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Words with oo Unit 15 Transparency 75

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Presentation on theme: "Words with oo Unit 15 Transparency 75"— Presentation transcript:

1 Words with oo Unit 15 Transparency 75
Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Unless otherwise cited, all graphics come directly from High Point materials, ClickArt 950,000, published by Broderbund software, or the Microsoft Clip Art and Media Homepage, Graphics are only to be used for viewing purposes. They may not be saved or downloaded. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BRANCH LAUSD

2 b o o k This is a book. What are the letters? What is the sound?
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

3 He hangs his brown coat on a hook.
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

4 The football player will pass the ball.
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

5 I like to play football. High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

6 This girl has good grades!
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

7 My team is good. Look what we got!
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

8 The people stood in line for one hour.
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

9 All the fans stood up and clapped for us.
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

10 They shook hands after the meeting.
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

11 Our coach, Mr. Brooks, shook my hand.
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

12 The chef is an excellent cook!
What are the letters? What is the sound? High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

13 My sister likes to cook. She made cookies for the team party.
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

14 I took a bite. Mmm! Those cookies were good!
High Point Basics Unit 15, Transparency 75, T250c

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