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Pedagogy First, then Technology Strategies for migrating to a blended delivery approach in VET.

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Presentation on theme: "Pedagogy First, then Technology Strategies for migrating to a blended delivery approach in VET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedagogy First, then Technology Strategies for migrating to a blended delivery approach in VET

2 TAFE Queensland Facts 2 155061 Unique Students 1610 Unique Courses 56545 Qualifications Awarded 55 Locations across Queensland

3 TAFE Queensland’s Strategic Goals TAFE Queensland’s educational strategy - Going digital to create tomorrow’s digitally enabled workforce  Move to blended delivery across all qualifications Key drivers behind TQ’s strategy:  Transition to and the implementation of Brightspace, our new learning management system  Investment in TQ Master Product 3

4 TAFE Queensland’s Strategy ▪Provides more delivery options ▪Provides greater flexibility for our existing workforce that may need retraining. ▪Allows more innovative teaching and learning practices ▪Provides digital learning tools to support collaboration and social learning ▪Builds educators capability with the use of digital tools. ▪Provides a repository for well-designed online content 4

5 TAFE Queensland Gold Coast Learning Spaces 5

6 Technology-Enhanced Learning Options 6

7 TAFE Queensland LMS Implementation 7

8 System Readiness ▪Configuration of the Learning Management System designed to meet the delivery needs of training packages. ▪A set of e-standards created to ensure a consistent look and feel between units and qualifications within each region as well as across the state. ▪Preparation of unit offerings ready for delivery to match the different delivery needs for all qualifications. 8

9 Educator Readiness ▪Training with a focus on the pedagogy rather than the technology to highlight best practices for blended and online delivery. ▪A training framework using a scaffolding framework with elevated permissions upon completion of each level. ▪The implementation of Educator readiness is now an ongoing part of our teacher induction process. 9

10 Educator Readiness 10 Building teacher capability Role and permission levels

11 Training Outcomes Successfully log in to Connect Experience Connect from a student perspective Learn about the structure and training of Connect Demonstrate your skills: Navigating in Connect How to contact your Instructor Discussions – Learner How to take a Quiz How to submit a Dropbox How to look up Grades and Progres s 11 Level 1 Training - Student Experience

12 Level 2A - Establish the e-learning environment Welcome & Orientate learners to LMS Create icebreaker forums Set up of academic expectations Level 2B - Guide and facilitate e-Learning Effectively guide and motivate learners Supplement content and guide learning pathways Build online connections through communication and collaboration Level 2C - Monitor and evaluate e-Learning Monitor student progress Assess learning and provide feedback 12 Level 2 Training - Essential Teacher Tasks

13 13 Level 2 Training - Essential Teacher Tasks

14 Training Outcomes To explore and demonstrate the more advanced instructor tools and strategies for engagement and management of content and learning. Accessing your training sandbox unit to practise the following tasks: Supplementing and managing content Managing assessments Adding group discussions Adding non-assessable Dropboxe s 14 Level 3 Training - Expert Users

15 Content Readiness 15 ▪Creation, validation and distribution of learning content and assessment for all units of competency in all training qualifications ▪Contextualisation and customisation of content to meet industry needs. ▪Design of interactive content to align with the LMS capabilities as well as use the system tools effectively in its presentation. ▪Content and assessments go through a thorough Quality Assurance process and are ready for LMS integration and delivery

16 Lessons Learnt Lesson 1: Don't underestimate the timeframes required for content design, development, validation and distribution. Lesson 2: Ensure content design matches the delivery needs driven by the requirements of the industry. Lesson 3: Ensure the educator training meets the delivery needs of the qualifications. Lesson 4: Develop a clearly documented educational planning process to ensure successful delivery. Lesson 5: Ensure the support structures are in place and make the effort to build rapport with all delivery stakeholders 16

17 References & Contact Research: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. 2016. The VET Era: Equipping Australia’s workforce for the future digital economy. Contact: Tessa Brown Teaching & Learning Technologies Trainer TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 17

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