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Science outside the classroom. Summary of Content The “World around Us” learning area has been a key curricular focus in the School Development Plan at.

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Presentation on theme: "Science outside the classroom. Summary of Content The “World around Us” learning area has been a key curricular focus in the School Development Plan at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science outside the classroom

2 Summary of Content The “World around Us” learning area has been a key curricular focus in the School Development Plan at Creavery, ensuring it is embedded throughout the school. The Science Leader is a STEM advisor and wanted to develop a programme for other schools to improve their use of the outside environment. They identified potential barriers and developed simple activities across the Keystages.

3 What the school says We wanted to help other schools use the outdoor environment more, so we asked teachers why they didn’t go outside regularly. The weather, resources, behaviour, lack of knowledge re trees, birds etc and no interest in gardening were reasons they discussed, but finally we decided that what is really keeping teachers indoors is lack of confidence about suitable, useful and creative activities. Proposed Aims of the project as a result To inspire teacher confidence, enthusiasm and a sense of wonder for outdoor science To increase schools’ use of their outdoor environment To demonstrate how science can be enjoyable and relevant to everyday life They never even noticed the fog until they saw the photos.

4 What we did... Three teachers produced easily replicated outdoor activities in line with the Curriculum. Through team teaching these were then modelled to colleagues, evaluated and finally incorporated into the planning.

5 Learning outdoors – using Natural Materials

6 Extending the Activity One pupil said at the end of the project I didn’t know trees were different. I just runned by them.

7 The impact for our school was..... Teachers are now more confident and more aware of the adaptability and worth of outdoor learning. Pupils’ behaviour and scientific skills have improved. Pupils are noticeably more observant and questioning and more caring about their environment. Mystery “finds” frequently find their way into school after lunch time and the microscope is in permanent use! Searching for roots….. ……and the excitement when you find them!

8 Outdoor science drama Older class teaching younger You have more room to think outside. 10 year old girl Habitat building Fantastic ideas and strategies for incorporating scientific investigations outdoors. Teacher

9 Science Subject Leader’s Comments I am convinced that primary teachers do not need to be horticulturists, botanists or entomologists, or to have an extensive knowledge of scientific names, in order to use the outdoor environment to enhance learning. Nor do they need to use expensive resources. They just need some support to realise the potential and to be more confident in their own skills and knowledge. We found pupil behaviour is generally better than indoors and now only extremely wet days make outdoor teaching and learning impossible.

10 What we will do next We hope to extend the range of activities and put them in a format accessible to other teachers. We would also like to open our grounds to other schools. We now firmly believe that “Outdoor learning is not just gardening!”

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