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LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY Mrs. Goncalves’s Class 2016-2017 School Year Instructional Aides:

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Presentation on theme: "LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY Mrs. Goncalves’s Class 2016-2017 School Year Instructional Aides:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY Mrs. Goncalves’s Class 2016-2017 School Year Instructional Aides: Mrs. McCarus (M-T), Mrs. Marszalek (W-F) Class Rules 1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Respect others. 3. Sign in and out when leaving the classroom. 4. Stay on task. 5. Keep a positive attitude! Class Expectations 1. Be in seat when tardy bell rings. 2. Put proper heading on all papers. 3. Use the restroom before class starts or after class ends. 4. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 5. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. Welcome to our 5 th /6 th grade Language Arts Literacy class! Our focus this school year will be learning and developing our skills as critical thinkers, readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. The skills that we develop in this class will help you to become successful in your other classes and in your life throughout adulthood! In other words, these skills are a BIG DEAL! You will be working on specific reading and writing goals that you will help develop! Mini lessons will be used to teach you exactly how to use the strategies you will be taught. I will select texts to use during mini lessons, but the good news is that you will be using the books you have selected that are on your reading level to practice the skills. Mrs. McCarus, Mrs. Marszalek, and I will be conferring with you one-on-one to see how you are progressing on your goals for each unit. Your appropriate behavior in class allows everyone to have the best environment conducive to learning. Some possible rewards for continuous appropriate behavior: intrinsic value (satisfaction of learning), improved skills, verbal praise, positive note to parents, and classroom privileges. Remember, everyone must be given the best opportunity to learn. When you do not follow the rules, it affects EVERYONE. 1.Warning: you will be given a verbal reminder. We all make mistakes! Please fix it after being reminded! ☺ 2. Note to Parent/Guardian: a note in your agenda and/or an email will be sent notifying your parent/guardian that you had difficulty following the rule(s). 3. Lunch Detention: in addition to a note to your parent/guardian, you will eat lunch in the conference room that day and think about how you can change your behavior so that you can allow everyone in the class an equal opportunity to learn. 4. Referral to Administration: Severely disruptive behavior will be reported to administration. Course Description What do I get if I follow class rules? What are the consequences if I don’t follow class rules?

2 You will write your homework down daily in your agenda at the beginning of the class (unless instructed to wait until the end). Agendas will be checked on a daily basis. If you did not copy down your homework, you can go on my website at click on the homework link for assignments. You will have 2 extra days to turn in any work assigned on a day you were absent. If a quiz was administered on a day you were absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day you return. You may check your grades on Genesis, the online grade book. A+= 98%-100%A= 93% - 97% A-= 90% - 92%B+= 88% - 89% B= 83% - 87%B-= 80% - 82% C+= 78% - 79%C= 73% - 77% C-= 70% - 72%D+= 68% - 69% D= 63% - 67%D-= 60-62% Grade Scale Grade Breakdown Assessments / Quizzes = 90% (includes major writing pieces, reading assessments, grades on select assignments) Homework/Classwork = 10% Grading of Homework/Classwork: CHECK PLUS (3 points) = completed in its entirety and best effort was shown CHECK (2 points) = over half complete but not fully complete CHECK MINUS (1 points) = half or less than half complete; minimal effort ZERO = (0 points) = did not attempt One 1.5 inch 3-ring binder One package of dividers Two composition books Loose-leaf lined paper Multiple pencils Supplies How will I check my grade in class? What do I do if I am absent? Do I have to read outside of class? Yes!! You will be expected to read independently on a daily basis and will be required to keep a reading log that will be due every Monday (except on shortened school weeks). Your first reading log will be given to you after we go book shopping for “just right” books in class. You must bring your Independent Reading Book (IRB) back and forth to school with you every day. This is VERY IMPORTANT! You will be using your IRB in class almost every day and will also need it at home every night to complete your reading homework. What units of study will we be completing this year? Unit 1: Launching - Reading Narrative Texts (memoirs and short stories) Unit 2: Launching - Writing Memoirs Unit 3: Reading, Comprehending, and Responding to Nonfiction and Narrative Articles Unit 4: Constructing Open-Ended Responses to Non-Fiction Texts Unit 5: Fiction Book Clubs Unit 6: Non-Fiction Text Sets (reading texts sets on a single topic and drawing generalizations) Unit 7: Informational Essays/Persuasive Argument Essays Unit 8: Poetry Unit 9: Research Project 2 Where do I go to find assignments?

3 PLEASE READ THE COURSE INFORMATION, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS SHEET TO MRS. GONCALVES. Students: Please sign below to signify that you have read the course sheet for Mrs. Goncalves’s class, will keep it in your folder, and will be responsible for the information throughout the year. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Student printed name Student signature Parents/Guardians: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Mrs. Goncalves’s class and that you will help your student be accountable for the information. If you have questions about the course or your student’s work, please do not hesitate to contact me; email is the best way to reach me quickly! See the front of this sheet for my email address. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian signature _______________________________ ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail Parent/Guardian daytime phone number (please print). 3 What is the best way to communicate with you throughout the year? _____Email _____ Phone Call _____Other: ____________________________________________________________________________

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