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Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands Gerard van der Steenhoven Nijmegen, December 22 nd, 2004 NIKHEF Annual Scientific Meeting ? LOFAR Gravitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands Gerard van der Steenhoven Nijmegen, December 22 nd, 2004 NIKHEF Annual Scientific Meeting ? LOFAR Gravitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands Gerard van der Steenhoven Nijmegen, December 22 nd, 2004 NIKHEF Annual Scientific Meeting ? LOFAR Gravitation Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Dark Matter Astroparticle Physics

2 WMAP results

3 Composition of the Universe Cold Dark Matter Dark baryonic matter (3.5%) Normal matter: stars (0.4%) Dark Energy Cosmic Accelaration 73% 23%

4 Evidence for Dark Matter Rotation of galaxiesGravitational lensesMicrowave background

5 Where to search for Dark Matter ? Spike around Black Hole at Galactic Centre ? Concentrations at the centres of the Sun and/or Earth? Halo of the galaxy :  ~ 0.3 GeV / cm 3, v ~ 300 km / sec

6 Search Methods  Direct searches Halo: v  300 km/s, M   100 GeV Annihilation: v  0 km/s, M   100 GeV   5100 E ( keV) 501000 E ( GeV) N N signal background E R ~ 10 keV E ~ 50 GeV e +, p, , Indirect searches

7 Dark Matters searches Gravitational capture of  ’s: Annihilation of neutralinos: in Earth, Sun, or Galactic Centre                          Observe decay neutrino: ++  

8 Define Astroparticle Physics Astronomy: –Dark matter –Cosmic acceleration –Neutrino sources –Cosmic collisions Physics: –Super symmetry –High-energy cosmics –Neutrino CP-violations –Gravitational waves

9 Astroparticle Physics (APP) Dark Matter searches – neutralinos, monopoles,… Cosmic rays (GZK-limit) – AGN’s, GRB’s,  -Quasars,… Neutrinos – oscillations, CP Gravitation – gravitat. waves

10 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Data beyond the GZK limit: new physics? CMB pion E E’

11 Cosmic acceleration mechanisms Compare to the Sun: 4  10 33 ergs/sec 10 38 ergs/s 10 46 ergs/s 10 53 ergs/s

12 DoE/NSF report ‘Quantum Universe’ The key questions: 1.Undiscovered principles: 2.Dark energy: 3.Extra dimensions: 4.Unified forces: 5.Why so many particles: 6.Dark matter: 7.Neutrinos: 8.Origin of the universe: 9.Antimatter: LHC APP 1. Beyond SM, SUSY 2. Higgs Field 3. String Theory, Gravitation 4. UH energies, p-decay 5. Top, bottom,  - physics 6. WIMPs, neutralinos 7. Mass, CP, oscillations 8. QGP, WMAP 9. CP violation

13 Present APP research in NL -astronomy, DM searches: –ANTARES HE cosmic rays, GZK limit: –LOFAR Gravitational waves: –miniGRAIL –LISA-pathfinder

14 ANTARES 0.05 km 3 -detector NIKHEF contributions: – All-Data-to-Shore –Investments: 3.5 M€ Pilot for 1 km 3 project Status: M. de Jong Science: –Dark Matter searches: WIMPS, neutralinos – -astronomy: identify point sources, diffuse -fluxes –HE cosmic rays: origin, acceleration mechanisms Antares Design

15 Expected rates: point-like sources KM3NET 1 yr  Quasars and GRBs Neutralino searches KM3NET 3 yr

16 Expected rates: diffuse fluxes Waxman-Bahcall Limit for extra- galactic sources: ~ 250 ev/yr/km 2 NT-200 DUMAND W&B MPR + NT-200 AMANDA-II/ANTARES IceCube/KM3NeT AMANDA-B10 GRB atmospheric neutrinos Mannheim et al refinement of WB-limit + indi- vidual sources. Total expected diffuse rate:  20 x ANTARES ~ 10 5 ’s/yr

17 LOFAR Radio-frequency interferometer –First measurement 10 – 250 MHz radiospectrum (0.5 tot 30 m waves) –Cosmology: early ionisation phase Project status: –Under construction in NL –Dutch investment: 52 M€ –Operations: 2008-2015 Astroparticle physics: –Cosmic rays of E > 10 14 eV –(U)HE cosmic rays (GZK limit?)

18 LOFAR - cosmics LOFAR –Radio emission CR (H. Falcke et al.) –Proof-of-principle: LOPES (Karlsruhe) –Data volume: few GB/s/station –Count-rate estimate: 5 ev/hr 1 ev/yr

19 Gravitational Wave Detectors MiniGrail @ Leiden: CuAl(6%) alloy; 1400 kg f reso = 2.9 kHz (  230 Hz) LISA 3-satellite system: 68 cm T = 20 mK 10 -4 < f reso < 10 -1 Hz L = 5 x 10 6 km

20 GW-detectors: sensitivities Mini - Grail

21 APP in NL: the challenge LOFAR-cosmics, ANTARES: –Additional exploitation resources needed MiniGRAIL, LISA-pathfinder: –No secure future funding Additional ambitions: –DM searches, astronomy: KM3NeT –HE-Cosmic rays, GZK limit: Pierre Auger – mass:KATRIN –Geo-neutrinos:EARTH → Soest VI – FOM: nice words, no resouces!

22 APP developments elsewhere US: –New astroparticle physics institutes (SLAC, FNAL) France: –New CNRS/IN2P3 directorate Germany: –New ‘Fachbereich’ –Push from BMBF: Italy: –New ‘funding chapter 2’ within INFN –Number of researchers: 200

23 APP in NL: a new approach Create an active APP community: –APP symposia (21 Jan. @ UL, 22 April @ KVI) Web-site: Take a ‘bottom-up’ approach: –“Commissie voor de Astrodeeltjesfysica in NL” (CAN) representing all active APP groups in the Netherlands Main objective of ‘CAN’: –Prepare a coherent plan for APP research in the Netherlands and acquire funding!

24 Information on CAN Activities: –Inventory of research ambitions –Informal contacts with NWO (GB-E and GB-N) –Prepare strategic plan including priority setting –Feed-back from APP community in NL Membership: –A. Achacurra, A. Achterberg, A. van den Berg, H. Falcke, B. Hertzberger, S. de Jong, J. Kuijpers, F. Linde, P.J. Mulders, G. van der Steenhoven, R. Timmermans, M. van de Weijgaert, R. Wijers.

25 Timelines 14 October 2004: –First CAN meeting at NIKHEF 15 December 2004: –End of APP inventory Januari – April 2005: –Prepare plan, set priorities, feed-back from community, iterations, etc. May – June 2005: –Submit plan to GB-E, GB-N/FOM and NWO-AB

26 APP research ambitions in NL cf. TIER1 voor LHC

27 Pierre Auger Observatory Cosmic Ray detection: –Particle detection –Fluorescence detection 3000 km 2 1600 stations 1.5 km spacing 30 events of 10 20 eV per yr

28 KATRIN Tritium  decay and m : –Goal: upper limit of 0.2 eV –Experimental set-up:

29 EARTH Earth Antineutrino Tomography: –Observe anti- up to E = 50 MeV –Geophysics: heat from the earth –Subdominant mixing angle  13 –Supernova anti-neutrinos

30 In conclusion Key issues: –Strong support astronomers and physicists –Recognize urgency of science case –Joint financing from GBE+FOM+NWO/AB For good reasons: Discovery potential of Astro- particle physics is enormous!

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