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Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting October 6 th, 2008 Status Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting October 6 th, 2008 Status Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting October 6 th, 2008 Status Report

2 GEF-IWCAM Background  Funding: Global Environment Facility (GEF)  Project Cost: US$112M (includes co-financing)  GEF Funding US$14M  Implementing Agencies: UNEP & UNDP  Executing Agencies: CEHI, UNEP CAR/RCU, and UNOPS  Project Coordination Unit: based at CEHI

3 GEF-IWCAM Background PROJECT OBJECTIVE To assist Caribbean Small Island Developing States to adopt an integrated approach to watershed and coastal area management.

4 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Implementation and management of 9 demonstration projects in 8 countries    Capture of lessons, best practices, alternative technologies from Demonstration Projects  Development of national, regional and global replication strategies and mechanisms Component 1: Demonstration, Capture, and Transfer of Best Practices

5 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Review existing national and regional level indicator frameworks  Development of template for national level Indicators  Conduct hotspot diagnostic analyses (HSDA) at (non-demo) hotspots in each country Component 2: Development of IWCAM Process, Stress Reduction, and Environmental Status Indicators Framework

6 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Establish Regional centre for storage of Indicator information and for Indicator training  Pilot IWCAM process, stress reduction and environmental status indicators (1 country) Component 2 (continued)

7 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures identifying barriers to IWCAM  A set of regional guidelines for national policy, legislative and institutional reform  Regional programme for amendment of national legislation and policy  IWRM Plan development Component 3: Policy, Legislative and Institutional Reform for IWCAM

8 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  National workshops on awareness and multi- sectoral sensitisation to IWCAM issues  Stakeholder involvement in regional IWCAM  Training and education activities Component 4: Regional and National Capacity Building and Sustainability for IWCAM

9 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  A regional strategy for the sustainable promotion and implementation of IWCAM  Project Networking  A regional IWCAM Information Clearing House Component 4 (continued)

10 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Project Management (by Project Coordination Unit)  Project Steering Committee (to provide policy level guidance)  National Inter-sectoral Committees (to capture IWCAM concepts)  Implementing Agency/Executing Agency Management Group Component 5: Project Management and Coordination

11 GEF-IWCAM Project Components  Regional Technical Advisory Group  Project Reporting on activities and outputs, and reviews of project work-plan and budget  Project Evaluation ensures that indicators are measuring sustainable project success  Develop an Information Management System for the project Component 5 (continued)

12 GEF-IWCAM Project Components Status Updates

13 GEF-IWCAM Status  Developed since 1998!  Block-B Phase began in 2000  Demonstration Projects developed in 2003  Approved by GEF Council in May 2004  Project documents finalised by UNDP & UNEP in 2005  PCU established in 2006; staff hired  Steering Committees, June ’06, Oct ’07 & Oct ’08  RTAG, July ’07 & June ‘08

14 GEF-IWCAM Component Status  Hotspot concepts for Haiti & Barbados being developed  Site visits facilitated to demo projects (Dom. Rep; Jamaica; Antigua; Bahamas; Cuba)  Demo projects trained in communications and indicators  Linkages strengthened with IABIN, OPAAL, Pacific projects  Website being upgraded Component 1: Demonstration, Capture, and Transfer of Best Practices

15 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Dominican Republic

16 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Jamaica

17 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Bahamas

18 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Demo site visit, Cuba

19 Demo Project Milestones GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

20 Demo Project Payment Status GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

21 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued) Demo Project Expenditure Status

22 What should the Project Steering Committee and Executing and Implementing Agencies do regarding Demonstration Projects that are “at risk”?  Provide additional support? What type?  Set deadlines or milestones required to avoid cancellation?  Reduce or reallocate funds?  Reduce activities, goals, and objectives? GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

23 Antigua and Barbuda - Suggested Milestones  Baseline indicators established 01 December 2008  Wastewater management strategy completed and presented to Cabinet 01 March 2009  Construction of Street Level Wastewater management demo completed 15 March 2009  End Date: November 2009 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

24 Bahamas (Andros) - Suggested Milestones  Contract issued to TNC and first payment made 01 November 2008  Draft Water Conservation Strategy Completed 15 January 2009  Initiate Construction of Applicable Technology 15 March 2009  End Date: January 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

25 Bahamas (Exuma) - Suggested Milestones  Contract issued to CWC and first payment made 01 November 2008  Sewage treatment design completed and construction initiated 01 February 2009  Mooring System deployed 15 March 2009  End Date: January 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

26 Cuba - Suggested Milestones  Implementation of water quality monitoring programme 15 December 2008  Design of main component of sugar mill pilot activity re: water reuse 15 December 2008  Design and construction of 4 demo areas for best forest practices 15 June 2009  End Date: June 2011 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

27 Dominican Republic - Suggested Milestones  1 st Official Meeting of the Council for Management & Development of the Lower Haina Watershed 28 November 2008  Indicators Baseline Established 15 January 2009  Draft Legislative / Policy Revision Prepared 15 February 2009  End Date: November 2010 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

28 Saint Kitts and Nevis - Suggested Milestones  Signing of contract for consultancy work for the Basseterre Valley Water Resources and Liamigua National Park management plans 15 November 2008  First public stakeholder consultation session for proposed Liamigua National Park 15 April 2009  Submittal of draft reports for the Basseterre Valley Water Resources and Liamigua National Park management plans 30 June 2009  Formal designation of the Liamigua National Park 30 January 2010  End Date: November 2009 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Component 1 (continued)

29 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Indicators template prepared, reviewed by countries and finalized  Regional Indicators workshop combined with IABIN  Baseline indicators prepared for most Demos and incorporated into project reports  Indicator training for Trinidad & Tobago gov’t Component 2: Review of existing national and regional level indicator frameworks underway

