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Careers in Psychology Approaches Famous Peeps Words to Know Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Careers in Psychology Approaches Famous Peeps Words to Know Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50

3 Careers in Psychology - 10 A person in the field of psychology who has a medical degree with training in psychiatric medicine.

4 Answer: Careers in Psychology – 10 A Psychiatrist.

5 Careers in Psychology - 20 As person with this role may work in a clinic with patients or may conduct research, and has a doctorate degree. They observe, analyze and evaluate behavior.

6 Answer: Careers in Psychology – 20 A psychologist.

7 Careers in Psychology - 30 A psychologist who works in a clinic working with patients directly is working in this field of psychology.

8 Answer: Careers in Psychology – 30 Clinical psychology.

9 Careers in Psychology - 40 While a research psychologist studies origins, causes and results of behavior, this kind of psychologist, make direct use of the findings, dealing with clients.

10 Answer: Careers in Psychology – 40 Applied psychologists.

11 Careers in Psychology - 50 These psychologist study law and psychology, and can be trained in clinical psychology.

12 Answer: Careers in Psychology – 50 Forensic psychologist.

13 Approaches - 10 This approach was perfected and made famous by Sigmund Freud, and focuses on the subconscious and childhood experiences.

14 Answer: Approaches – 10 Psychoanalytic or psychodynamic.

15 Approaches - 20 This approach focuses on cultural, gender, and socioeconomic influences.

16 Answer: Approaches – 20 Sociocultural or Social Culture.

17 Approaches - 30 This approach focuses on observable behavior, conditioning, learning, and development. It was the specialty of B.F. Skinner and John Watson.

18 Answer: Approaches – 30 Behavioral psychology.

19 Approaches - 40 This approach to psychology focuses on the uniqueness and the individual’s potential to develop.

20 Answer: Approaches – 40 Humanistic.

21 Approaches - 50 While the Biological approach to psychology focuses on the physical aspects and affects of the brain, this approach looks at the patterns, thinking and functions of the brain.

22 Answer: Approaches – 50 Cognitive.

23 Famous Peeps - 10 Sometimes considered the most famous psychologist, he is known for dream analysis, free association and developing the psychoanalytic approach to psychology.

24 Answer: Famous Peeps – 10 Sigmund Freud.

25 Famous Peeps - 20 The Father of psychology.

26 Answer: Famous Peeps – 20 William Wundt.

27 Famous Peeps - 30 This ancient Greek was the first person recorded as studying “psychology” by looking into learning, memory, motivation, emotions, and personality.

28 Answer: Famous Peeps – 30 Aristotle.

29 Famous Peeps - 40 He is considered the Father of MODERN psychology, or the American Father of Psychology writing the first textbook in psychology.

30 Answer: Famous Peeps – 40 William James.

31 Famous Peeps - 50 This psychologist is believed to be the most influential of all time by modern psychologist, and he pioneered research in the field of behavioral psychology, working with children, conditioning, and development.

32 Answer: Famous Peeps – 50 B.F. Skinner.

33 Words to Know - 10 It is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes of humans and animals.

34 Answer: Words to Know – 10 Psychology.

35 Words to Know - 20 To DESCRIBE behavior, EXPLAIN behavior, PREDICT behavior, and INFLUENCE behavior

36 Answer: Words to Know – 20 The 4 Goals of Psychology.

37 Words to Know - 30 While a cross-sectional study looks at different age groups at the same time to compare, this kind of study looks at data over a number of years to show development.

38 Answer: Words to Know – 30 Longitudinal study.

39 Words to Know - 40 This is the idea that combining information from all of the approaches, psychologist stand a better chance of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling behavior.

40 Answer: Words to Know – 40 Eclecticism or the biopsychosocial approach to psychology.

41 Words to Know - 50 This is when a participant has a change in illness or physical state from the knowledge and perception of treatment, or believing it will have an effect.

42 Answer: Words to Know – 50 Placebo effect.

43 Potpourri - 10 This is what psychologist use, and it is investigative, intensive and can use diaries, tests, interviews, and observation.

44 Answer: Potpourri – 10 A case study.

45 Potpourri - 20 Introspection, the examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings was the research methodology used by this man, and became an industry standard.consciousthoughtsfeelings

46 Answer: Potpourri – 20 Wilhelm Wundt.

47 Potpourri - 30 This approach to psychology emerged as a response to psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches, and experts include Carl Rogers and A.H. Maslow, who is famous for the hierarchy of needs.

48 Answer: Potpourri – 30 Humanistic psychology.

49 Potpourri - 40 This is when in an experiment, neither the participant nor the researcher knows which has received the medication.

50 Answer: Potpourri – 40 A double-blind experiment.

51 Potpourri - 50 This practice was used long ago to examine the bumps on the skull of a patient to determine mental issues, character traits, and intellect.

52 Answer: Potpourri – 50 Phrenology.

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