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Blended learning environment Anderson Cárdenas Diana Peñuela.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended learning environment Anderson Cárdenas Diana Peñuela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blended learning environment Anderson Cárdenas Diana Peñuela

2 Objectives module 1 Provide students with tools in order to help them build confidence to interact actively with their peers. Get students familiar with online tools which can help them work at ease depending on each person´s learning style.

3 Blended learning system Graham,C.R. (2005). "Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions." In Bonk, C. J.; Graham, C. R. Handbook of Blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. pp. 5

4 Course level blending ed_learning.jpg Face to face + computer mediated activities

5 Rationale Observable behaviors To enhance learning Learning strategies Improved pedagogy Increased access and flexibility technology Experiences Motivation styles Learners´needs ( Franzoni & Assar, 2009), (Fidishun, 2005), (Burke, 2001).

6 Agents involved Smith (1999)


8 Activity objective Communicative: Share your movie preferences and state your opinion about your partners´ preferences. Language: recycle would rather and use vocabulary about types of movies. Learning: identify and use tech tools to learn about movies and interact with your peers.

9 Structure of the activity UNIT TOPIC: Movies and entertainment 1.Warm up: activating schemata 2.Controlled practice: recycling vocabulary 3.Task preparation: voice recording trial 4.Interaction: recording opinion 5.Peer and self- assessment: commenting on others` posts

10 Activity 1 Relate previous knowledge and new vocabulary. Useful for kinesthetic and visual learners. “People perceive and gain knowledge differently.” Burke, P. (2001)

11 Activity 2 Get acquainted with new vocabulary. Useful for visual and auditory learners. Electronic media can be used in different ways to implement different teaching strategies, matched with different learning styles. Franzoni and Assar (2009)

12 Activity 3 Record an opinion and listen to it to self-assess. Useful for intrapersonal and auditory learners. Teaching strategies must encourage students to observe, analyze, express an opinion, hypothesize, and discover knowledge by themselves. Felder & Silverman (1988)

13 Activity 4 Record insights and comment on other´s posts. Useful for interpersonal, verbal and logical learners.

14 Conclusion Techtools can help students tackle their individual needs. This blended environment allows different practices in which different learning styles are taken into account. Such tools enhance life long learning.


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