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The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Association Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas

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1 The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Association Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas
(an unincorporated Association constituting a Church) Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas P.O. Box 23738, Waco, TX 76712 My dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters we hereby humbly suggest that you pause or stop your DVD player and with the aid of the Holy Spirit study this section of the presentation and make your notes, comments and questions and contact us for a one on one recorded webex discussion or post your comments and or questions on our website. Please remember the references in this presentation are not all of the references on the subjects presented, so be a Berean and let us reason together. May God bless you and we will see you in Section X(a).

2 Presentation No. 7 Part Two Section XII(a)
“God’s Spirit filled Ministers” (The Servants of God during the Ox-plow Stage) Greetings my dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters, peace be unto you. Hope you are richly blessed by these Presentations and I am looking forward to meeting with all of you sometime in the near future. In this section we will feast on the truth of God’s Spirit-filled ministers

3 Minister of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists
Presented by Lennox Sam Minister of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists

4 Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message
Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom) Christ and His angels descend to the earth Fire from the altar cast to the earth Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message SR2: 219.2: The great reformation in view, vividly represented by the angel at the golden altar with the prayers of the saints, and the casting of the fire from the altar to the earth, is foretold, also, in the following testimony: "Testimonies for the Church," Vol. 9, p. 126. Revival & Reformation Outpouring (Rev. 8: 5) Half an Hour Silence in Heaven From the Heavenly Sanctuary To The Earth (no specific location) The Vanguard Let us remind ourselves of the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the First of the First Fruits. Rev. 8:5 tells us that Fire from the altar was cast to the earth [CLICK1], and the ROD says [CLICK2], so the first outpouring came from [CLICK3], to [CLICK4], upon [CLICK5] the first of the first fruits, to empower them to gather their army and [CLICK6]. Which brings us to the ox-plow stage of the sealing message [CLICK7]. But there can be no ox-plow stage without servants. Let us hear of these servants, as reveal to us in THE ANSWERER'S INTRODUCTORY APPEAL subtitled A STEPHEN-SERMON TO THE CHURCH TODAY. Let go to ABN2: 14. . To Fulfill Test. Vol. 9, pg. 126

5 Remnant: a remaining THE HARVEST OF THE LIVING
Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message THE ANSWERER'S INTRODUCTORY APPEAL A STEPHEN-SERMON TO THE CHURCH TODAY ABN2: 14.3 : The harvest, therefore, is a short period of time just before, rather than the moment at, the appearing of Christ in the clouds. It is the very last days of probation for earth's kingdoms,-- the days and work which bring the end of the world. Remnant: a remaining [READ:] ABN2: 14.3 CLICK after colored words [READ:] before we read the next paragraph, what is the meaning of the word remnant [CLICK] Let us now read the next paragraph from this excerpt. [CLICK]

ABN2: 15.1: The fact that there is a remnant (that which is left) of the seed of the woman, shows that her seed is divided into two parts, and that consequently the symbolism represents three groups of people: (1) the woman; (2) the first part of her seed--those who in this instance are not the remnant; (3) the second part of her seed--those who are the remnant. 1st Group of people 2nd Group of people 3rd Group of people THE WOMAN SEED of the WOMAN 1st Part Seed of the Woman 2nd Part Seed of the Woman Not The Remnant The Remnant [READ:] ABN2: after the colored words [READ:] Next paragraph [CLICK]

ABN2: 15.2: In the light of this symbolical representation, the woman, herself, is seen to symbolize the mother part of the church--God's appointed and Spirit-filled ministers who bring in the born-again (John 3:3) converts. The first part of her seed must, accordingly, be the first fruits, the 144,000, who, separated from the sinners that were among them, are taken to Mount Sion, there to stand with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1). Hence, "the remnant of her seed" are in this instance those who are yet in the world when Babylon rides the beast (Rev. 17). Thus they are the second and last fruits which are to be taken to the purified church, the Kingdom, where there is neither sin nor fear of Babylon's plagues falling upon them (Rev. 18:4). 1st Group of people 2nd Group of people 3rd Group of people THE WOMAN 1st Part Seed of the Woman 2nd Part Seed of the Woman Mother - God’s appointed and Spirit-filled ministers Not The Remnant 144,000 Second Fruits (The Great Multitude) The Remnant [READ:] ABN2: after the colored words [CLICK] [READ:] We know who the 144,000 are [CLICK] and who the second fruits are, [CLICK] but who are the Spirit-filled ministers, [CLICK] the mother part of the church, who bring in the born-again converts? They are definitely not the various Davidian Executive Councils’ ordained and licensed ministers; and most definitely not the Laodicean Conference ordained ministers. So the only one who can identify these God-appointed and Spirit-filled ministers is CHRIST in His Word. Let us begin our perusals [CLICK] for next slide 7

