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Building a P-3 System Page P. Meyer – Director, Early Learning Alice Humphres – Coordinator, Early Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a P-3 System Page P. Meyer – Director, Early Learning Alice Humphres – Coordinator, Early Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a P-3 System Page P. Meyer – Director, Early Learning Alice Humphres – Coordinator, Early Learning

2 Today's Learning Targets 1. Understand what building a PreK-3rd grade system means and action steps needed to get the work started. 2. Begin to develop an initial action plan for how to get the started in your district. 3.Learn about local and national resources available to you in this complex work.

3 Sustainability – The Goal How did we get here? Year 1 - 2014-2015- (RttT year 2) - Learn about the strategies indicated in Project 3B Starting Strong grant and launch immediately. Year 2 - 2015-2016 - (RttT year 3) - Sustain and grow strategies launched in the previous year. Analyze data and develop proposals long-term sustainability of effective strategies. Focus on cross division and cross sector collaboration. The road ahead... Year 3 – 2016-2017 - (Sustainability) - Identity effective programs to sustain, identify funding sources and partners, develop multi-year plan aligned with school district strategic plan.

4 Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches

5 Buckets and Goals

6 Matrix

7 KSD Matrix

8 Considering your own Matrix  Reflect on your district's early learning programming, strategies, initiatives. What currently exists?  Where would you place them the matrix?  Which buckets overlap for that program or initiative?

9 What reflections or ah ha's do you have about the Buckets and Matrix with your own work?  What is your vision for early learning in your district, building or classroom and where does it fit into the matrix?  What departments and divisions in your district have early learning in them? Are the people and programs, strategies and initiatives across the district aligned?  How does your vision/plan align with your school district's strategic plan and school board goals?  What kinds of data are available to use to measure progress?

10 What programs were sustained in KSD?  P-3 Advisory Committee  Ready for K!  Jump Start  KSD Provider/Early Learning Collaboration Events  UW P-3 Executive Leadership Institute

11 P-3 Advisory Committee Components Buckets Year 1 – 2014-2015 Establish relationships Theory of action, charge, outcomes Cross-organizational & cross- sector representation Cross sector work Continuity and pathways Data driven improvement Year 2 – 2015-2016 Identify & engage school & community based partners Develop shared language & understanding of PreK-3rd Begin transition plan work Year 3 – 2016-2017 Refine team membership Develop formal linkages with feeder preschools Develop district-wide PreK-K transition plan, define roles and responsibilities for all partners Identify metrics Distribute early learning leadership

12 Cross Sector Work: ways: A Deeper Dive

13 P-3 Advisory Committee

14  Does your district have an early learning committee? A parent committee, a community based organization committee? How can you find out?  What actions will you undertake to if you are considering an advisory committee in your planning?

15 Turn & Talk  How can the information about P-3 Advisory Teams be applied in your context?

16 Ready for K! Components Buckets Year 1 – 2014-2015 2 schools English and Spanish Programing Programming for parents of 4-5 year olds Learning Environments Family Engagement Year 2 – 2015-2016 6 schools English and Spanish Programming Programming for parents of 3-4 year olds and 4-5 year olds. Year 3 – 2016-2017 8 schools English and Spanish Programming Partnership with KYFS for Somali Programming Programming for parents of 3-4 year olds and 4-5 year olds

17 Ready for K!  What types of parent education programs are offered in your district?  What programs are district-wide and which are building specific?  What programs do you want to bring into your district?  What action steps will you take?

18 Ready for K!

19 Turn & Talk  How can the information you learned about Ready! K and parent engagement be applied in your context?

20 Jump Start Components Buckets Year 1 – 2014-2015 9 schools, 18 teachers No common curriculum No data collection under enrolled Continuity and Pathways Year 2 – 2015-2016 9 schools, 21 classes, 75+ staff Common curriculum aligned to WaKIDS, PD for all Student data collection & parent & staff surveys 260 students Parent engagement session Learning Environment Teacher Effectiveness Family Engagement Year 3 – 2016-2017 9 schools, 21 classes, 75+ staff Common curriculum, PD for all Student data collection & parent and staff surveys 400+ students Improved parent engagement Lead teacher position

21 Jump Start



24 KSD Early Learning Provider Collaboration ​ Components ​ Buckets ​ Year 1 – 2014-2015 ​ ​ RttT grant component Washington State Full Day K Requirement UW P-3 Action Research Plan Connections being made with providers ​ Teacher Effectiveness Continuity and Pathways Learning Environments Year 2 – 2015-2016 ​ ​ 3 Early Learning Provider Events Focus: Literacy, Math and Science Attended by Early Learning Providers, Kindergarten Teachers and District Administrative Staff ​ Year 3 – 2016-2017 ​ ​ 3 Early Learning Provider Events Focus: Behavior Support ​

25 Turn & Talk  How has what you have learned about Early Learning Provider Collaboration apply in your context?

26 Looking Ahead  District Strategic Plan and Goals  Strategic Data  High quality instruction PreK-3rd  Cross Department & Division Collaboration  PreK-3 Focus  PreK Focus Grant

27 UW P-3 Executive Leadership Institute ​ Components ​ Buckets ​ Year 1 – 2014-2015 ​ ​ Cohort of 4: school board member, assistant principal, coordinator of early learning and director of early learning Funding RttT Action Research Project: Early Learning Provider Outreach All Year 2 – 2015-2016 ​ ​ Cohort of 10: 2 community partners, 1 school board member, 2 central office, 4 building administrators Funding RttT Two action research projects ​ Year 3 – 2016-2017 ​ ​ Plan to send another cohort of 5-7 Funding Gates ​

28 Turn & Talk  What questions do you have about the UW PreK-3rd Grade Executive Leadership Institute?  Would this be a program you could participate in? Are there others in your organization who would be interested?  Who else can you share this program with?

29 Resources Websites:  National P-3 Center – University of Washington  Harvard Center for the Developing Child  Ready! For Kindergarten  Kent School District Early Learning Web page  Center for Quality and Early Learning  Childcare Resources

30 Resources Books  Success Kindergarten Transition: Your Guide to Connecting Children, Families and Schools by Robert Pianta, Ph.D.  Making a Difference: 10 Essential Steps to Building PreK-3 System by Linda Sullivan-Dudzic, Donna G. Gearns and Kelli Leavell  The Framework: 3rd_Framework_Legal%20paper.pdf 3rd_Framework_Legal%20paper.pdf

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