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Textu r e, Juxta/ position & Collage (color too !)

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Presentation on theme: "Textu r e, Juxta/ position & Collage (color too !)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Textu r e, Juxta/ position & Collage (color too !)

2 Textu r e

3 Exhibit A: Actual Texture texture that can be felt: it has TACTILITY, differentiation of surface quality (dimensionality)

4 Exhibit B: Implied/Visual Texture Texture that is suggested through variation in material application (brush stroke, mark-making) or PATTERN on a fabric (photographs of actual texture or patterned fabrics become implied textures; you can no longer feel the difference in surface— It’s either matte or glossy!) Van Gogh-Starry Night

5 Implied/Visual Texture Surface is completely smooth (no brush strokes). Artists can suggest the feeling of tactility, a specific texture, for example in Kurt Kauper’s Diva painting series, the subjects appear to be wearing silk, taffeta, or fur clothing… so we get the sensation of smooth, silky, furry. Adds to sensuality of subject. Kurt Kauper-Diva Fiction #? Harry Clarke-Tales of Mystery and Imagination-from Poe

6 Juxta/ position

7 In Literature it’s called Contrast: two objects or texts that oppose each other … implies contradiction, an oxymoron: Example sentence: “It's raining, but I am not taking an umbrella.” In visual design: placing two images or materials alongside each other & forcing them to share the same space. At first glance, they appear “random” completely unrelated / different….While longer engagement produces similarities.

8 Juxta/position

9 Chimera A mythical creature who’s a mixture of at least two different animals For example: torso is lion, goat head sprouts out of back and snake grows from what would be lion’s tail Fierce, fire-breathing creatures, that had to be slain by the most courageous fighters “Chimera of ArezzoI, an Italian, Etruscan bronze statue

10 Geep 1984 England A sheep-goat chimera: combination of goat & sheep embryos results in an animal which contains both DNA/cell sets Lisa the Geep, born on the farm of Klaus Exsternbrink, in Schwerte, Germany

11 Collage

12 French word coller = to glue. An assemblage of mixed media used on a two dimensional surface applied with glue. Materials: ribbon, paint, fabric, newspaper, scrap papers, photographs, found objects... *We’ll be creating digital collages, imitating the act of “pasting” images together in Photoshop

13 200 BC China: Calligraphers integrated poetry/text + image Medieval Europe: gold leafing integrated in Gothic Cathedrals 19th century: collaging became a “hobby,” the precursor for scrap-booking **Art Historians consider collages’ birth coming out of Modernism in the early 20th century** A brief Timeline…

14 Modern Artists: Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque Worked together on Cubism style then began incorporating surprising materials into paintings…. Fruitdish and Glass, 1912, papier collé and charcoal on paper Compotier avec fruits, violon et verre

15 WARHOL & BALDESSARI Artists from 1960’s – present who combine materials from: Mass Media, Advertising and Film, and Text(ure) and Color Result: juxtaposition of disparate images create narrative (photo)Montages/Collages

16 Andy Warhol

17 Turquoise Marilyn 1962

18 Marilyn Series


20 John Baldessari

21 Six Colorful Gags (Male), 1991

22 Beach Scene

23 Two Unfinished Letters



26 Raised Eyebrows/Furrowed Foreheads: three persons (with Boutounnieres and Handshake) 2009

27 Brief overview on: color

28 The Traditional 12pt. Color Wheel 3 Primaries: Red, Yellow, Blue

29 Complementary Colors: colors which lie directly across from each other on the color wheel.

30 Analogous Colors: Three neighboring/adjacent Hues

31 Color + Texture Yayoi Kusama’s Pumpkins

32 *student examples: Digital Collages / Juxtapositions on 2D site online John Baldessari

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