SR2: 220.4: “….(Rev. 8:5) The casting of the fire from the altar into the earth is the outpouring of the Spirit of God. ….” SR2: 219.2: The great reformation in view, vividly represented by the angel at the golden altar with the prayers of the saints, and the casting of the fire from the altar to the earth, is foretold, also, in the following testimony: "Testimonies for the Church," Vol. 9, p. 126. LDSDA: 5.1: The object of this Association is to bring about among God's people that reformation called for in the Testimonies for the Church Volume 9, page 126…” LDSDA: 3.2: “… it [this ASSOCIATION] purports itself to be the first of the first fruits of the living, the vanguard…” 1st Group of people 2nd Group of people 3rd Group of people THE WOMAN 1st Part Seed of the Woman 2nd Part Seed of the Woman The Vanguard Mother - God’s appointed and Spirit-filled ministers 144,000 Second Fruits (The Great Multitude) God’s appointed and Spirit-filled ministers [READ:] SR2: [CLICK1] [READ:] SR2: [CLICK2] [READ:] LDSDA: 5:1 [CLICK3] [READ:] LDSDA: 3:2 [Read:] Since the object of the Davidians is to bring about T9: 126, which is the outpouring of Rev. 8:5, then who receives the out pouring of Rev. 8:5? [CLICK] none other that the vanguard, [CLICK] the first of the first fruits of the harvest of the living. And since God cannot pour out His Spirit on a group of people who are not on one accord, this outpouring must take place after the slaughter of the tares in the 11th-hour church by the six men of Ezekiel chapter 9, Thus the vanguard the purified 11th-hour church are the mother part of the kingdom church, God’s appointed and Spirit-filled ministers. This is the unadulterated ROD by God’s inspired teacher, the minister who is accomplishing what many have failed to accomplish. Let us read the next paragraph. [CLICK]

9 THE HARVEST OF THE LIVING Vanguard The 144,000 200,000,000
ABN2: 15.3: And now, since in her progression of time, the woman represents each successive ministry, therefore at the time that the dragon is wroth with her, she necessarily must represent the last ordained ministry, the 144,000, those who bring all their brethren from all nations to God's "holy mountain Jerusalem." Isa. 66:20. TN5: 93.3: And now as to what swelled the number of preachers from 144,000 to 200,000,000, the Lord says: "I will also take of them [of those whom the 144,000 shall bring from "all nations," after the fulfillment of Isaiah 66:16 -- the purification of the church] for priests and for Levites." Isa. 66:21. The very fact of such a multitude of workers speaks for itself that they are engaged in reaping the harvest of the world. THE WOMAN The Vanguard Before the dragon is worth with her At the time the dragon is worth with her Vanguard The 144,000 200,000,000 [READ:] ABN2: [CLICK] after the colored words [READ:] The previous ministry in the illustration and pursuant to inspiration will be the Vanguard. [CLICK] who will be succeeded by the 144,000. Are we now to understand from these foregone paragraphs that the vanguard gathers the 144,000, as some Davidians teach? The answer is found in the LDSDA page 3, paragraph 2. But before we go there let us point out that the 144,000 are only the beginning of this ministry [CLICK] [READ] TN5: 93.3 Let us now go to LDSDA 3:2 to show that the vanguard do not gather the 144,000, as some teach. [CLICK]

