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Pretest Please complete the pretest for this standard on your own. Try to remember all you can from our first discussion of this topic.

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Presentation on theme: "Pretest Please complete the pretest for this standard on your own. Try to remember all you can from our first discussion of this topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pretest Please complete the pretest for this standard on your own. Try to remember all you can from our first discussion of this topic.

2 Explain and use formulas for lateral area, surface area, and volume of solids. MA.912.G.7.5

3 Surface Area and Volume Surface Area: What it takes to COVER something Volume: What it takes to FILL something

4 Lateral Area & Surface Area Surface Area covers the ENTIRE object. Lateral Area does not include any of the BASES. (tops and bottoms) Surface area will ALWAYS be GREATER than lateral area.

5 Use the reference sheet as a guide when solving area and volume problems!!!


7 I do… Volume Find the volume of the cone shown as a decimal rounded to the nearest tenth. A.124.6 yd 3 B.1308.5 yd 3 C.2118.5 yd 3 D.872.3 yd 3 Since the radius is squared and the height is not, you need to be careful where you plug in your values in this formula. Your answer may differ slightly if you use the approximation 3.14 rather than the pi key on your calculator.

8 I do… Volume with a Twist A glass right cylinder with diameter 12 cm is partially filled with water to a level of 16 cm as shown in the figure. If a solid metal cube with an edge length of 7 cm is dropped into the cylinder, how much does the water level rise in the cylinder? Volume of the cube: Volume of the water in the cylinder: The new, combined volume will be 2152.6 cm 3. The next step is to determine the height of the water at this new volume. Since we are asked how much the water level rises, we subtract 16 cm. The water will rise approximately 3 cm.

9 I do… Applying Multiple Formulas However, we do not know the radius so we need to use the given volume.

10 I do… Surface Area Find both the lateral area and the surface area of the square pyramid at the right. We are given the altitude and not the slant height so we need to apply the Pythagorean Theorem. Remember that the first leg is the altitude and the second leg is half of the base’s edge. Remember, that lateral area does not include any bases, so you can leave B out of the formula.

11 We do Sage and Scribe

12 We do Pick a Card With your partner, takes turns picking a card. The student that picked the card shares it with their partner and offers the explanation or solution. The other student verifies for accuracy, then picks a card to take their turn.

13 You Do 1.Find the surface area of the cylinder in terms of 2.Find the volume of the sphere shown. Give your answer rounded to the nearest cubic centimeter. 3.Find the surface area of the prism created by the net shown. Round your answer to the nearest square meter.

14 You Do 1.Find the surface area of the cylinder in terms of Since this problem asks for the surface area and not the lateral surface area, we will include the two bases.

15 You Do 2.Find the volume of the sphere shown. Give your answer rounded to the nearest cubic centimeter.

16 You Do 3.Find the surface area of the prism created by the net shown. Round your answer to the nearest square meter. This net will make a rectangular prism, so we can use that formula.

17 Post Test Please complete the post test for this standard on your own. Do the best you can, hopefully you will show improvement over your pretest score.

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