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Concurrent Information Night University of Central Oklahoma Johnathan Stephens Undergraduate Admissions/Recruitment University of Central Oklahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Concurrent Information Night University of Central Oklahoma Johnathan Stephens Undergraduate Admissions/Recruitment University of Central Oklahoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concurrent Information Night University of Central Oklahoma Johnathan Stephens Undergraduate Admissions/Recruitment University of Central Oklahoma

2 1.Admissions Process 2.After Admissions 3.Enrolling 4.Tuition Waiver 5.Grades

3 2.Official High School Transcript 3.ACT Scores 4.Concurrent Approval Form

4 Counselor must fill out!

5 Seniors 20 National ACT or 3.0 GPA and rank in top 50% of class (19 ACT in subject area corresponding with course you are planning on taking)

6 Juniors 23 National ACT or 3.5 GPA (19 ACT in subject area corresponding with course you are planning on taking)

7 Homeschool 17 years of age - 20 ACT 16 years of age – 23 ACT (19 ACT in subject area corresponding with course you are planning on taking)

8 Wait for a letter Students should receive a letter within 7-10 days notifying them of their eligibility in the program

9 1.Admissions Process 2.After Admissions 3.Enrolling 4.Tuition Waiver 5.Grades

10 -Mass Advisement Vs. -Advisement Appointment

11 1.Admissions Process 2.After Admissions 3.Enrolling 4.Tuition Waiver 5.Grades

12 ENG 1113

13 Subject

14 ENG 1113 Course Level

15 ENG 1113 Hours

16 CRN 16089











27 1.Admissions Process 2.After Admissions 3.Enrolling 4.Tuition Waiver 5.Grades

28 For Seniors only Up to 6 hours per semester: 1. Summer before senior year 2. Fall of senior year 3. Spring of Senior year

29 Tuition Only You are responsible for associated Fees

30 After tuition waiver about $275 cost for fees, books, parking pass for a 3 hour class.

31 Process is not automatic. Tuition waiver is applied after enrollment Allow up to 2 week from enrollment

32 1.Admissions Process 2.After Admissions 3.Enrolling 4.Tuition Waiver 5.Grades

33 Check grades the week after finals on Uconnect under My Courses tab

34 An official transcript from UCO will be sent to your high school counseling office after each semester you complete concurrent

35 To continue concurrent classes you must have a 2.0 GPA each semester. No exceptions

36 Student ID – FYE Office, NUC 134 UCO Bookstore – 2 nd Floor, NUC Reserve text books online through UConnect

37 Tutoring Central: English and Writing Labs Math Tutoring, supporting developmental courses UCO Supplemental Instruction Program Additional Tutoring resources

38 September 1 st, 2014 Application available February 2 nd, 2015 Scholarship Deadline Application fee waived for first time freshman app! Just contact the Admissions office


40 Questions?

41 To continue your eligibility for concurrent enrollment you must make a “C” or better in each individual class. Help!!! If you have questions or need further assistance we have staff available on the first floor, RM 121 until 7:00 p.m. Jeremy Corley ACADEMIC ADVISOR

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