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Paper Consumption in Sweden Source: Statistics Sweden, Swedish Forest Industries Federation Million Tonnes.

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Presentation on theme: "Paper Consumption in Sweden Source: Statistics Sweden, Swedish Forest Industries Federation Million Tonnes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper Consumption in Sweden Source: Statistics Sweden, Swedish Forest Industries Federation Million Tonnes

2 Paper Consumption in Sweden 2013 by Grade Source: Statistics Sweden, Swedish Forest Industries Federation Paper Consumption 2013: 1.8 Million Tonnes (2012: 1.9 Million Tonnes)

3 Estimated Sawn Softwood Consumption in Sweden Källa: Swedish Forest Industries’ Federation, Statistics Sweden

4 Share of Integrated Pulp in the Pulp and Paper Industry 2011 Total Pulp Capacity, Million Tonnes 57 15 12 9 13 5 28 3 Source: FAO

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