30 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Collaboration with FAO, BWA, CZMU, and EPD regarding centralized indicators database in Barbados underway  PIMS under development; will incorporate Clearinghouse for indicators  Informal Working Group on indicators proposed but not active Component 2: Review of existing national and regional level indicator frameworks underway (continued)

31 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Indicators Workshop, Jamaica

32 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  RTAG debated need for new HSDAs; felt that existing Hotspots should be targeted for specific and relevant interventions  Consideration of utilizing GIS assessments and tools to highlight risks to watersheds and programming for on-the-ground interventions Component 2: Conduct HSDA at (non-demo) hotspots in each country

33 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Consultants completed review of legislation, policy & institutional structures and prepared Policy / Legislative / Institutional Toolkit.  Toolkit includes models to assist countries in drafting legislation specific to LBS Protocol.  LBS Protocol featured prominently in the assessment and formed basis for the Toolkit. Component 3: Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures underway, identifying barriers to IWCAM

34 GEF-IWCAM Component #3 Status Status:  Regional workshop convened in Nov ’07 (included representatives from AG’s Chambers) and participating countries reviewed Toolkit.  Toolkit finalized and made available to countries. Component 3: Review of national policy, legislation and institutional structures underway, identifying barriers to IWCAM (continued)

35 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Legal Workshop, Bahamas

36 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  IWRM Informal Working Group met in Oct ’07 and communicates via email  Grenada prepared National Water Policy, based on Situation Analysis and Road Map  Students on Union Island received training and provided with WQ Monitoring equipment  Estimates procured for specific IWRM interventions in Grenada and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines related to catchment rehabilitation. Component 3: IWRM Plan Development

37 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Training in Community-Based Resource Assessment conducted in Dominica and WQ Monitoring equipment provided  Additional Inception Workshops held in Antigua, Dominica, Barbados and St. Lucia; planned for DR, SKN and others  Training in IWRM conducted by/through CEHI & Caribbean WaterNet Component 3: IWRM Plan Development (continued)

38 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Community-based Resource Assessment, DOM

39 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 IWRM Inception Workshop, Antigua

40 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 IWRM Inception Workshop, St. Lucia

41 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Regional training workshops on Outreach, Communications & Indicators convened  IWCAM presented at regional and international fora (GEF; LBS; CWWA; Global Oceans; CEF- 4)  National Focal Points/Country representatives exposed to new technology, e.g. CWWA; CEF- 4; URISA (GIS) Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM

42 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  ‘Caribbean WaterWays’ Newsletters published quarterly; posters, video shorts and monthly bulletins produced  Communications and Education Strategy reviewed by countries; Communications Plans developed by Demo projects  Stakeholder participation evaluation developed and reviewed (checklist) Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM (continued)

43 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Project Networking with other projects (e.g. OPAAL, PERB, IABIN, Pacific)  PIMS initiated; inventory of projects completed  New website designed; being populated; launch 4 th Quarter of 2008 Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability (continued)

44 New GEF-IWCAM website:

45 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 High-level Outreach

46 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 High-level Outreach

47 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Technical Cooperation facilitated (Cuba/Antigua; SLU/JAM)  Regional GIS training facilitated by resource persons from participating countries (TCC)  Teleconferences convened among IAs, EAs and PCU; skype used to communicate with participating countries and other partners  DVDs and posters produced to communicate IWCAM messages; Press Launch used to promote DVD; DVD widely distributed Component 4: Regional & National Capacity Building & Sustainability for IWCAM (continued)

48 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Technical Cooperation Among Countries

49 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 Technical Cooperation Among Countries

50 GEF-IWCAM Component Status Status:  Project Steering Committee convened in 2006, 2007 & 2008 (Oct.)  National Inter-sectoral Committees being established  Regional Technical Advisory Group meetings in 2007 & 2008  Quarterly Operating Reports and 6 monthly Reports received from Demos; Annual PIRs prepared for 2006/07 & 2007/08  Project work-plan drafted for 2009 Component 5: Project Management and Coordination

51 GEF-IWCAM Activities, Oct ‘07 – Sep ’08 RTAG Meeting, June 2008

52 GEF-IWCAM Component #5 Status  Sub-Project prepared for CEHI to facilitate project management  Delays affected lab capacity building activities; assessments conducted in ANU, CUB, SLU, JAM, T&T to date  Regional event schedules coordinated:  Indicators Workshop (with IABIN)  PSC-2/CWWA (also PSC-3 with CWWA 2008)  RTAG/CEF-4 Component 5: Project Management and Coordination (continued)

53 Vincent Sweeney GEF-IWCAM Regional Project Coordinator THANK YOU!

54  Antigua and Barbuda: Mitigation of Groundwater and Coastal Impacts from Sewage Discharges from St. John’s  Bahamas: Land and Sea Use Planning for Water Recharge Protection and Management in Andros  Bahamas: Marina Waste Management at Elizabeth Harbour in Exuma  Cuba: Application of IWCAM Concepts at Cienfuegos Bay and Watershed  Dominican Republic: Mitigation of Impacts of Industrial Wastes on the Lower Haina River Basin and its Coast GEF-IWCAM Project Components Component 1 (continued):

55  Jamaica: An Integrated Approach to Managing the Marine, Coastal and Watershed Resources of East-Central Portland  Saint Kitts and Nevis: Rehabilitation and Management of the Basseterre Valley as a Protection Measure for the Underlying Aquifer  Saint Lucia: Protecting and Valuing Watershed Services and Developing Management Incentives in the Fond D'or Watershed Area  Trinidad and Tobago: Land-Use Planning and Watershed Restoration as part of a Focused IWCAM Demonstration in the Courland Watershed and Buccoo Reef Area GEF-IWCAM Project Components Component 1 (continued):

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