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North Caroline By: Kelsey Shreve Basic State Facts State Name: North Carolina State Nickname: The Tar Heel State State Capital: Raleigh State Governor:

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2 North Caroline By: Kelsey Shreve

3 Basic State Facts State Name: North Carolina State Nickname: The Tar Heel State State Capital: Raleigh State Governor: Beverly Perdue State Abbreviation: N.C. 2 letter Postal Code: NC Area: 52,712 square miles Date Entered the Union: Nov. 21, 1789 State #: 12

4 Borders: Tennessee, Virginia, Atlantic Ocean, South Carolina, Georgia

5 State Motto: Esse quam videri (To be rather than to seem) State Flower: dogwood State Bird: cardinal State Song: "The Old North State" State Tree: pine State Mammal: gray squirrel State Fish: Channel Bass State Reptile: eastern box turtle

6 Ten Largest Cities 10 Largest Cities (in order of size): North Carolina Tennessee Charlotte 783,979 Memphis 674,028 Raleigh 406,709 Nashville 590,8073 Greensboro 270,065 Knoxville 183,546 Winston-Salem 230,345 Chattanooga 169,885 Durham 229,466 Clarksville 119,285 Fayetteville 208,291 Murfreesboro 98,407 Cary 136,203 Jackson 63,407 Wilmington 106,882 Johnson City 61,029 High Point 104,788 Franklin 57,380 Asheville 85,152 Bartlett 47,603

7 Attractions Mt. MitchellBoone’s Cave Great Smoky MountainsChimney Rock Fort BraggFontana Village Camp Lejeune Morehead Planetarium Fort RaleighNantahola Gorge Kitty HawkOcracoke Island Alamance Battleground Old Salem Bentonville BattlefieldTryon Place Biltmore Estate,

8 Agriculture What is Agriculture? What Agriculture does Tennessee have? Chicken corn cotton Cottonseed dairy products Eggs hogs peanuts potatoes soybeans tobacco

9 North Carolina Government »What is Government? »How many Branches does the United States have? The Legislative Branch makes laws for North Carolina. It is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives, which together are known as the General Assembly. The General Assembly meets several times a year in Raleigh, the state capital. The Executive Branch of government is the branch that enforces laws. The head of this branch is the governor, who is elected every four years. Along with the Governor, the Executive Branch also includes the Lieutenant Governor and many state agencies. The Judicial Branch interprets what our laws mean and makes decisions about the laws and those who break them. It is made up of several courts, the highest of which is the state Supreme Court.

10 U.S. Government

11 Standards 3.1.spi.1. recognize some of the major components of a culture (i.e., language, clothing, food, art, and music). 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective. 3.4.01 Discuss the structure and purposes of governance. a. Describe the basic structures of government in the state. b. Recognize who makes laws in the state.

12 Works Cited 5/government/branches.html 5/government/branches.html tennessees-25-largest-cities.htm tennessees-25-largest-cities.htm Google images

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