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LEGACY OF ROME Although the last Roman Emperor was deposed in A.D. 476, the Roman way of life was so widespread it did not completely disappear when Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "LEGACY OF ROME Although the last Roman Emperor was deposed in A.D. 476, the Roman way of life was so widespread it did not completely disappear when Rome."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEGACY OF ROME Although the last Roman Emperor was deposed in A.D. 476, the Roman way of life was so widespread it did not completely disappear when Rome fell…and those parts that did disappear were rediscovered and embraced by later civilizations.

3 Towns and Cities Location: Layout:

4 Travel and Communications Some actual roads can still be seen. Routes. Wheel Gauge.

5 Architecture Design (Arches Domes Etc) Materials (concrete) Proportion and design… Influence on RENAISSANCE

6 Painting and Sculpture Renaissance artists like Michelangelo fascinated with “classical world”. Style, proportion, mood and style…


8 Language Latin spread throughout empire did not disappear after Rome but local dialects developed differently… Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Catalan and Romanian…directly. English indirectly…



11 Law Roman ideas of JUSTICE AND RIGHTS survive in our courts today. JUSTINIAN CODE… Rights, Justice, and Procedure

12 Government REPUBLIC EMPIRE U.S. Constitution Revolutions in Europe (1800’s) Britain Russia Mussolini

13 Literature and Ideas Latin Literature and histories survived in the Byzantine Empire…returned to Europe as people migrated westward in 1200’s as Byzantine Empire collapsed. Roman Literature and Ideas influence Renaissance through modern writers with story line, themes, style and focus on humans.

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