LDSDA: 3.2 : “…... With the emergence of this vanguard and its army, the first fruits, from which are elected the 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes of Jacob, "the 144,000" (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8) who stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8), the reign of antitypical David begins. THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE LIVING Vanguard AND Its Army 144,000 The vanguard are part of the 144,000, the last ministry of God, not a separate group who gathers the 144,000. Let us add the previous sentence of this paragraph to our excerpt. [CLICK]

LDSDA: 3.2 : “….. Second, it purports itself to be the first of the first fruits of the living, the vanguard from among the present-day descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church. With the emergence of this vanguard and its army, the first fruits, from which are elected the 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes of Jacob, "the 144,000" (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8) who stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8), the reign of antitypical David begins. 1TG37: 11.2: We are not to conclude that the Jews are the only descendants of Abraham. Those who are fortunate enough to have this revelation brought to them, are the people. There is no other safe conclusion if God causes the prophecies to be written, sealed, and then unsealed at His will and at the time appointed. The Jews, therefore, are not the only descendants of Abraham. To find who these seekers of righteousness really are, there are several genealogical facts to consider: (1) Only the citizens of the kingdom of Judah (the two-tribe kingdom, Judah and Benjamin) received the title Jews. (2) Those of the ten-tribe kingdom (the kingdom of Israel) were scattered among the nations, and there they completely lost their identity. (3) The Christian church herself is an upshoot of the Jewish church and nation -- the Apostles and her followers, up to about 35 A.D. were all Jews. Then it was that again a multitude of Jews lost their identity by calling themselves "Christians." Comparatively speaking, only a few Jews, from the Kingdom of Judah, have preserved their national title, Jews. LDSDA: 3.2 : “….. Second, it purports itself to be the first of the first fruits of the living, the vanguard from among the present-day descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church. With the emergence of this vanguard and its army, the first fruits, from which are elected the 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes of Jacob, "the 144,000" (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8) who stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8), the reign of antitypical David begins. THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE LIVING Judah (12,000) & Benjamin (12,000) Israel – The Ten Tribes (120,000) Vanguard AND Its Army 144,000 [READ] LDSDA: 3.2 [READ] Here we see that the vanguard are descendants of the Jews of the early Christian church, are we to conclude that they are from all the twelve tribes? Let us allow “it is written” to mold our understanding of the ROD and not a brother this and brother that said. Let us go to 1TG37: 11.2 [CLICK] [READ] 1TG37: 11.2 [READ] Logic dictates that since the 144,000 are composed of the twelve tribes and we are told that the vanguard are only of the two tribes, then the remaining ten tribes must be found among the vanguard’s army. [CLICK3] Let us go back to our previous statement [CLICK4] [READ] bold portion of LDSDA: 3.2. Therefore the two tribes total [CLICK5] the ten tribes total 120,000, [CLICK6] thus, only 144,000 Israelites in the first fruits harvest. [CLICK6] Let us now look at the SIMILARITIES in the harvest of the dead. + 24,000 120,000

