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Facing the Challenge 2. © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School What is happening here?

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Presentation on theme: "Facing the Challenge 2. © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School What is happening here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facing the Challenge 2

2 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School What is happening here?

3 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Today’s Learning Objective 1. What are the barriers that stop me meeting challenges? 2. How do I dismantle those barriers?

4 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Going over the wall If people build walls to protect themselves – what might be on the other side? 1.What new challenges? 2.What kind of person do they need to be on the ‘other side’? 3.Why should they try to get over to the other side?

5 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School What factors create your barrier? Pretend I’m not interested Not asking for help I’d get upset if it went wrong Ignoring a problem Feeling shame Being resentful I’m too busyStubborn- ness Pleasing others I want to be perfect Insisting “I’m OK!” Getting angry fast I just get stressed Never being sure Lack confidence “Not good enough!” “I’m stupid!”Afraid of being lonely Making excuses I’d be on my own!!! It’s sure to go wrong! Fear of looking silly Can’t be bothered? “What’s the point?” Lack of self respect Always worrying Thinking too much over it “ How will others see me?” I don’t know why but I can’t Lying to myself

6 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School What are you protecting yourself from? Pretend I’m not interested Not asking for help I’d get upset if it went wrong Ignoring a problem Feeling shame Being resentful I’m too busyStubborn- ness Pleasing others I want to be perfect Insisting “I’m OK!” Getting angry fast I just get stressed Never being sure Lack confidence “Not good enough!” “I’m stupid!”Afraid of being lonely Making excuses I’d be on my own!!! It’s sure to go wrong! Fear of looking silly Can’t be bothered? “What’s the point?” Lack of self respect Always worrying Thinking too much over it “ How will others see me?” I don’t know why but I can’t Lying to myself

7 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Developing self awareness FactorsStatements from the previous grid Improve my self respect Too much negative thinking I need to express myself more I need more social support I’m overwhelmed by responsibility

8 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Learning Check 1.What are the barriers that stop me meeting challenges? What are the 5 factors from last lesson which stop you meeting challenges? How are these factors negatives? 2.How do I dismantle those barriers? Why have we used a wall as a comparison in this lesson? PAUSE

9 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Why do I need to get over to the other side? Remember we said, if you can get over the wall, on the other side you can be a different person. You need motivation! What kind of person could you be? How is this going to benefit you? I’ll feel better about myself, respect who I am I can be more positive, be upbeat and optimistic I can start to express my feelings better I can meet more people like me if I make the effort I won’t be overwhelmed so much, I control life!

10 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School The Challenge Look at the situation below, by facing this challenge, how can it help you achieve these positive qualities? I’ll feel better about myself, respect who I am I can be more positive, be upbeat and optimistic I can start to express my feelings better I can meet more people like me if I make the effort I won’t be overwhelmed so much, I control life! You have been invited to make a presentation to the Select Committee for Children, Schools and Families, in Parliament, on what it is like to be a young person today. This will help the government form a policy to support young people

11 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Feedback The Challenge What conclusions can you offer?

12 © Student Coaching Ltd & Colmers School Reflection Time 1.What are the barriers that stop me meeting challenges? Why is being negative a barrier to success? 2.How do I dismantle those barriers? Why do you need to be ‘self aware’? How have the 5 factors helped to dismantle the barriers to meeting a new challenge? PAUSE

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