27 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Line Tipe and Line thickness  The line type need to be loaded before it can be used  [pd menu] >Format > Linetype…  Linetype Manager dialoq box will be opened  Initially we only have one line type which is continuous  Click on (button load)  Another dialog box is opened Load or Reload Linetypes

28 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Line Tipes…..  Chose the types of lines to be loaded by clicking it from the list  Click (button OK)  The selected line will be displayed in Linetype Manager

29 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Line Thickness  Select the required line type and line thickness  Line types and line thickness drop down list box

30 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Magnification / Zoom  Change the size of view, not size of object  Useful to draw small feature, to view overall size, etc  Several option. Commonly used - zoom window - zoom all  Can be accessed from - [pd menu] > view > zoom - [icon zoom]  Change the size of view, not size of object

31 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Magnification / Zoom Zoom dinamic Zoom window Zoom center Zoom in Zoom out Zoom window Zoom object Zoom scale

32 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Text 2 types -Multiline text -Single line text Multiline Text -Type in at command prompt command: mtext (etnter) -[pd menu] > draw > Text > multiline text -[icon multiline text]

33 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing Text  Single line text - Type in at command prompt command : text (enter) - [pd menu] > draw > Text > singleine text

34 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing aid  Object snap  Object snap /OSNAP - Are fungtion to aid the drawing process, a very useful tool - To snap on a geometric point on an object - can be turn off or on by clicking OSNAP button on status bar or press CTRL+F or F3 key

35 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing aid  SNAP setting - Right-click OSNAP button - Drafting setting dialog box turns up - Can be used to turn on or off object snap modes - Symbols indicated by each mode are shown in drawing with yeloow marker

36 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Drawing aid  How to Used -You need to have an object on drawing area -Then you need to be in a drawing command, e,q Circle, Line, Arc, etc

37 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Thank’s Your Attention

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