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FOOD SAFETY TRAINING FOR PANTRIES Presented by: Kareemah Thomas Agency Relations Coordinator/HR Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD SAFETY TRAINING FOR PANTRIES Presented by: Kareemah Thomas Agency Relations Coordinator/HR Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD SAFETY TRAINING FOR PANTRIES Presented by: Kareemah Thomas Agency Relations Coordinator/HR Manager

2 According to the Center For Disease Control, each year 76 million individuals get sick from food-borne illnesses; 325,000 individuals are hospitalized; 5,000 individuals die. A THOUGHT TO PONDER

3 Infants, Children, Elderly Individuals who are undernourished, physically disabled, or have weakened immune systems WHY FOCUS ON FOOD SAFETY?


5 Biological Chemical Physical HOW FOOD BECOMES UNSAFE:

6 Biological hazards such as bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi can’t be seen, tasted, or smelled and can contaminate food. (These are called pathogens) BIOLOGICAL


8 Chemical hazards such as cleaning products, sanitizers, pest control poisons can contaminate food. CHEMICAL

9 Physical hazards such as dirt or rust on top of cans, metal shavings, glass fragments, animal droppings, insect casings, can contaminate food. PHYSICAL

10 Pantries are at highest risk for Time and Temperature abuse of product, which means letting food stay too long in the Temperature Danger Zone RISKY BUSINESS

11 TDZ

12 Meat, Poultry, Fish, Shellfish and Dairy Products, whether cooked or uncooked, should not be left in the TMZ for more than 1 hour Any cooked vegetable, starch or grain products including rice, pasta and potatoes should not be left in the TMZ for more than 1 hour Frozen products should not remain in the TMZ for more than 4 hours


14 Limited Access Dry, Clean and Pest Free 6-2 Keep Chemicals separate Be cautious Maintenance of cold storage PROPER STORAGE ENVIROMENT

15 Clean and Defrost Refrigerators and Freezers at least quarterly Ensure Refrigerators and Freezers are holding temperatures between 33° F and 40° F Record temperatures at a minimum of 2-3 times a week for each storage area

16 Cans with dents, rust or leaks Boxes and bags that are torn No insects in jar or bottles Meats that smell bad EVALUATE YOUR PRODUCT




20 Document Temperatures

21 Termocouple Bimetallic Stemmed Infrared Wall Thermometer TYPES OF THERMOMETERS


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