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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Kingdoms Beginnings of Evolution Taxonomy & Diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Kingdoms Beginnings of Evolution Taxonomy & Diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Kingdoms Beginnings of Evolution Taxonomy & Diversity Origins of Diversity Phylogeny/ & Human Evolution

2 How many kingdoms are there? Name them.

3 There are six kingdoms Bacteria Lack a nucleus and grow in a variety of environments Archea Live in extreme environments Protists A diverse group of organisms, comprising those eukaryotes that cannot be classified in any of the other kingdoms as fungi, animals, or plants. Fungi Obtain food by absorbing nutrients. They do not photosynthesize. Plants Non motile and obtain food through photosynthesis. Animals Motile and ingest food they have obtained.

4 What was Aristotle’s original classification of Kingdoms? Why did it not work?

5 Plantae and Animalia Does not always fit – sponges and corals fixed in one place however they do not make their own food through photosynthesis

6 Identify the three subcategories of the Protista Kingdom

7 Protozoa – animal like and are heterotrophs as they ingest food Algae – plant like and are autotrophs as they carry out photosynthesis Slime moulds and water moulds – fungus like and are also heterotrophs.

8 Explain the lytic cycle. What type of organism would go through the lytic cycle?

9 Kingdom Protista

10 Fungi can reproduce sexually or asexually. Explain how and why this works.

11 An interesting fact is that depending on the environment the mold is living in, that will determine what type of reproduction will be utilized: sexual or asexual.

12 How does Founder Effect differ from Bottleneck Effect?

13 Both related to Genetic Drift Founder - few individuals create a new, isolated population so alleles that they bring have extreme importance ex. Amish and Ellis-van Creveld syndrome Bottleneck - dramatic, often temporary, reduction in population size, usually resulting in significant genetic drift

14 Select 3 to name

15 Shape cocci ~ round (singular coccus) bacilli ~ rod shaped (singular bacillus) spirilli ~ spiral shaped (spirillum)

16 Explain how diversity between species begins within a species.

17 Certain different characteristics found between two populations in response to their environment may allow new species to develop

18 Lamarck, Lyell, Cuvier, Malthus, Buffon, Gould & Eldredge Select one of the following scientists and indicate their theory of species development.

19 matter) matter)

20 What does the term bacterial resistance mean and why is it important?

21 Bacterial Resistance Bacteria exposed to antibiotics will eventually develop new strains that will be resistant to the antibiotics Conjugation through pili

22 What is the taxonomic hierarchy of nomenclature?

23 Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

24 How were species named in the past in comparison to the present?

25 Used physical characteristics to classify organisms into groups Latin and Greek stems (Felis domesticus) Names given often reflect characteristics of organism or to honour a scientist or historical figure

26 State one of the types of Selection that can occur and explain it. Think hummingbirds.

27 Stabilizing selection – selection against individuals with traits that deviate from the population average Directional selection – selection that favours an increase or decrease in the value of a trait from the current population average Disruptive selection – favours individuals at opposite extremes of a trait over individuals with intermediate variations Sexual selection – favours the selection of any trait that influences the mating success of the individual

28 If species from different populations ever migrate back to each other hybridization may or may not occur depending on isolating mechanisms. What are the names of these mechanisms and how do they differ?

29 Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms  prevent formation of zygotes and includes geographical, ecological, temporal, behavioral and mechanical isolation. Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms  prevent proper functioning of zygotes and therefore development to maturity and therein ability to reproduce.

30 Changes in characteristics are produced by two items. What are they?

31 1.Random genetic mutations Introduce variety Especially important in asexual organisms 2. Selection for a particular characteristic that increases the organisms chance of survival and breeding in a particular environment

32 Why is classification of organisms strictly by appearance a poor idea?

33 Larval and adult forms of organisms can be very different and they are the same species!

34 Comparisons based on proteins and hormones that comprise organisms is known as comparisons made based on _________________.

35 Biochemistry

36 Why are fossils not required to find evidence of anatomical evolution?

37 Human arm, horse’s leg, bat’s wing and whale’s flipper All specialized for what they do but they have the same evolutionary origin - homologous

38 How are DNA comparisons between humans and other organisms (species) completed?

39 Human single strands of DNA are compared to other organisms and the amount of complementary base pairing that occurs indicates relatedness

40 Mitochondrial DNA can also help to determine how long ago species began to diverge from a common ancestor How does this work?

41 It mutates at a predictable rate so it provides a molecular clock for measuring rates of evolution. Mitochondrial DNA – mother to offspring

42 What is phylogeny?

43 Hypothesis about the evolutionary history of groups of organisms Common ancestors share characteristics of all organisms that come after in a phylogenetic tree Smaller differences help to distinguish genus’ from each other

44 Based on fossil evidence how long ago is it believed that each of the following developed? Prokaryotic cells? Eukaryotic cells? Multicellular organisms?

45 Fossil evidence Prokaryotic cells – 3.5 billion years ago Eukaryotic cells – 1.5 billion years ago Multicellular organisms – 700 million years ago

46 Explain how the multiregional hypothesis differs from the monogenesis hypothesis.

47 Multiregional Hypothesis  anatomically modern humans evolved in parallel in a number of places (Africa, Europe, Asia). Gene flow accounts for them not becoming distinct species. Regional genetic diversity arose due to regional selective pressures over about 1 million years. Monogenesis Hypothesis  H. sapiens evolved only in Africa and then migrated displacing Neanderthal and other H. erectus populations. Regional genetic diversity arose in humans with the past 80 000 to 100 000 years, that is, since H. sapiens left Africa.

48 phylogentic tree? Select 3 species from this phylogenetic tree and state one fact about each.

49 Australopithecines  6 different species between 4.2 and 1.0 million years ago. Generally a group of extinct hominids closely related to humans. Homo genus  Africa, 2.4-1.6 million years ago H. habilis  H. erectus about 1.6 million years ago. H. erectus used stone tools and fire. Brain size around 750cm 3 (1200cm 3 today), a rounded head and smaller teeth…more like current human features. H. erectus moved out of Africa into Asia and Europe. H. erectus  H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens about 600 000 years ago. H. sapiens first appeared in Africa 130 000 years ago and H. neanderthalensis was already living in Europe and Asia

50 What is the endosymbiotic theory in terms of development of eukaryotic cells?


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