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Welcome! Mrs. Reeves English I, TV Pro. Mrs. Reeves Mrs. Reeves About me: 4 th year teaching at GBHS Gulf Breeze Resident Former WEAR-TV News Reporter.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Mrs. Reeves English I, TV Pro. Mrs. Reeves Mrs. Reeves About me: 4 th year teaching at GBHS Gulf Breeze Resident Former WEAR-TV News Reporter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Mrs. Reeves English I, TV Pro

2 Mrs. Reeves Mrs. Reeves About me: 4 th year teaching at GBHS Gulf Breeze Resident Former WEAR-TV News Reporter Worked 23 years in TV news Married with 2 children

3 How do I make good grades in here?

4 Tools for Success

5 POLICY DETAILS Be in class when the late bell rings Do your bell work without delay Bring your binder to class Follow the rules of the school Work bell to bell. No gathering at the door

6 Consequences: Lost privileges, parent conferences, lost participation points, and referrals Policy details

7 The Weekly Plan is posted on the board. You are expected to copy the assignments into your binder. Grades are on a point system. Tests and embedded assessments=100 Quizzes usually 30 points Classwork or Homework usually 10pts Homework is due at the beginning of class. Must be placed in your class basket. Missing work=zero

8 It is your responsibility to see what you missed during an absence and make up the work. (including bellwork or notes) You may have to come in before or after school for make-ups. All make-ups must be turned in within the 3 rd day back to school. Tests or quizzes announced before the absence must be taken the first day back or scheduled by Mrs. Reeves. Students can’t make up work for an unexcused absence, so the grade will be a zero.

9 CLASS MATERIALS CLASS MATERIALS Your Brain & Creativity 3-Ring Binder w/5 dividers (1 inch) Blue or Black Pens and Pencils Looseleaf Notebook Paper Recommended Supplies Highlighters Index cards Kleenex Hand Sanitizer English I

10 WEBSITE: Http:// ages/Creeves/


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