12 120 Disciples 120 Disciples 120 Disciples The 144,000 The 144,000
TN8: 55.3: And while they are persecuting us, as Saul persecuted David, everyone that is in distress, and everyone that is in debt, and everyone that is in discontent, will, as the type also shows, join us (1 Sam. 22:2); whereas all who are "neither cold nor hot,...lukewarm" (satisfied), are, with the angel of the church of the Laodiceans, in critical danger of remaining "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked," and of being as a consequence, "spued out," rejected -- "cut down." -- Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 427; Vol. 5, p. 80; Vol. 1, p. 190; Vol. 5, p. 211. TN8: 56.1: In the foregoing exposition, we see that those who respond to the Good Shepherd's voice, are typified by David's followers, and that those who do not respond, are typified by Saul and his followers. TN8: 55.3: Observe that in the message which they "sent after Him," his servants did not say, "We will not have You to reign over us," but rather "we will not have this man to reign over us." What they objected to was Christ's reigning over them through someone else. Clearly, then, before He is coronated, and prior to His return to reckon with His servants, He appoints a "man" to reign over them in His stead. Whereupon they say to Him, by their attitude and stand toward His message, "We will not have this man to reign over us," although "this man," as we now see, is the antitypical David (the "simple means"), the visible king. Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. Luke 9:10 And the apostles, when they were returned, told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida. Acts 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. Acts 1:15 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,) Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. THE WOMAN DURING THE HARVEST OF THE DEAD Christ and the Twelve Apostles 120 Disciples (Included the Apostles) 120 Disciples (Included the Apostles, except Judas and CHRIST) 120 Disciples THE WOMAN DURING THE HARVEST OF THE LIVING Vanguard (Antitypical David and his Followers) God’s appointed and Spirit-filled ministers (Vanguard) The 144,000 (Including the Vanguard, except Judas) The 144,000 The 144,000 (Including the Vanguard except Judas and antitypical David) The 144,000 (Including the Vanguard) In the harvest of the living we saw that the Spirit-filled vanguard was succeeded by the Spirit-filled 144,000 ministers of God. For the harvest of the dead we will begin in Luke chapter 9 [CLICK1] [Read] Luke 9: . So Christ and the apostles were the Spirit-filled ministers before Pentecost [CLICK2] Let us go to Acts chapter 2 [CLICK3] [READ] Acts 2: [READ] So the 120 in the harvest of the dead were the succeeding ministry of Christ and the apostles. [CLICK4] And the similarities are, 1) the apostles were part of the preceding and succeeding ministries of the harvest of the dead, [CLICK5] likewise the vanguard will be part of the succeeding ministry of the harvest of the living, [CLICK6] the short period just before Christ’s return. 2) There were two from among the preceding ministry who were not included in the 120 Spirit-filled disciples, and they were Christ and Judas, [CLICK7] Christ because HE went back To His Throne in Heaven; and Judas because he left to betray the Son of God and walked no more with the eleven. At Passover Christ instituted The Lord’s Supper in replacement of Passover; and at the close of the sealing message for the church, the vanguard with Judas in their midst will celebrate the Lord’s Supper for the first time in the Eleventh Hour Church; after which Judas will leave to betray them for the equivalent of thirty pieces of silver, and will walk with the vanguard no more. thus Judas will not be among the succeeding ministry, the 144,000. [CLICK8] but for the similarities to be complete there must be another from among the Vanguard who will also no be numbered with the 144,000, and who might that be? The second absentee will be antitypical David [CLICK9], the man who Christ will send to reign in His stead. Antitypical David will remain in the Kingdom on his throne so that the second fruits can seek the Lord their God and David their King. But there is not a perfect similarity with the Spirit-filled pre-Pentecostal ministries of the Dead and the Living. [CLICK10] Therefore, we must go to TN8 and read pages 55 and 56. [CLICK11] [READ] TN8: 55.3 – 56.1, [CLICK12] [READ] thus, it is antitypical David and his followers who will make up the Spirit-filled pre-Pentecostal ministry in the harvest of the living. [CLICK13] In conclusion, the ox-plow stage of the sealing message will be lead by David and his followers, [CLICK13] God’s Spirited filled ministers, and they will: [CLICK14]

13 Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom) Christ and His angels descend to the earth Offering prayers & casting of fire Second Session -- Judgment of the Living Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message 18th day 1st Month to 17th day 6th Month Apr. 7th – Sept. 3rd 20_ _ After the slaughter the angel pours out the Spirit upon the first of the first fruits of the living (Rev. 8: 5) Test. Vol. 9, pg. 126: Revival & reformation in the 9th-hour church such as the world had never seen. The ox-plow stage of the sealing message begins, the SROD Message in its purity is preached to the 9th-hour church. (5 Months-150 days) TN6: 40.1: “….. unitedly go forth to dig or plow other "hills" until all the thorns and briers shall be uprooted throughout the land, the ground broken up, and the vineyard restored even beyond its original excellency. Thus reclaimed, it will be a place not only "for the sending forth of oxen," missionaries, but also for the "Treading of Lesser Cattle.“ Half an Hour Silence in Heaven Slaughter by the five men [READ:] TN6: 40.1 [READ:] The last statement on this panel is the duration of the ox-plow stage [CLICK] [READ:] 5 months or 150 days. We have already decoded this numeric value in the section X(a). [CLICK]

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