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BID MENTORS WEBINAR, JULY 2016 Melianie Raymond, Senior Programme Officer for Node Development Alberto González Talaván, Senior Programme Officer for Training.

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Presentation on theme: "BID MENTORS WEBINAR, JULY 2016 Melianie Raymond, Senior Programme Officer for Node Development Alberto González Talaván, Senior Programme Officer for Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 BID MENTORS WEBINAR, JULY 2016 Melianie Raymond, Senior Programme Officer for Node Development Alberto González Talaván, Senior Programme Officer for Training

2 AGENDA General information about the BID programme Introduction to BID’s capacity enhancement approach The role of the BID mentors Introduction to data publishing and data quality in the context of the BID programme Relevant documentation, tools and training materials already available, and how to share any new materials developed Upcoming opportunities for BID mentors

3 This programme is funded by the European Union Goal Improve the management of natural capital in these three regions, enabling the use of biodiversity information as evidence in decision-making that supports human well-being. Objectives Improving the availability of biodiversity data Capacity enhancement for biodiversity information management Integration of biodiversity information into policy and decision-making processes BID: BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION FOR DEVELOPMENT A multi-year EU-funded programme to increase the availability and use of biodiversity information in research and decision-making in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific

4 MAIN ACTIVITIES Regional meetings Studies Calls for proposals Capacity self-assessments Capacity enhancement workshops Strengthened community of practice Promotion of results Guiding examples Documented needs and priorities Data mobilization, strengthened sustainable networks, application of the data Enhanced capacity for effective mobilization and use of biodiversity information Ongoing application of the mobilized data

5 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS National grants Regional grants Small grants Projects will: Mobilize biodiversity data related to protected areas, threatened species and invasive alien species Engage data users to integrate data into decision-making and research Contribute best practices for digitization and data mobilization Build lasting networks to promote ongoing data sharing and reuse Presenter

6 OUTCOME OF FIRST CALL FOR PROPOSALS IN AFRICA -23 projects funded (10 national + 3 regional + 10 small) -20 African ACP countries -34 organizations -Total funding of €972,156 -Leveraging €817,369 in co-funding from other sources. Image: One Tree Plain, CC BY-NC-SA 2015 Geoff Livingston.One Tree Plain

7 COUNTRIES INVOLVED IN BID PROJECTS IN AFRICA West Africa : Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo Central Africa : Cameroon, DR Congo, Gabon Eastern and Southern Africa : Madagascar, Zimbabwe East African Community : Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda Southern Africa Development Community : Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa Countries not yet participating in GBIF are marked in blue Outreach opportunity – information on GBIF Participation: Please coordinate efforts with GBIF Secretariat

8 CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT IN BID Goal: Enhanced capacity for effective mobilization and use of biodiversity information through a strengthened community of practice supporting the implementation of funded projects Early support available through Dedicated website available:




12 OPEN CALL FOR MENTORS Remote (online) assistance : Providing support for data management and publishing issues, including checking the quality of published datasets Providing feedback on plans, agendas or resources linked to training activities organized by the project teams Reviewing draft mid-term and final narrative reports prepared by grantees ahead of their submission to the GBIF Secretariat On-site mentoring visits : Providing hands-on training involving the project team Attending national meetings and engaging with key stakeholders Acting as trainers and BID/GBIF representatives in national or regional training events

13 INITIAL ACTIVITIES FOR MENTORS Participating in a mentor webinar Starting to interact through the BID mailing lists Helping with documentation and translation Identifying outreach opportunities BUT LOTS STILL TO COME… Display of mentor ‘profiles’ Mechanisms for requesting travel support Going beyond mailing lists – what other tools will be useful?

14 PROJECT KICK-OFF CALLS 1-hour introductory calls held with all project leads Presentation providing links to most relevant resources per grant type Information on project reporting cycle Information on GBIF Participation

15 CAPACITY SELF-ASSESSMENTS Questionnaire based tool to assist with planning national biodiversity information facility -Tracking progress -Guide to further support material -Understanding strengths and needs Available in English & FrenchEnglishFrench Deadline: 29 July 2016

16 SELF-ASSESSMENTS FOR DATA HOLDERS Questionnaire-based tool for data- holding institutions to review readiness and progress in delivering digital information on the materials they hold -Tracking progress -Guide to further support material -Understanding strengths and needs Available in English (French translation underway) Deadline: 29 July 2016

17 CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT WORKSHOP AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES First BID workshop 22-25 August 2016 Practical introduction to the biodiversity data mobilization component of a BID project Online and onsite components: online activities starting in early August and ending in September Certification through capacity Mozilla Open Badges, reportable as a project outcome Multilingual support (English and French) Train-the-trainers approach – the training will be repeated by the project participants

18 RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR TRAINING & CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT Guide to Establishing an Effective GBIF Participant Node (English, French and Portuguese)EnglishFrench Portuguese Country pages and reports (available by selecting your country here: Training tips on GBIF websiteGBIF website

19 DIGITIZATION RESOURCE MATERIALS Learn through: Asking GBIF community Partnerships with similar projects Literature, webinars: Initiating a Collection Digitisation Project: Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria: iDigBio Digitisation Resources: The Atlas of Living Australia (Atlas) digitisation guidance: Check “Selected support materials” in self-assessment for biodiversity data holding institutions

20 GBIF DATA PUBLISHING AND DATA QUALITY Supported classes of datasets: - Resources metadata - Checklist data - Occurrence-only data - Sampling-event data TermStatus occurrenceIDRequired basisOfRecordRequired scientificNameRequired eventDateRequired countryCodeRequired taxonRankStrongly recommended kingdomStrongly recommended decimalLatitude & decimalLongitudeStrongly recommended geodeticDatumStrongly recommended coordinateUncertaintyInMetersStrongly recommended individualCount, organismQuantity & organismQuantityType Strongly recommended informationWithheldShare if available dataGeneralizationsShare if available eventTimeShare if available countryShare if available Data quality recommendations for each class Start with the quick guide to publishing through GBIF.orgquick guide Data hosting options will be made available for grantees All BID projects must publish under CC-0 or CC-BY

21 EXCEL DATA PUBLISHING TEMPLATES “Low tech” solution - Data structure in Excel spreadsheets Visualize mandatory and recommended data fields for: - Checklist data - Occurrence-only data - Sampling-event data Full documentation: Checklist data: Occurrence data: Sample event data:

22 BID REPORTING REQUIREMENTS All BID templates and guidlines will be made available at Early Progress Narrative and Financial Reports –Templates available from 30 September 2016Templates –Submission deadline: 30 November 2016 Mid-term Narrative and Financial Reports -Templates available from 31 May 2017Templates -Submission deadline: 31 August 2017 Final Narrative and Financial Reports –Templates available from 31 May 2018Templates –Submission of supporting documents (i.e copy of invoices, salary slips,etc.) for the whole period –Submission deadline: 31 August 2018

23 BID COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY Guidelines available Assist with promoting projects Project pagesProject pages: -News -Events -Documents and products -Datasets This programme is funded by the European Union European Union

24 UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES FOR BID MENTORS BID capacity enhancement workshop, Kigali 22-25 August First ‘match-making’ activities Assisting with online course Assisting with follow up of knowledge dissemination plans Promoting BID in Caribbean and Pacific Capacity enhancement workshops in Caribbean and Pacific (Q2 2017)

25 NEXT STEPS Joining mailing lists Assignment of badges Public lists of BID community members Regular updates regarding opportunities Information on travel support to follow

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