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Ambrose “Bitter” Bierce

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1 Ambrose “Bitter” Bierce
American Literature

2 Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
1842 – 1914 ????? 12 other siblings ALL with names beginning with the letter A Extremely idealistic and joined war for heroic purpose Fought in Army; discharged Married & had 3 children- both sons killed Separated from wife because of her “wandering eye”

3 Bierce in Life and Death
Occupation: journalist and writer Genre: Satire Literary Movements: Wrote very realistic portrayals of horrible events he had seen at war Obsessed with strange and horrible deaths Infamous for exposing bigotry, hypocrisy, and corruption Pioneered the use of various POV in a single story Date of death unknown Bored with life in America Terrified of dying a boring, normal death Left to go report on war in Mexico at the age of 71

4 POINT OF VIEW First Person-
Told by the character in the work; uses 1st person pronouns Limited to one person’s pov Third Person Limited Narrator tells the story Uses 3rd Person Pronouns Focuses on ONE character’s thoughts and feelings Third Person Omniscient Uses 3rd person Pronouns Reveals all of the characters’ thoughts and feelings

5 Famous Quote From Last Known Letter:
"Good-bye — if you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and shot to rags please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease, or falling down the cellar stairs. To be a Gringo in Mexico — ah, that is euthanasia."

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