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LEADER/CLLD guidelines in Slovak Republic Jela Tvrdoňová IMRD Case Studies SPU Nitra 2016 1.

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1 LEADER/CLLD guidelines in Slovak Republic Jela Tvrdoňová IMRD Case Studies SPU Nitra 2016 1

2 2 calls for proposal 1st call – announced on 4th April 2008, receipt of applications in period 1st– 15th of December 2008  38 submitted and 15 approved 2nd call – announced on 30rd October 2009, receipt of applications in period 15th – 29th of January 2010  47 submitted and 14 approved 2 LAGs selection Total 85→29 approved (NR16→5, ZA 9→2) Total size of the LAG area 9 007,24 km2 =18% Total population in LAG area 617 157= 11% 534 villages involved in LAGs = 18 %

3 3 Number of LAGs Number of municipa lities Number of municipalities in % of SK Populat ion of LAGs Population in % of SK Area of LAG km2 Area of LAG in % of SK 2954318,8617 63311,449 023,5918,4 Population Area km2 Density of popul./km2 21 298311,278,96 Profil of average LAG in SK Basic data about LAGs LAGs selection

4 Bodies involved in LAG selection  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development  APA  External evaluators  Selection committe  Public-private institutions - LAGs 14 Februar y 2013 4

5 Evaluation of applications and selection procedure of LAGs  Administrative check– paying agency (PA)  Formal check of completeness of applications and strategies  Eligibility check  Quality check - selection committee and Managing authority (MA)  External evaluators – eligibility criteria of LAG, qualitative evaluation of strategies  Sorting by points, eventually 3rd evaluator (if the difference in evaluation is more than 20 points ) 5 LAGs selection

6 Bodies involved in creation & selection of LAGs  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development  APA  External evaluators  Selection committee  Public-private institutions  LAGs 6

7 Local Action Group  Legal form  Structure: public private partnership incl.non-profit and non-governmental institutions, Civil law 83/1990  LAG´s bodies  General esambly,  Executive body,  Selecttion Committee min.7 max.13,  Monitoring Committee,  Statutory- Chairman  Control body  Manager  Elaboration of local development strategy 14 Februar y 2013 7

8 Criteria for LAG selection Strategy implemented in SR LAG is group of representatives of public and private local socio-economic interests, in which, at the decision- making level neither public authorities, nor any single interest group represents more than 49 % of the voting rights Corporate(legal personality) +Bodies of LAG Inhabitants in LAG from 10 000 to 150 000 Villages with more than 20 000 excluded from support 14 Februar y 2013 8

9 Criteria for strategy selection Strategy must cover continuous (whole) region Elaborated strategy with priorities, measures and actions Agreement of all villages in the area of LAG LAG members – permanent, temporary address or seat or at least must operate in Strategy- innovative attitude to area development 14 Februar y 2013 9

10 10 Building partnership Evaluation of analytical part Evaluation of strategy Evaluation of implementation Inclusion of women, young less 30, farmers and marginalised groups M&E Projects of cooperation Rural area Selection of strategy - qualitative evaluation

11 WHAT can be in local strategies Axis 3: Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy  Diversification into non-agricultural activities  Encouragement of tourism activities – part A, part B  Basic services for the economy and rural population  Village renewal and development  Training and information  Cooperation 14 Februar y 2013 11

12 12  Tourism  accommodation (11-40 beds)  additional facilities (swimming pools, horse riding,sewage )  Craft activities  Retail activities Final Beneficiary – revenue from agricultural basic/primary production is min. 30% of total revenue. Diversification

13 13  Recreational infrastructure (offering access to natural areas, small-capacity accommodation, inc. additional services - part A, (max. 10 beds) Beneficiary – small business  Development/marketing of rural tourism services (information centres, publications, brochures,...) – part B Beneficiary – tourists assosciations Encouragement of tourism activities

14 14 Construction, reconstruction and modernisation of:  Cultural and social infrastructure (markets, bus stations, council houses, cultural houses,...)  Childcare and sport facilities Beneficiary - municipalities Basic services for the economy and rural population

15 15 Construction, reconstruction and modernisation of:  pipe-lines, sewages and waste water treatment facilities  local roads, bridges,  pavements, public lightning, cycle lanes Beneficiary - municipalities Village renewal and developme

16 16 1. Further education in:  Management administrative(book keeping) and marketing skills  ICT training  Maintenance and enhancement of landscape and protection of environment,.... 2. Information activities  Seminars and conferences  TV/radio broadcasting  Publications, web pages,... Beneficiary - educational institutions, NGOs Training and information

17 Design and implement the strategies Build the capacity of local actors to develop and implement operations including fostering their project management capabilities; Draw up a non-discriminatory and transparent selection procedure and objective criteria for the selection of oper­ ations, which avoid conflicts of interest, Ensure that at least 50 % of the votes in selection decisions are cast by partners which are not public authorities, and allow selection by written procedure; Ensure the coherence with the CLLD strategy when selecting operations, by prioritising those operations according to their contribution to meeting that strategy's objectives and targets; 17 LAG management

18 Prepare and publishing calls for proposals or an ongoing project submission procedure, including defining selection criteria; Receive and assessing applications for support; Select operations and fixing the amount of support and, presenting the proposals to the body responsible for final verification of eligibility before approval; Monitor the implementation of the CLLD strategy and the operations supported and carrying out specific evaluation activities linked to that strategy. 18 LAG management

19 Level of LAG  LAG publish call for proposals  Assesment of the projects – selection criteria, LAG selection committee  Protocol of the selected projects – is send to the paying agency/ministry Level of paying agency/ministry  Formal check  Assesment of the porcess made by LAG - decision  Contract with final beneficiary  Paying to the final beneficiary 19 Selection of projects by LAG and PA

20 Thanks for attention

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