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Choices for Independence: A National Leadership Summit December 4, 2006 “Taking the ADRC Statewide” The Massachusetts Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Choices for Independence: A National Leadership Summit December 4, 2006 “Taking the ADRC Statewide” The Massachusetts Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choices for Independence: A National Leadership Summit December 4, 2006 “Taking the ADRC Statewide” The Massachusetts Experience

2 Overview Brief History Key Factors to Success From Pilot to Expansion What Have We Learned? Future Opportunities

3 Brief History 2003 ADRC Grantee “No Wrong Door” Model Key ADRC Partners: Independent Living Centers (ILCs) and Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs) Initial pilot site in the Merrimack Valley Third year expansion to the North Shore, Cape Ann and Greater Lynn region

4 Project Key Objectives Enhance individual choice and support informed decision-making through the provision of comprehensive information and assistance about long-term support options Provide seamless access to services for elders and persons with disabilities of all ages Improve collaboration between ILCs and ASAPs Decrease gaps in current services through joint advocacy and problem solving

5 Key Factors to Success Support for project by executive leadership at State and local levels EQUAL partnerships Recognition that there are more similarities than differences Agencies retain own autonomy, yet strengthen community presence through collaboration Support of regional variation and ownership over model

6 From Pilot to Expansion Creation of Sustainability Team-12/05 Team identifies core functions to sustain: –Centralized information, referral & assistance –Cross training of staff –Management information systems –Community Transition Team –Streamlined Access to Long Term Services and Supports Team frames key objectives for expansion –Conduct Readiness Assessment of ILCs and ASAPs to determine current capacity to perform key functions of ADRC –Identify regions for expansion –Expand to additional regions Submission of Building Upon Success Proposal-7/06

7 From Pilot to Expansion Executive Leadership Meeting-9/06 –State Executive Leadership –ILC and ASAP Executive Directors –Key Association Directors Award Announcement-10/06 Creation of Grant Management Team-10/06

8 Readiness Assessment Two phase process – “Interest and Availability” Survey to identify who has the interest and who is available over the two year grant period –Formal Readiness Assessment to follow with interested and available agencies to determine current capacity to perform core functions Identify “natural” partnerships regionally

9 What Have We Learned? Early leadership buy-in is critical Identify “champions” Recognition that partnering is “the right thing to do” Leave your “hat” at the door Support regional variation and culture while remaining true to ADRC core functions Importance of ongoing cross training Cross agency communication and leadership is important-create a Management Team!

10 Future Opportunities Collaboration with Systems Transformation Grant Expansion of Community Transition Team and impact on nursing home transitions and diversions Partnerships create opportunities to apply for and collaborate on other grants

11 For more information Heather Johnson-Lamarche ADRC Project Director 802-879-1338 Sandy Tocman ADRC Project Manager-Elder Affairs 617-222-7514

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