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Rise of the Kings: Charles Martel, Charlemagne and The Carolingians One king in Europe will show others how it is supposed to look to really be king. This.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of the Kings: Charles Martel, Charlemagne and The Carolingians One king in Europe will show others how it is supposed to look to really be king. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of the Kings: Charles Martel, Charlemagne and The Carolingians One king in Europe will show others how it is supposed to look to really be king. This leader of the first Empire since Rome will not even be born a king, but will be seen as the archetype that all other kings will aspire to for hundreds of years, Charlemagne, King of the Franks.

2 Rise of Islam and the Invasion of Castile (modern Spain)  As the Catholic Church gains more and more control over parts of Europe, Muslim invaders start to cross from Europe into Castile (modern Spain)  The Church and many kings in the areas near Castile see this as a threat and want them to be kicked out of Christian lands.  The Muslims are expanding their Caliphate, or Religious Empire and don’t realize that Christianity is a strong as it is in Europe. Caught off guard.  As more and more conflicts erupt between Christians and Muslims in Castile, the Church looks for someone who will help them get rid of the Muslim invaders.

3 As Rome was falling and the Dark Ages descended on Europe, Islam was growing quickly and the Islamic Caliphate was taking over LARGE parts of what was the Roman Empire. Few people in Europe realize what is happening before they invaded Castile! Hello!

4 Charles Martel aka “Charlie the Hammer”  During the 600’s and 700’s, the Frankish kings started to lose power.  Islam was growing and spreading throughout the Middle East and Africa and into Europe.  The Church and Christian kingdoms became weary of these invaders. Felt threatened by a different religion and approves killing of Muslims in Christian lands.  In 732, a officer of the Frankish king’s household named Charles Martel rallied Christian warriors to defeat Muslim armies who were invading into Castile (Southern Spain) from North Africa.  The Church supports this idea and rallies Christians behind Charles Martel for the first real Holy War in Europe.

5 The Carolingians  Martel destroys much of the Muslim invader’s forces in the Battle of Tours (for now.) This is a preview of upcoming conflicts with Muslim nations in the future.  With his triumphant victory, Charles Martel tries to assume the kingship of the Franks for himself and his family. Bastard son of the King, but was not the 1 st born son. Bastard = Son born outside of marriage. Would become king of Franks because of the Catholic Church.  This lays the foundation for a new dynasty known as the Carolingians. The Carolingians will establish an Empire in areas of France and Italy.


7 Europe in Turmoil- Enter “Charlemagne”  The Church needed someone strong to help them unify the Christians, spread Christianity, and fight off the Muslims.  In 771, Martel’s grandson takes the thrown and assumes a new title, Charlemagne, or “Charles the Great” with the help and blessing of the Church.  On Christmas Day in 800, while Charlemagne went to Rome and Pope Leo III placed a golden crown on the his head crowning him the first Holy Roman Emperor, the divinely appointed leader of the earthly Christian world.  He was seen as “chosen by God” an idea that will become the basis for all kings in Europe. The idea of being “chosen” to be king is known as the Divine Right of Kin gs.

8 Charlemagne the Warrior  Charlemagne launched a military campaign that would last more than 30 years to unify Europe. He never lost a single battle!  By 800 Charlemagne was the undisputed ruler of Western Europe and established an Empire  Charlemagne brought unity and the Christian religion to all the areas of Europe.


10 Charlemagne and the Church  Charlemagne was devoutly Christian would not only conquer his territories, he would convert the people as well. Sometimes, at the tip of a sword.  The Church also relied on Charlemagne for protection and leadership.  Charlemagne ruled and protected the Christian Kingdoms, including Rome, with authority surpassing that of the Pope. “I protect you, so I am in charge.”

11 Lesson Questions: Answer in pairs, on sentence per question.  How important was stopping the Muslim Caliphate at the Battle of Tours?  What impact did Charlemagne had in Europe’s unity during the Middle Ages?  How did he help strengthen and expand his kingdom?  How did he help the spread of Christianity?  How important did you think it was that Martel had help from the Catholic Church to become king?  Do you think that the Church will like having a king like Charlemagne who is this powerful and an Empire controls them?

12 

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